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Thread Regarding using JDBC SQL Handler in JBOSS Portal
Regarding using JDBC SQL Handler in JBOSS PortalI am trying to use jdbcappender.jar to insert the log4j messages into a database table using JDBCSqlHandler by creating my own SqlHandler Class as MySqlHandler The properties i have mentioned in the log4j.xml are as ...
Thread Injecting MC beans into the servlet context
Injecting MC beans into the servlet context- MC is able to pick beans from a factory. - MC is able to inject beans into a Map. given that we can have a bean factory that produces a POJO that has a Map as property. That Map is a wrapper around the ServletConte...
URLNavigator TestsI have been updating the urlnavigator testcases and fixing some issues with the file and jar urlnavigators. Would it make sense to test situations such as: 1) invalid jars: jars that have elements added or removed fr...
JSFUnit and PortletsI am still confused as to how jsf portlet applications should be tested using jsfunit. JSFUnit expects to be able to browse to a URL to access the jsf page. This is something that can't be done currently in portal. T...
DB test matrixThe actual tests have a success rate of 78.18% (1320 tests). The goal is to increase the rate to 100%. The latest tests executed by our labs are visible at http://cruisecontrol.jboss.com:80/cc/buildresults/jboss-port...