• Secure JMX Invoker

    Hello,   I have enabled authentication for the JMX invoker. However when I try to access the MBeans, I get the following error.   java.lang.SecurityException: Failed to authenticate principal=null, securi...
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    last modified by rtdesai
  • JMREM-821 Included in 2.2.3 SP1 ???

    Can someone tell me if https://jira.jboss.org/browse/JBREM-821 is included in 2.2.3 SP1?   Reading JIRA it is hard to tell because it says fixed in 2.4.0.Beta1 (Pinto) but I think 2.2.3 SP1 came out after th...
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    last modified by mikemil
  • Need help in configuring JMS with JBoss Messaging in JBoss 4.2.3

    Hi,   We were using JBoss MQ with JBoss 4.2.3. Now we have replaced JBoss MQ with JBoss Messaging by going through the migration instructions provided in the JBoss User guides.   We have a number of Client...
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    last modified by prabhun
  • Need help invoking EJB 2.0 on JBoss 4.3.0 from JBoss 4.0.5 client

    With a client on JBoss 4.0.5 invoking an EJB on JBoss 4.3.0 The client gets the error:   ERROR [org.jboss.remoting.transport.socket.SocketClientInvoker] Got marshalling exception, exiting java.io.OptionalData...
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    last modified by clivehill
  • Server restart does not appear to be noticed by Client

    Hi,   We are in the process of migrating from JBoss MQ over to JBoss Messaging, running on 4.2.3 GA.   We are using the jboss-remoting.jar from 2.2.3.  A little background, we have a Central serve...
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    last modified by mikemil
  • jms over http -  [JBossConnectionFactory] Failed to download and/or install client side AOP stack

    following the wiki page: http://community.jboss.org/wiki/EJBJMSandJNDIoverHTTPwithUnifiedInvoker   tring this line at the client side: conFactory = (ConnectionFactory)initialContext.lookup(connectionFactoryName...
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    last modified by kobiianko
  • JBOSS 5.1.0GA + EJB/JNDI over HTTPS

    Hi there,   I am trying to tunnel EJB and JNDI operations over a single HTTP(S) port by using the unified invoker.   The client application is a Swing GUI launched via webstart. The server is the stock "d...
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    last modified by jo_v
  • JBoss EJB3 remote invocation from client app

    Hi,   I'm trying to workout an EJB example with JBoss, but I'm having some trouble understanding some things, and making other things to work.   My Environment: - Windows XP; - JBoss 5.1.0.GA; - Eclipse. &...
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    last modified by zecas
  • Can't create control connection

    Nguyen Dang Quang asks:   I'm using the jboss  SocketServerInvoker for start multi Servers jboss for my  project. For now, It works on  two server run concurrency. But when I start the thirst...
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    last modified by ron_sigal
  • Is RMI dynamic class loading broken in JBoss 6?

    It works well in JBoss 5.   ejb3-connectors-jboss-beans.xml <bean name="org.jboss.ejb3.RemotingConnector"       class="org.jboss.remoting.transport.Connector">   <property ...
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    last modified by hipa
  • Invoke remote service between two diferent jboss version

    HI, I have the next problem and I wish that anyone can help me to find the best solution:   In jboss 4.3 I have an ejb module wich has a service (@Stateless) that implements a Remote Interface, in Jboss 4.2.2 I ...
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    last modified by faustodelatog
  • How to call JBoss Remoting Server from non-java (or non Remoting) client

    Moved from JBoss Remoting Development forum.     I have a potential need where I would like to use the JBoss Remoting Server only. If Server is supporting both SOCKET and HTTP, how do I access it from non...
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    created by ron_sigal
  • Detection failure delay for JMS bisocket connection

    Hi,   We have the same JBoss server (JBAS5.1.0GA) running on two different networks and a JMS client.   When the server is running on one network and if ethernet cable is pulled at the client side the fail...
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    last modified by slimamar
  • Disable Weak Ciphers for PCI-DSS

    We have to disable the weak ciphers in Jboss-4.2.3.GA (ejb3 application) for pci compliance. Can someone help me with the configuration or point me to a document that explain how to disable ciphers. Following is curr...
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    last modified by sunilbabu
  • Client hangs when get JMS connection factory

    Sometimes, my client will hang when client try to get JMS connection factory from JBoss Messaging Server. Server side exception is thrown when issue occurred: 2009-10-20 18:08:09,655 ERROR [org.jboss.remoting.transp...
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    last modified by lilin.lee
  • Invalid pointer operation?

    Has anyone seen this error before? More importantly do you know what it means? It occurs after numerous (100,000's) of successful followed by a few unsuccessful invokeOneway calls?   First error (occurs several ...
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    last modified by andyclarson
  • Application ClassNotFound within InvocationHandler.invoke() on AS6 M2

    Hi,   I'm in the process of upgrading the JBoss 6 M2 and I'm getting a ClassNotFound error within MyRemotingInvocationHandler.invoke(InvocationRequest invocation) when an applications class object is received by...
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    last modified by fatbatman
  • Remote client receives 'connection refused'

    JBoss 4.2.0 with JBoss Remoting 2.2.2SP1. The server is started with "-b"   We have a remote client using http(s) transport. On upgrading JBoss Remoting to 2.2.2SP11 (tried 2.3.x and 2.5.x also). We star...
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    last modified by sean171
  • Which Library for 4.2.3.GA

    We have 4.2.3.GA  installed in a cluster on RHEL5.4 with dual homed  nodes.   Simple 2 node cluster.   First node app has durable subscription to a topic... but does not close subscription when i...
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    last modified by bjchip
  • JBoss Remoting in AS Cluster

    Additionally to the post in the AS Clustering Community I post it also here: I configured and deployed a simple  Remoting Application into a 4.2.2 AS and run it successfully (below my  mbean-definition)....
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    last modified by medlw