• Does the new JBoss Portal Container 2.0 JSR-286 implement In

    Like what is described here: http://blogs.sun.com/nav/entry/understanding_portlet_2_0_jsr1
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    last modified by jksmartt
  • Portlet Coordination Model for 2.7

    I have started to write the proposal for the coordination model between the JBPC and JBP 2.7. I published the document here : http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=dhfvtj95_9f5vjjsd5. I think the next step is to try to unif...
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    created by julien1
  • JBoss Portlet Container 2.0 CR2 release

    I am going to release the following for the CR2 release of the JBPC: - common 1.2.Beta3 - web 1.2.Beta3 I will not update the microcontainer above Beta9 (which is the currently used version) since we don't integrate...
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    created by julien1
  • JBoss Portlet Container 2.0 (JSR-268) support for custom por

    Hi, Does JBoss PTL Container 2.0 support custom portlet mode? I want to implement a 'edit defaults' mode and tried to add this in the portlet.xml. However no visual control shows up in the portal. I've used @RenderM...
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    last modified by jan.vissers
  • Simple portal & samples packaging

    I moved the simple portal and the samples out of the test package. The simple portal is created by the assembly plugin that packages it, for now only for JBoss AS 4.2. I need to do it for tomcat. The samples are not...
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    last modified by julien1
  • common.text package update

    I worked on the common.text package in order to: 1/ introduce concept of CharWriter (similar to java.lang.CharSequence but for write operations). 2/ introduce CharEncoder which defines an interface for encoding char...
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    last modified by julien1
  • Inter portlet communication between two portlets in differen

    Hi, I am using JBoss portal server 2.6.4. Our requirement is : I have portlet A in one page and Portlet B in the second page. Can we achieve inter portlet communication between these two portlets using event mechani...
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    last modified by msbrijesh1
  • Resource serving

    Quoting Julien The nice thing is that during resource serving you have access to the portlet request (since ResourceRequest extends PortletRequest) so you can read preferences of user and even the render parameters. ...
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    last modified by pmn92
  • Java FX in the portlet container

    Apologies if this is the wrong place for this but here goes We are considering using JavaFX inside the Portal but I've run into a problem in proof of concept when I embedded a working applet using javafx format in a ...
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    last modified by michaeljharper
  • ContentResponse properties

    Any reason why they are immutable? There's basically no way (that I found at least) to add new properties after the ContentResponse is created and it's created without properties by MimeResponseImpl.getResponse()... M...
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    last modified by claprun
  • ServletContainer.register(ServletContainerContext context) m

    Can I assume that the method needs to be present on the interface because JBoss Portal in AS is using dynamic proxies for injection ?
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    last modified by julien1
  • Portlet runtime meta data extension

    I would like to avoid to have to extend the Container*Info classes for its usage in 2.7, for several reasons: 1/ minimize the coupling (would not survive refactors) 2/ would require to introduce factories (so the bui...
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    last modified by julien1
  • Google summer of code

    I added us in the wiki page http://labs.jboss.com/wiki/GSoC I think it is a good idea to add features for our projects. I started by adding the clipping engine that Thomas started (but won't have time to finish). Tr...
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    created by julien1
  • Event debugger

    I worked a bit on the event controller context which is an interface for performing event coordination in the new portlet controller module. Here are the principles of event control: 1/ when a portlet window produce...
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    last modified by julien1
  • Identity : no more JMX services for modules ?

    Hello, in 2.6.4, I noticed that the user module, role module, etc... are not anymore some JMX service. The IdentityModuleService class is not inheriting anymore from the AbstractJBossService class. see : 2.6.0 java...
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    last modified by antoine_h
  • Registring the Custom User Portlets

    I am new .I have studied the JBoss Portal and found it suitable .I have some issues and i would like to add a Custom user Portlet in the page .then please let me know how i can add/register it in the JBoss Portal
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    created by shehzadamer
  • PortletRequestEncoder/PortletRequestDecoder

    we need to move those classes to 2.6 where they will be reused temporarily, so we can remove them from the portlet module. the reason is that they are not adapted anymore to portlet request encoding/decoding anymore....
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    created by julien1
  • portlet-api jar updated in maven repo

    I updated portlet-api jar in JBoss maven repo (http://repository.jboss.com/maven2/javax/portlet/portlet-api/2.0/) to the latest one. Because the 2.0 version was already used in the repo, maven may not update this jar...
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    created by bdaw
  • is jboss portal totaly free?

    are there any parts which are not free?
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    last modified by erezharari
  • future directions

    After reading a recent post on the user forum, it seems that a few subjects are touchy. Nevertheless there are a few topics that I like to ask: deployment: It is currently provided through xml descriptors, some info ...
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    last modified by pmn92