• drools application on the web

    Hi guys, i'm pretty new in drools, and maybe it's a dummy question for you, but, i would like to run a project of drools on the web, and i don't know how to export/import my it, and how configure my web server to be ...
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    created by voxy
  • acceptNonWarDirs questions

    The management interface of AbstractWebContainer contains a JMX attribute AcceptNonWarDirs that when positionned to true accept any deployable containing a /WEB-INF/web.xml resource. 1/ the migration of this MBean to...
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    last modified by julien1
  • Getting java.lang.ClassCastException: org.apache.catalina.connector.RequestFacade cannot be cast to javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest

    Hi,   When I add the javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; HttpSession userSession = ServletActionContext.getRequest()                 ...
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    last modified by tangetiravi
  • Jboss BMP problem

    public interface HelloWorldHome extends javax.ejb.EJBHome{ public void create() throws java.rmi.RemoteException, com.MyException; } --This is a BMP-- public class HelloWorldBean implements EntityBean{ ----implement...
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    created by shivey
  • Strange behaviour of org.xml.sax.EntityResolver.resolveEntity method on JBOSS

    Hi,   The peice of code that i want to discuss, parses a custom XML using SAXParser. The main class contains following code: SAXParserFactory parserFactory = SAXParserFactory.newInstance(); parserFactory.setV...
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    last modified by shivey
  • How to set up multiple connectors for multiple web applications in one JBoss instance?

    Hi All,   I want to separate web applications for different connectors, something like: 1. 2.   How can I make this happen?   Thanks in adv...
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    created by bitisony
  • Does JBoss support NIO connector?

    Hi All,   I tried to config connector supported NIO, but failed. Would you like to tell me how to config connector with NIO? My configuration of server.xml as:         <Connector p...
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    last modified by bitisony
  • JBossWeb. Where did it all started?

    Hi, I am currently in the process of playing with Tomcat and JBossWeb especially in the performance area. I think you have done a great job since the results have shown that (using my real life example application) JB...
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    last modified by thebravoman
  • jbosssvc.exe on Windows 7

    Hello, I experiencing a problem of registering JBoss AS on Windows 7 machine as a service. This command runs fine: service.bat install However the service does not appear in the service list. jbosssvc.exe does not ret...
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    last modified by ydench
  • Selenium Test

    I am having problems selenium testing the datascroller we use on our dataTable....it is defined as such: <f:facet name="footer"> <rich:datascroller id="#{ids.dataScroller}" for="dataTable/> </f:facet&g...
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    created by gurleyc1
  • HTTPOnly

    Hi All, Im new to Jboss and need help from you experts please. Does anyone know if Jboss support HTTPOnly cookie attribute? If so, on what versions? and how to you enable it? Hope im not asking too much Many thanks
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    created by suminda
  • how to run CGI scripts under JBOSS

    Hi , I am new to JBOSS APPLICATION SERVER. Could you pls provide me some useful info to run CGI FILES UNDER JBOSS APPLICATION SERVER. I downloaded jboss-4.2.0.GA. AND ALSO JBOSSWEB. Regards Ongole
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    last modified by iamfromongole
  • No META-INF/application.xml found

    Hi, I'm working with JBoss 4.0.4 GA and jdk 1.5.0_14 with Eclipse 3.3.2 Europe. I'm working for a big project developed from many companies. The main company often send us some libreries (.jar) updates. All worked fin...
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    last modified by puellula
  • DB connection problem on JBoss/Linux

    Hi Folks, I'm having problems in connecting to a mySql DB through JDBC on JBoss. I'm using the following code. try { String userName = "admin"; String password = "m9ad3e"; String url = "jdbc:mysql://hh-linux1/...
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    created by sbutt
  • web.xml + jsp deployment problem on Jboss

    Hi people, I have an eclipse project that has 1 servlet and 1 jsp page. I'm having problem in deployment on Jboss. The servlet works fine but jsp is not accessible. The structure of my web.xml file is as follows: &...
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    created by sbutt
  • HttpOnly session cookie flag for JBoss servlets

    Hello. Are there any plans to support the HttpOnly cookie flag in the session cookie (JSESSIONID) of JBoss? Tomcat is on route to support this security flag. As a side note, the HttpOnly cookie flag blocks JavaScript...
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    last modified by jmanico
  • JSP Pages are not compiling in JBoss5.1.0GA

    Hi Folks, We have developed an webapplication and we deployed in JBoss4.0.1sp1 application is running fine. One week back we downloaded JBoss5.1.0GA and we deployed the same application in JBoss5.1.0GA, but we are g...
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    created by m.sudharsana
  • The body of the request is lost when you send the POST metho

    Hello! I have a critical issue, most likely associated with JBossWeb-2.0.1.GA (Tomcat 5.5.X). ------------------------------ My environment: OS: RHEL 5 x86 or x86-64; JVM: sun-jdk- or jrockit-R27.5.0-jdk1.6.0...
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    created by johnbat26
  • Exploding Deployment contents in AbstractWarDeployer

    When using a vfsmemory:// archive as my deployment root, I'm finding that the full contents aren't copied into the un-jarred root used by AbstractWarDeployer. This means that any in-memory resources are missing from t...
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    last modified by alrubinger
  • How to create a web share in jboss

    Hi everyone, I need to expose a folder as a web shared folder in jboss so that a user can add that folder, for example, in his "My network places" under windows xp. Is this possible with the out of the box JBoss or d...
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    created by asilviu