• Unresolved conflict on resource environment reference named: cxf

    I am using Apache CXF 2.7.1 for my WebService implementation and Using JBoss AS 6.0-final from Eclipse. I also have got Spring 3.0.5 for my project. I have tested with my project and could able to run with Tomcat 7.x...
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    last modified by mail2kondeti
  • Unresolved conflict on resource environment reference named: cxf

    Hi I created a WAR application based on Spring 3.0.5 and CXF 2.4.1. When I deploy to JBOSS 6.0, it thrown the following exception:     01:31:32,084 ERROR [AbstractKernelController] Error installing to Pos...
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    last modified by samwun9988
  • Escape Characters Being Unescaped in UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1 conversion

    In short, some XML special characters are being unescaped when some CFX code alters the encoding from UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1 in the process of returning a Soap response. We need to maintain a UTF-8 encoding.   We&...
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    last modified by kattaw
  • soap1.1 and soap1.2 support with jboss and cxf

    Hi all,   We have implemented webservices using apacheCXF with jboss5.1.0.GA. Web services are based on soap1.1 version. Now my requirement is i want to implement the same webservices with soap1.2 version. I wan...
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    created by rajesh_nadiminti
  • Cxf installation on JBossAS 7.1

    Hi all, I'm trying to use the bundled CXF installation with JBOSS AS 7.1 When I try to deploy my web service application, it goes through errors because the cxf-beans.xsd was loaded from network instead as a classpa...
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    last modified by mbsakho
  • CXF issue in JBoss 6

    Hi All,   i am using cxf and Jboss 6 with spring web flow and jsf when i deploy my application it shows following issue       15:23:53,924 WARN  [org.jboss.detailed.classloader.ClassLoaderM...
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    last modified by manishkp84
  • Problem with policy reference in AS 6

    We're currently using a webservice client with apache-cxf-2.2.9 on AS 5.1. apache-cxf is bundled in lib directory of an ear.   Now we want to migrate to AS6 (or at least jboss-cxf-3.4.0 on AS 5.1). But trying ...
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    last modified by koebbingd
  • datasource like adress rewriting for webservice client (inside a ejb3 session bean)

    Dear Sirs,   i am trying to develop an EAI application, that has to access several (outbound) webservices. Due tue the application requirements we want to run the web-services client request inside a transact...
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    last modified by thegroove
  • How do I resolve Java.net.BindException issue

    My company is planing to develop 3th web service application, which will be based on Apache CXF and Jboss, I am really beginner to this area so I learn from online, I follow a tutrial Web Services Hello World Example ...
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    last modified by jammycc
  • Apache CXF support for XJC

    Hi,   I was using Metro for my application but later when i migrated to JBoss 7 AS (which has completely dropped its support for Metro), so i had to switch to Apache CXF (the one which comes as a default webserv...
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    last modified by nasir.imtiaz
  • Soap Over JMS: Operation Invocation

    Hi, I am using JBoss 5.1.0 alongwith HornetQ 2.1.1 as my JMS provider. I am trying to build a Soap over JMS service, using CXF 2.7.0, in a wsdl first approach. I wrote a WSDL, as described here: http://cxf.apache.or...
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    last modified by cacao
  • CXF with Local transport

    Does jbossws-cxf support the local transport in CXF? If so, can someone show me how to configure it?   Version:   JBOSSWS-CXF 3.4.0
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    last modified by dlaprade
  • SAML2 WSS4J Policy Handler Issue (org.w3c.dom.DOMException: WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR)

    JBoss AS 7.1.1.Final JBoss Web Services - Stack CXF Server 4.1.0.Final picketlink-as7-2.1.5.Final   Hi   In a web service client I'd like to use the SAML2 assertion from the current subject and set it i...
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    last modified by andreas_triebel
  • WS-Trust STS callback provides expected password, but then global security domain checks it again, WHY?

    I have a working application that uses webservices using CXF with WS-Trust in JBoss 7. I have a client, sts, and server. Client wants to make web-service calls to server. Client provides CallbackHandler, which is ca...
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    created by okidoky
  • javax.inject.DefinitionException: import not a Java type

    All, I am trying to deploy webservices using CXF on JBoss5.1.0. Getting the below error. It works well in JBoss4.2.2. Any help is highly appreciated.... DEPLOYMENTS IN ERROR: Deployment "vfszip:/opt/DEPLOYMENTS/rs...
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    last modified by suresh.korlapati
  • @EndpointConfig ws security poblem in jboss7

    Hi I'm trying to secure my exisiting web services using WS-Security. I tried to follow the tutorial https://docs.jboss.org/author/display/JBWS/WS-Security but I just cant make it work - i'm stuck on the first part w...
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    last modified by michajil_tigrow
  • WS-Security client on JBoss7.1

    Hello,   I am trying to make WS-Security call on JBoss7.1 but I have no idea how to do that using CXF. I call Alfresco repository service, I generated client stubs, I am able to call authentication WS (does not...
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    created by ndario
  • JBoss EAP 5.1 - CXF 2.3.1 Client Implementation Issue

    All,   After solving my JBOSS 5.1 EJB issue, I came up with another show stopper.   We have a webservice module that was generated using CXF 2.3.1 WSDL2JAVA.  The client (another webservice) is throw...
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    last modified by limacon
  • AS7, WS-TrustWithJBossWS-CXFOnJBossAS71 sample: "None of the policy alternatives can be satisfied."

    I tried to get the sample found at https://community.jboss.org/wiki/WS-TrustWithJBossWS-CXFOnJBossAS71 to work on JBoss 7.1.1.Final, and ran into all kinds of trouble.   JBoss comes with CXF 2.4.6, and the sampl...
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    last modified by okidoky
  • providing a parent or shared spring context to jbossws-cxf

    Hi,   Is it possible to provide a parent context to jboss-cxf ? if yes How ?   I have many class in business layer of my application called by web services as well as @controller generated/invoked by Sprin...
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    last modified by aminem