• 3873 was closed suddenly

    While JBOSS5.1.0 GA running, there was an exception log in server.log like: 2012-05-30 07:43:43,176 INFO  (main)[org.jboss.bootstrap.microcontainer.ServerImpl] JBoss (Microcontainer) [5.1.0.GA (build: SVNTag=J...
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    last modified by ron_sigal
  • remote lookup of ejb failing on create()

    I have deployed my application to the latest nightly build of as7 but if I use the latest client jar to do my remote ejb calls I get a null pointer exception when I call create()   If I use the as7.1.1 final cli...
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    last modified by crazycradd

    Hi folks, I'm a beginer in Jboss.   Windows server 2003 Java 1.6.0_33 Jboss 6.1.0 Final.   I want to make remote connection to jmx. I have followed this document http://thwack.solarwinds.com/docs/DOC-1...
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    last modified by micros
  • Failed to initialize java.io.EOFException

    Hi,   I am using Jboss 5.1 AS. Remoting is 2.5.2SP2. I am getting below error consistantly.   2012-10-16 10:26:48,156 ERROR [org.jboss.remoting.transport.socket.ServerThread] (WorkerThread#2[
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    last modified by samavedulark
  • PermGen Space: OutOfMemory caused by loading the same class multiple times

    Hello Community,   in our situation we have some server side classes which the osgi-client doesn´t have in it´s classpath. The client knows only its interfaces. The implementations will be loaded fro...
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    last modified by fabian.epp
  • big outgoing traffic on remote call

    Hi!   While invoking a remote method on SLSB I have big outgoing traffic (~4KB per call). Now we have outgoing traffic 10 times bigger that incoming. I think it's strange. Here is the conent of outgoing packet...
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    last modified by berik
  • Default value of client side timeout.

    Hi,   I was wondering if someone knows the reason why the client side timeout value is set to 1800000 milliseconds (30 minutes). This seems to be a very long timeout default.   Thanks, -Reinhard
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    last modified by rnappert
  • EJB3 over HTTPS, on JBoss 4.2.3, client is still trying to use port 3873

    I have a JBoss AS 4.2.3 server configured to use the Unified Invoker, and with SSL configured, per the instructions at:   https://community.jboss.org/wiki/EJBJMSAndJNDIOverHTTPWithUnifiedInvoker and https://co...
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    last modified by prhodes_osi
  • Change Client SSL Certificate Without Restarting JVM?

    My client needs to connect to a JBoss server using different credentials at different times. I have a customised SSLSocketBuilder that successfully loads different keystores at the appropriate times. When changing cli...
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    last modified by mchenderson
  • Does Remoting allow load testing that 'simulates' a number of clients

    Sorry if this is not the correct forum - please direct me to the correct forum, if that is the case.   Our application is a POS application that runs JNLP started remote clients using EJB 2.1.    ...
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    last modified by mikemil
  • WorkerThread exception occured .... InvocationTargetException / SocketTimeoutException

    Hallo,   my App calls only one method in a SFSB. I can call this method for example 40 times in short time (per mouse click) and after this, I get a exception inside serverlog.   First the WorkerThread#1 ...
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    last modified by redcar
  • Find Client SSL Certificate for a given Invocation?

    I am using JBoss 4.2.3 and am invoking a certificate-based login service over an SSL connection.   The client provides a certificate when setting up the SSL connection and it is supposed to provide the same cert...
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    last modified by mchenderson
  • How to use always the same port for ejb-call

    Hallo,   is it possible, that the calls of a client to a sfsb or slsb uses allways only one port? How do I have to configure this for JBoss 5.1.0 GA?   The client connects to the server sfsb an calls ever...
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    last modified by redcar
  • errors in production

    ERROR [org.jboss.seam.remoting.Remoting] Error org.dom4j.DocumentException: Error on line -1 of document  : Premature end of file. Nested exception: Premature end of file. at org.dom4j.io.SAXReader.read(SAXRea...
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    last modified by pkollipara
  • Is there a way to avoid a proxy server closing Jboss HTTPS connection on long requests?

    We have a client/server application running on Jboss 5.1.0.GA with JbossRemoting 2.5.3.SP1. Clients make remote EJB3 calls to the server using https which is routed through a proxy server. The jndi.properties includ...
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    last modified by klease
  • ERROR [org.jboss.seam.remoting.Remoting] Error org.dom4j.DocumentException: Error on line -1 of document  : Premature end of file. Nested exception: Premature end of file.      at org.dom4j.io.SAXReader.read(SAXReader.java:482)      at org.dom4j.io.SAXReader.read

    I am getting the following error in production,and this error is not showing any file name too.How to solve these kind of issues
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    created by pkollipara
  • Server behind the NAT firewall (again)

    JBoss 5.0.1, EJB 3. Server is running on computer which doesn't have remote IP only local   Got exception "Caused by: org.jboss.remoting.CannotConnectException: Can not get connection to server. Problem establis...
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    last modified by egiva
  • meet hang on call a ejb, add a timeout property in jboss-server.xml?

    Hi, I'm doing a nagative case for my application, a client to call a ejb server. (client and server is on different machine), when ejb call reach server side, unplug the server machine network. (by using debug to su...
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    last modified by freeliuade
  • A question on ConnectionValidator

    Hi,            In remoting3 I don't see the ConnectionValidator class.  In the earlier versions we could use the ConnectionValidator class and addConnectionListn...
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    last modified by ksreen
  • Jboss Remoting 2.5.1 in Jboss 5.1.0GA and potential memory leak

    Hi Guys,   we use jboss 5.1.0 and default jboss-remoting that comes with it (2.5.1). We have some OutOfMemoryExceptions and the issue seems to be coming from BiSocketServerInvoker. here is the info from Eclipse ...
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