• WS-security and username token auth. with jbossas 6.0

    I'm trying to secure a webservice throw username token authentication. I've found this tutorial http://community.jboss.org/message/338347#338347 and other similar sources but I have a problem with the endpoint config...
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    last modified by apolci
  • JBoss AS 7.1.1 - SOAPFaultException constructor argument javax.xml.soap.Detail with Throwable instance

    I'm in the process of migrating a web service (JAX-RPC) running in Weblogic to JBoss AS 7.1.1, the web service throws a exception like this,               ...
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    created by syau
  • WS-Policy sets

    Just saw the post on the WS-Policy sets in the next major release and it is a great idea.  I'm writing some JBoss web service training for my company and we are actually suggesting to people that they go with Apa...
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    last modified by stuart_wildcat
  • javax.xml.ws.WebServiceException: Cannot create proxy

    Hi Friends,   Am facing an exception while invoking  webservice. Please help me to resolve this.   Server - JBoss 4.2, I have two nodes created in the server that is nodeA and nodeB.   nodeA ...
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    created by syed.azharsultan
  • Migrating secured WS from JBoss 5.1 to 7.1.1

    Hi,   I've been migrating one of our projects from JBoss 5.1 to 7.1.1, all was done without too much problems but I'm stuck on the security configuration for a Web Service (which does not have WS-Security Policy...
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    last modified by xdury
  • how to migrate jboss-wsse-server.xml setting of jboss 5 to jboss 7.1?

    As you know, ws-security in jboss 5 was implemented with jboss-wsse-server.xml like below :   === jboss-wsse-server.xml ====== <jboss-ws-security xmlns="http://www.jboss.com/ws-security/config"  xmlns:x...
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    last modified by aupres
  • JBoss Configuration to setup SOAP Request timeout

    Hi, I am looking to config timeout value for SOAP request at the JBoss application server level.  Looks like the change can be made at WS client code level, however, I am trying to avoid making code change and ma...
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    created by spatel30
  • custom WS namespace prefix?

    Hi, Is there a way to specify a custom namespace prefix for a web service?   I'm currently developing under jboss AS7.1.3   I've read that creating a package-info.java with the following content should do...
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    last modified by gmlopezdev
  • wsconsume, how to access HTTP Basic secured WSDL

    Hi,   I have to implement a webservice client for ou JEE application which accesses a webservice on a SAP system. The webservice's WSDL is secured with HTTP Basic authentication. Unfortunately I couldn't find o...
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    last modified by j_ri
  • org.apache.cxf.phase.PhaseInterceptorChain NullPointerException

    Hi, I'm currently developing a web service under jboss AS7.1.3 and need to move the web service location from /myApp/MyService to /myApp/services/MyService.   I've found out that this could be achieved by confi...
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    last modified by gmlopezdev
  • what will be the output of resteasy encryption..

    Hi Everyone, i am doing resteasy encryption using s/mime.after encrypting i get this output of json: output: {"genericType":null, "type":"..", "certificate": {"name":"x509", "signature":"PrJ+.........so on" "b...
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    created by amit02.sharma12
  • Exception_Exception generated class with wsconsume

    Hi  folks,     I`m generating the stubs with wsconsume plugin for maven to use in JBoss 7 (tutorial and doc), but when all classes are created, the exception classes don`t extend Exception (for example...
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    created by gabriel.ozeas
  • Rest WS - services list

    Hi All!   I'm newbe in RESTful. I've some experience in Tomcat + Axis2 but no with REST. My question is: When I want to see the list of services in a web services, I can see the WSDL, but when I use REST? How I ...
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    created by logandtr
  • calling Web Service Method Through wsdl

    I have a web application which calls the web service methods through wsdl. The wsdl url is successfully browsed through web browser but get following exception while calling webservice through web application deployed...
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    created by suniel
  • ClassCastException using CXF 2.7.0 JAX-RS Client in JBoss AS7

    I have trouble with CXF 2.7.0 in a JBoss AS7 environment. There is a classpath conflict with the RESTEasy Response class: Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException: org.jboss.resteasy.core.ServerResponse cannot be cas...
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    last modified by mathewvino
  • Problem with Async calls when using "Spring based in-container Bus creation"

    Hi,   This post is in continuation with previous one (see https://community.jboss.org/message/802369#802369).   In this context, an in-container JAX-WS client, leveraging a Spring-base configuration (cxf.x...
  • where i get this org.jboss.resteasy.security.smime.EnvelopedOutput type in jboss,is their  any liberary?

    in which liberary or jar org.jboss.resteasy.security.smime.EnvelopedOutput class contains in jboss i am using jboss 6 i am not getting it from jboss6, is there any external jar ? if any please tell me   please h...
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    created by amit02.sharma12
  • Is it possible to configure JAX-WS services with an external descriptor?

    Hi, I had to manage a situation similar to https://community.jboss.org/thread/146575 where a JBoss instance publishes a JaxWs service (annotated with @WebService) on plain http:// on an internal network, and an ext...
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    last modified by carlo.bonamico
  • Resteasy encryption using jboss

    i have made one web service now i want to encrypt that json data using  rest easy encryption at server side   in this i generate the certificate by Java keytool command-line interface.   @Path("/All")...
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    created by amit02.sharma12
  • How to turn swaref XSD offline JBoss WS Native 3.0.4.GA

    I'm running a Webservice on JBoss Ws Native 3.0.4.GA (under JBoss AS 4.2.3.GA) that uses swaref to work along with soap attachments.   Today my wsdl imports (as shown below) the schema from a remote location, bu...
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    last modified by eduardo.mello.cantu