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Thread Using TransactionalDriver with JBoss Modules
Using TransactionalDriver with JBoss ModulesThis post is taken from a discussion raised in JBTM-2280 Using TransactionalDriver with JBoss Modules is proving difficult because the way it is implemented creates a circular dependency between narayana and th...
Thread WildFly 8.1 + MSSQL XA DataSource cannot handle JPA and JDBC in parallel
WildFly 8.1 + MSSQL XA DataSource cannot handle JPA and JDBC in parallelWhen using an EJB with REQUIRED transaction attribute and MSSQL XA DataSource we often get Lock Timeouts. We have loaded an JPA entity, in the corresponding table one attribute is updated with JDBC (DataSource.getCon...
JBoss 5.1.2 support xa-datasource?It works fine for local-tx-datasource.. But for xa-datasource , it's not accepting the parameter.. Exception as per below: Caused by: org.jboss.resource.JBossResourceException: Could not find accessor o...
Integrate IJ Tracer and NTA toolThe IronJacamar tracer produces machine-readable codes at a special TRACE log category at key points during the entire interaction of the ConnectionEventListener making it easy to apply tooling of the data colle...
Thread How is the XA Enlistment Problem typically solved in a JEE environment
How is the XA Enlistment Problem typically solved in a JEE environmentHello, I am trying to create a standalone application that runs outside of a JEE container and am wondering how the different standards like JTA, JNDI and JCA are playing together to solve what some people cal...
Premature transaction timeout.Hi, Since this hibernate HHH-7689 issue has been fixed I have been able to use an internal benchmark. The benchmark uses jdbc batching to prepare initial data for a benchmark run with a relational database like Post...
Proposed SPI change to XAResourceWrapperI would like to add an extra method to org.jboss.tm.XAResourceWrapper so that we can look up the resource manager id of the RM that created the wrapped resource. We need it since, in the case of hornetq, the jndi name...
Thread Using Narayana JTA standalone and enlisting multipe resources
Using Narayana JTA standalone and enlisting multipe resourcesHi, I've been looking at the wide world of standalone JTA implementations. ( Narayana || Anjuna || JBossTS ) seem very, very powerful, and I'm keen to get it working. Thus far, I have the following : https://g...
Thread Rollback not working -> also not in quickstart example
Rollback not working -> also not in quickstart exampleHi, I have an issue right now in my framework related to not correct transactional behaviour in combination with hibernate. What I want to achieve is a standalone framework which uses narayana-jta for the transactio...
Thread Periodic Recovery Exception, usually on startup.
Periodic Recovery Exception, usually on startup.05:42:39,701 WARN [com.arjuna.ats.jta] (Periodic Recovery) ARJUNA016027: Local XARecoveryModule.xaRecovery got XA exception XAException.XAER_RMERR: org.postgresql.xa.PGXAException: Error rolling back prepared tr...
Thread Can Narayana be used outside an application server?
Can Narayana be used outside an application server?Hi all, I 've read this article a couple of times already, Clarification on the use of the Transaction bridge in a inbound bridging Still, as this is a quite old post, I 'd like to ask if narayana ca...
Thread btadmin startup checking blocked with blacktie 5.0.2
btadmin startup checking blocked with blacktie 5.0.2Hi, I have a bug with the 5.0.2 final version with the little quickstart xatmi/fooapp. I seems blocked when is checking host (I wait a long time) : If I change only %BLACKTIE_HOME% in 5...
Error starting blacktie-admin-services.earHi, Using JDK 1.7.0_60, wildfly 8.1.0-Final and Blacktie 5.0.2-Final I have this error : 23:32:43,671 INFO [org.jboss.as.server.deployment] (MSC service thread 1-2) JBAS015973: Starting subdeploy...