• Writing the ThreadName in AccessLogValue

    Hi, I am using Jboss EAP 4.2 GA and I want to write the thread name in the access log using "%I" pattern. But seems that this is not yet supported in Jbossweb. I decompiled the code of Jbossweb.jar and I didnt find t...
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    created by vijayamaladoss
  • ASP.NET Module

    Is the ASP.NET Module included in the current download? What version of ASP.NET does it support 1.1 or 2.0? Are you using the Mono? Thanks Jim
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    last modified by jimalbert
  • How to deploy ASP.NET application on JBOSS serverr

    Hi, I have heard that JBOSS server supports ASP.NET . Can any one tell me how to deploy ASP.NET application on JBOSS server ? its urgent....
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    last modified by pavankumarchowdary.v
  • HTTP request parameters lost during POST  (JBAS-5645)

    Hi, My post relates to https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBAS-5645 I request a secured URL via a form with a post. Something like this: <form method="POST" action="userHome" name="userHomeForm"> <input t...
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    created by gs03ann
  • HTTP request parameters lost during POST  (JBAS-5645)

    Hi, My post relates to https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBAS-5645 I request a secured URL via a form with a post. Something like this: <form method="POST" action="userHome" name="userHomeForm"> <input t...
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    created by gs03ann
  • jbossweb version bundled with JBoss 4.2.3

    Hi all, Can anybody tell me wich version of JBossWeb is included in JBoss 4.2.3 in order to download its source code? This link http://sourceforge.net/project/shownotes.php?release_id=614346&group_id=22866 specif...
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    last modified by frandiaz83
  • Install JbossWeb in JBoss 4.0.5, possible ?

    Hello, Do you think that is possible to replace jbossweb-tomcat55.sar in JBoss 4.0.5 by a jboss-web-deployer from JBoss 4.2.0 ? Im trying, but I have a problem with this class : java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.jbos...
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    created by boby
  • Where is JBoss Web Server 2.0.1.GA ?

    According to the front page of the Jboss Web site (http://labs.jboss.com/jbossweb/) its been released, but the link takes you to the download page. However on the download page there is no JBoss Web Server 2.0.1.GA. S...
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    last modified by charlie.mas
  • ...no shutdown log?

    Hello, I'm using the x86 version of jboss-web 2.0.4 to create/control a Windows service for my JBossAS 4.2.2 install. I've noticed that, when controlling the service in this configuration, JBossAS shutdown log detai...
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    last modified by nhelder
  • jboss-web for PHP

    Can any one help me for execute the php scripts in the JBOSS AS. I have already configured PHP in jboss as like in the http://www.jboss.org/jbossweb/modules/php/index.html but it not supporting some extension librar...
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    created by rampicos
  • Running JBoss Web Server on Solaris Intel

    We are currently wanting to use JBoss Web Server 1.01 GA as our application/web server as opposed to JBoss AS 4.2 due the large number of concurrent users we are expecting (+-36000 concurrent users). The hardware that...
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    last modified by andrew.dersley
  • Problem change default prot 8080 to 80 without root account

    I have installed jbossweb-1.0.1.GA,it works fine with root account. But I want it would work with other account. Then I edited in the jbossweb-1.0.1.GA/server/default/deploy/jbossweb.sar/server.xml change Connect...
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    last modified by ibearz
  • AJP CLOSE_WAIT fixed in 4.2.0.GA_CP02

    Dear listeners According to this old issue http://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBPAPP-366, the AJP CLOSE_WAIT problem has been fixed in 4.2.0.GA_CP02. Unfortunately I cannot find a tag or branch that would reflect tha...
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    created by patmau
  • Tuning JBoss Web layer

    I am porting a weblogic app to JBoss. This app handles heavy volumes of requests. These requests do not involve any I/O operations (DB, Network) still I get higher response times with JBoss as compared to Weblogic. Wh...
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    created by kannanrv
  • User authentication

    Hello, I am developping a voice application (using voxeo platform) that interacts with a JBoss AS and need user authentication. I would like to use some authentication technique that is similar to the form based auth...
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    created by sardagh
  • Comet and chunk transfer encoding

    With the Comet API, how are you supposed to know when the input has ended when you have chunked transfer encoding? Thanks
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    created by bill.burke
  • AprEndpoint$Acceptor blocking on accept.

    Hi, We are having a problem with Apache APR with JBossESB (http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBESB-1378). The problem we have is that we need to be able to redeploy our services but the port we are using is still in...
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    last modified by beve
  • Anyone else have problems with Windows Update ~12/14/07?

    One of my sysadmins set up JBoss AS to run with JBoss Web Native. Everything was working fine up until yesterday when the service wouldn't start... Yesterday three things happened... and any of them could have caused...
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    last modified by jcg3
  • Problem Jboss Web with SSl

    Hi Guys, can someone help me to solve this problem given below, When i put my server.keystore file in the "${jboss.server.home.dir}/conf/server.keystore" . and run Jboss server i got this error!!! java.lang.ClassNo...
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    last modified by amit_verma
  • Service not starting

    Installed service as discribed in "README-service.txt". But service could not be started because of an unknown error. I found out that when "/native" dir with the provided .dll's is located under /bin path and I try ...
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    created by hispeedsurfer