• Local Webservice lifecycle callbacks

    Hello,   In my EAR application some business code must be executed directly after a certain local Webservice is available during or immediately after the deployment of the EAR. The local webservice is implemented...
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    created by frolovmx
  • Publishing a Restful Service API

    My team and I have been developing a middle-tier Restful Service using jaxrs; that is, we are making use if the @Get, @Post, @Path("..."), etc. java annotations.  We have two front-end teams which are developing ...
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    created by jeffery.powell
  • JBossWS - Authentication

    This page explains the simplest way to authenticate a web service user with JBossWS. First we secure the access to the SLSB as we would do for normal (non web service) invocations: this can be easily done through the...
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    last modified by vgarmash
  • JBoss 5.0.1.GA, JBossWS 3.0.5, JDK 1.6 - java.lang.Unsupport

    Hello! I'm trying to call a simple web service with following configuration: 5.0.1.GA, JBossWS 3.0.5, JDK 1.6.0_14. Details below. Callin the service gets the following exception: 11:33:16,163 ERROR [SOAPFaultHel...
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    last modified by afluegge
  • Operation does not have a return value

    Hello,     when I call a JBoss Web Service method, I get a fatal error with the above message. What could be the reason? Below is the whole exception. The error happens randomly (many times a day). In the r...
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    created by skasab2s
  • Restful WS implementation in  jboss java.lang.ClassCastException: org.exoplatform.services.rest.impl.RuntimeDelegateImpl

    Hi,   Trying to use the RESTful ws in jboss. I am getting a following exception. It seems there may be a jar conflict. I even removed exo.ws.rest.core-2.1.1-GA.jar from the .m2/repository folder even then i am g...
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    created by nikhildole24
  • No managed connection available within the configured blocking timeout 30000 millis

    Hi All,   I am using Jboss AS 7.2.0 and I have configured around 11 datasources.   I am getting No managed connection available within the configured blocking timeout 30000 millis I tried below options: ...
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    created by ravipatil080
  • JBOSS-WS verify password Digest manually at the server

    I am using jboss 5.1.0.GA and jbossws-3.1.2.GA.   I am attempting to verify the password digest on the server side outside of the Jaas module like so   private void testSHA(String nonce, String created, S...
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    last modified by kenbarnes
  • How do i make wsse username and password token work :( ?

    Hello, I am sure this has been asked before But i am not able to find a clear tutorial as to how do I get this to work. I have spent two whole days on this, trying to dig out any documentation that explains in layman'...
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    created by georgemathias
  • My JBOSS application frequently getting hanged...

    Hi There, I am using JBOSS Version 4.2.3.GA.   Architecture - Client --> Apache --> JBOSS --> Apache ---> Client.   Every request goes to JBOSS via Apache only. For the past 4 days, application...
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    created by sadheeshan
  • Resteasy, handling and logging of WebApplicationException

    Resteasy logs a stracktrace for all WebApplicationExceptions, which is not what I was expecting. My expectation was that Resteasy would catch this exception and return an appropriate response, but not log the exceptio...
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    last modified by jrinderle
  • What's the different between jboss as ,jboss as web,jboss web,jboss web services?

    I am new jboss,the four pruducts confuse me.hope someone can help me!
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    created by zhuxulin
  • jboss-eap-6.1相关问题

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    created by chensanmu
  • JBoss 7.1.1/HTTPS/WS-Security   java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not generate DH keypair

    Hi,   we use JBoss 7.1 with Apache CXF and WS-Security enabled.  ( see : http://depressedprogrammer.wordpress.com/2007/07/31/cxf-ws-security-using-jsr-181-interceptor-annotations-xfire-migration for descrip...
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    created by ajanz
  • JBoss 7.1 with Apache CXF

    Hello,   I try to migrate our application which has Camel with Apache CXF. to JBoss 7.1   During deployment I get following exception:  java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.cxf.transport.servl...
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    created by johnbesel
  • Resteasy Oneway request , PreProcessInterceptor issue

    Hi I am new to Jboss resteasy, I am using a oneway=true in the requets url, I also got the PreProcessInterceptor working fine, when the client calls the webservice with oneway=true then the client is able to get the ...
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    created by myan123
  • MTOM XOP attachments missing

    Hello Together, I hope enybody have had already the issue and solved it. The issue: I have implemented some webservice client in standard way having wsdl, having port (with mtom annotation) and service. In XSD nee...
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    last modified by dzcs
  • Jboss Seam distroy all cookies

    Hy guy's      I am a newbee in jboss+seam, i have a project were users can log in and logout, for the logout button i am using " #{identity.logout} ". My question is: can i make when the user cli...
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    created by silverdeva
  • WebService annotation is not present

    I am getting an error, "com.sun.xml.internal.ws.model.RuntimeModelerException: A WebService annotation is not present on class: ags.AssetGetService", which I can't fathom.   Here's the client: package ags ...
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    last modified by gryffin
  • [org.apache.cxf.ws.rm.RMInInterceptor] (default task-57) WS-ReliableMessaging is required by this endpoint.

    With WildFly Alpha 4, I try to implement Java Web Service. This is my Web Services Interface,   import javax.jws.WebMethod; import javax.jws.WebParam; import javax.jws.WebResult; import javax.jws.WebService; im...
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    last modified by aupres