• Running tests against the real transaction manager

    I've updated all the org.jboss.test.tm tests to run inside the appserver so they test the real transaction manager rather than TxManager. These were mainly stress tests of the TransactionLocal. The good news is that ...
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    last modified by adrian.brock
  • IIOP stub compiler design problem

    Francisco or anyone else who had a hand in the IIOP framework for JBossAS 4.0.5: I'm deploying an EJB (v2 vintage) into JBossAS 4.0.5 and trying to access it from another EJB, using RMI/IIOP. It works fine until I ne...
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    last modified by jhalliday
  • Removal of JBossTM from JBossAS trunk

    Adrian has already specified the removal of JBossTM from JBossAS trunk here: http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBAS-4516 This is however scheduled for GA. I think it would make a lot more sense to perform those tasks...
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    last modified by dimitris
  • Corba TxServerInterceptor in JBoss Head

    This was commented out in the iiop-service.xml in jboss-head with a message about using JBoss JTS. While that is all well and good, tx propogation should fail (RemoteException) if JBoss JTS is not being used (the def...
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    created by adrian.brock
  • Metadata Support for Transactional Web Services

    Hi, I have been working on support for transactional Web Services (with accordance to the Business Activity model described in the WS-BusinessActivity specification) for some time and I am close to releasing the firs...
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    last modified by maciej.machulak
  • TransactionManager doesnt allow to configure bind address

    Aparently there is no configuration parameter to specify bind IP for TM to listen (as far as I now) and TM allways binds to all interfaces on machine. In JBoss App Srv ver. 4.2 configuration, TM creates 3 efemeric po...
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    last modified by jgra
  • Don;t use JIRA as a discussion forum!

    JIRA is not for discussion it is the release notes. If you want to discuss issue raise forum threads here. e.g. This garbage: http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBAS-4481 which should really have been raised as http:/...
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    last modified by adrian.brock
  • org.jboss.ejb.plugins.TxInterceptorCMT.endTransaction handli

      try { // Marked rollback if (tx.getStatus() == Status.STATUS_MARKED_ROLLBACK) { tx.rollback(); } else { // Commit tx // This will happen if // a) everything goes well // b) app. exception was thro...
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    last modified by dimitris
  • JBossTS Tx timeout (with CMT beans)

    I was seeing random failures with org.jboss.test.tm.test.TxTimeoutUnitTestCase - testOverriddenTimeoutExpires() The timeout is set to 5'' while the bean is actually waiting 8'' inside a method. Some times the asynchr...
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    last modified by dimitris
  • XTS source folders

    Not really sure if this should be posted here. But it seems to fit better here than in the user forum. I've downloaded the JBossTS source tree, and I can see that the XTS source code is split in five folders: WSAS, W...
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    last modified by ivanneto
  • Calling Synchronization.afterCompletion() more than once

    Can a Synchronization's afterCompletion() method be called more than once, e.g in a recovery scenario or something? I'm wondering because I wrote some unit tests that check for classloader leaks following an undeploy...
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    last modified by brian.stansberry
  • Versions

    What is the difference between the jbossts and jbossts14 releases? I thought jbossts14 was just the jdk14 compatible version, but there are not equivalent versions under each: [starksm@succubus jboss]$ ls jbossts 4...
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    last modified by starksm64
  • XAResourceRecovery close?

    I'm implementing an XAResourceRecovery class which creates an XAConnection to the jms server, gets the XAResource and returns that in the getXAResource() method. This is all fine, but I can't find any lifecycle metho...
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    created by timfox
  • ObjectStoreDir location

    I've notice JBossTS when used in JBossAS, by default, uses: JBOSS_HOME/bin/PutObjectStoreDirHere to store tx recovery info. We don't store data in the bin dir. Actually, I would expect the correct location to be in...
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    last modified by dimitris
  • JBoss TS JTA - unsetting current transaction association

    If I do the following: txMgr.begin(); Transaction tx = txMgr.getTransaction(); tx.commit(); tx = txMgr.getTransaction(); assertNull(tx); The assertion fails (I would expect the tx.commit() to cause the asso...
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    last modified by timfox
  • JBossTS jar names

    I'm switching JBossAS 4.2 to JBossTS JTA. The jar names would look a lot better/uniform with an extra '-'. jboss-jta.jar jboss-jta-integration.jar jboss-ts-common.jar Maybe that could be fixed in repository.jboss.co...
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    last modified by dimitris
  • getRollbackOnly() and async rollback

    FYI: I've just applied the extended getRollbackOnly() check in the JBossAS and EJB3 codebases: http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBAS-3847 http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/EJBTHREE-805
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    created by dimitris
  • jbossjta-properties.xml in 4.2.2GA

    Why are the recovery extension properties declared twice in the 4.2.2.GA sample jbossjta-properties.xml file? This causes all kinds of endless frustration to the hapless developer.. <?xml version="1.0" encoding=...
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    last modified by juha
  • Please help me ..

    Good eveing Mr scott stark.. thank you for your kindness!!. I cheked out Jboss-transaction in Eclipse 3.2.1/workspace using anonymous@anoncvs.forge.jboss.com /cvsroot/jboss. I did Ant-build in Eclipse using build.xm...
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    created by skybear.bead314
  • Tell Method of building and debugging !!!

    I am a Jboss development beginner. I can not build and dubug transaction source code for jboss (Eclipse 3.2.1) Where I can get actual source code??? How build , debug??? How use Eclipse??? In the future I'll be e...
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    last modified by skybear.bead314