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Thread Moving to googlegroups
Moving to googlegroupsForums hosted at developer.jboss.org will become read-only archives at the end of this month so I am replacing them with one or more google groups. We currently have a dev space and a user space and I can think of thr...
Narayana transactional JDBC driver questionsHello; I had a few questions about the proper usage of the Narayana transactional JDBC driver. Suppose I have Narayana JTA running (as a JTA-compliant transaction manager). Suppose further I have a JPA i...
Narayana on KubernetesHi Guys, Ive never used Narayana before. We need to use a transaction manager in our kubernetes based architecture. I am looking for documentation and guidance relative to this. The one project that I...
Thread Benchmark between different versions of Narayana JTA
Benchmark between different versions of Narayana JTAHi, We have an application running using narayana 5.5.32.Final. We recently upgraded it to narayana 5.9.0.Final. We are seeing a 10% performance degradation. Is there any benchmark available for between versions?
Aborting with 1 threads activeHi, from time to time our log file ends with WARN : [com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.coordinator.BasicAction_58] - Abort of action id 7f000002:a108:48b40e06:282b06e invoked while multiple threads active within it.
WARN : [com....
Thread Transaction is already completed - do not call commit or rollback more than once per transaction when using narayana transaction manager with kie-server-spring-boot-starter and SQL server 2017. It works for for other databases like mysql and postgres sql
Transaction is already completed - do not call commit or rollback more than once per transaction when using narayana transaction manager with kie-server-spring-boot-starter and SQL server 2017. It works for for other databases like mysql and postgres sql
Quarkus in Google App EngineHi, I'm developing a Quarkus app for Google App Engine (standard environment). As soon as I add the quarkus-hibernate-orm dependency I start getting this error: WARN [com.arj.ats.common] (main) ARJUNA...
STM in QuarkusHi there, Here are some quick comments based on my reading of https://quarkus.io/guides/stm-guide It's a bit unfortunate that the STM engine uses @Transactional (org.jboss.stm.annotations.Transactiona...
How to monitor/inspect the lra-coordinatorI 'm experimenting Camel SAGA EIP with Narayana lra-coordinator implementation. Is there a way to track a SAGA transaction/request from the lra-coordinator? I mean, from SAGA start to end... How many sagas co...
LRA coordinator can be scaled?I'm going to use LRA coordinator in pair with apache camel in a Saga implementation. I would like to know more about the scalability and failover of LRA.
Thread Why WildFly model does not offer operation to force recovery to be run
Why WildFly model does not offer operation to force recovery to be runOn working on task [CLOUD-2262] Provide support for transaction recovery for transactions which contain subordinate transactions propagated… I was asked by jmesnil why is the recovery scan not exposed as a mana...
lra-service-base missing?Hello; I'd like to verify that although many Narayana LRA-related artifacts exist: https://search.maven.org/classic/#search%7Cga%7C1%7Cg%3A%22org.jboss.narayana.rts%22 …lra-service-base, which ...
Article Building Narayana and updating WildFly modules
Building Narayana and updating WildFly modulesFrom beginning I work with Narayana on WildFly I struggle to build Narayana and update WildFly modules with the changes coming from the new build. This is necessary especially when working with some patches or fixes N...
BaseTransactionalDriverXAConnection.validTransaction methodSorry if I'm not seeing something... why double check the equality of the object of the transaction? public final boolean validTransaction(javax.transaction.Transaction tx) {
Thread How to use the jdbc object store in the standalone application
How to use the jdbc object store in the standalone applicationHi all, I'm working on the sharding-sphere issue to save the transaction logs into the backend database for the cloud native environment. I think it could use the jdbc object store type and this example should...
Three-phase commit protocol (3PC)Since reading Mark Little’s article [1] I have been trying to find time to further understand where three phase commit can be applied. I also read a nice summary article on Wikipedia[2] but was still missing the...
ConnectionManager leak?Hi, I followed one of the demos of hibernate and I made a small test project with some integration tests using one of the ConnectionManager that are distributed in narayana-jta-5.9.5.Final.jar Apparently after...
Newbie's questions about lra-examples?Hi, I tried to understand how LRA working, so I tried to build lra-examples, version 5.9.5 final.branch/ 1) The following artifacts missed: microprofile.lra, version 1.0-20190122.071206-242 lra-service-bas...