• ClassCastException when initializing CXFServlet

    I am currently migrating existing web projects from JBoss AS 4.0.3 to 4.3.2. Our web projects utilize Spring 2.5.6.SEC01 and offer WebServices using Apache CXF 2.2.3. Policies make us to use JBoss WS CXF Stack versio...
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    last modified by paulhuemer
  • WS-Trust with JBossWS-CXF on JBoss AS 7.1

    Here is an intro to testing that's currently in progress on the Apache CXF WS-trust functionalities usable on JBoss AS 7 through JBossWS-CXF integration.   Apache CXF comes with WS-Trust 1.4 support. Starting fr...
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    last modified by asoldano
  • SoapFault

    Hello,   We are migrating from JBoss 5 to JBoss 6.1 and the webservice stack is changes to cxf we have following problem. We have a webservice client when geting soapufault from backend we catch javax.xml.ws.so...
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    last modified by poyge394
  • WAR file will not deploy

    I am trying to deploy a SOAP\JMS service and I am getting errors indicating that my JNDI registered queues can not be found.  The queues are registered as can be seen from the following, taken from the JBoss JMX ...
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    last modified by mtarullo463
  • SoapBody request message without prefix

    Hello everybody!   Is it possible to remove the prefix from the SOAP Message? Basically what I trying to do is make my SOAP Request like this:   <soapenv:Body xmlns:wsu="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/20...
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    last modified by jcamilorincon
  • variables in configuration

    Does anyone know if you have use jboss variables like ${jboss.server.home.url} inside the jbossws-cxf.xml configuration file?
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    last modified by dlaprade
  • very simple cxf web service not deployed under JBOSS AS7

    Hello, I'm a newbie in Jboss AS7. I downloaded the JBOSS AS 7.0.2 to try a CXF simple Web service. Here is the interface :   package com.sample; import javax.jws.WebMethod; import javax.jws.WebService; @...
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    last modified by formation
  • WSDLPublisher not configured, unable to publish contract!

    Hi to all,   I tried to deploy cxf webservices in Jboss 6. Since Jboss6 comes with cxf i didn't include any cxf jar files inside my application. When i try to access the wsdl file after the deployment i am gett...
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    last modified by dilipmathi
  • WSS4JInInterceptor General security error (WSSecurityEngine: Callback supplied no password for: null)

    I am using Jboss CXF to develop ws-security . I using jboss-6.0.0.Final and  jbossws-cxf-3.4.1 . I got the following error after i add ws-security to my web application . Please help. Thanks       ...
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    last modified by mstee123
  • Error deploying SOAP\JMS web service

    I am trying to deploy a SOAP\JMS web service and I am getting deployment errors.   This service was developed as a java first service in Eclipse and the WSDL was generated with the CXF plugins for Eclipse. ...
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    last modified by mtarullo463
  • Help!! Trying to remove ns1 prefix from a secured- and signed- message

    Hello everybody!   I newby using JBoss CXF but I have to say that it´s totally amazing.     Now, i have a personal project that consumes a WebService from a Financial service. This financial ser...
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    created by jcamilorincon
  • CXF webservices not deployed

    Hi all,   I'm migrating web application (packaged as a war) from jboss 4 to jboss 6 and cannot make CXF webservices run properly. I use cxf 2.3.1-patch-01 (the one bundled with jboss 6.1).   During deploy...
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    last modified by miragpl
  • Cannot validate sts token with sign/encrypt

    Hello,   I am hoping someone can help me quickly solve my issue. It seems that I can verify an STS token using a handler defined in my configuration:   <jaxws:handlers>      &...
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    last modified by dlaprade
  • null subject, cannot extract SAML token required for WS-TRUST

    I am seeing the following error in my logs:       null subject, cannot extract SAML token required for WS-TRUST   The above message is seen on the server side of my web service.  My cli...
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    created by dlaprade
  • NullPointerException in CXF

    I am trying to track down an issue I am having in JBoss 6. I have a version that doesn't have CXF integrated into it and I have an application that makes a web service call to another application and everything works ...
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    last modified by aaronbly
  • How to enable schema validation with JBoss 7

    The web service I'm developing is working fine, except that I cannot figure out how to activate schema validation. I have several colleagues that have given up on this in other projects. But surely there must be a way...
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    last modified by nielsm
  • WSDL w/ sign/encrypt/token having trouble getting ?wsdl when deployed

    I am having trouble getting the wsdl once my service is deployed. I am attempting to secure my service with a policy that forces an STS token, encrypt, and sign.  I am recieving the following error when deployed ...
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    last modified by dlaprade
  • module.xml file for org.springframework.spring?

    Hello, I have been using JBossWS-CXF on JBossAS6 for a couple months and decided to try and migrate over to JBossAS7.  There was a dependency on Spring for some of the CXF functions in JBossAS6 and I am looking ...
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    last modified by rjbaty
  • InternalError when starting generated WebService

    Hi guys, i'm currently figuring out the CXF Framework. I've succesfully created an CXF Client which can communicate with an WebSphere server using WSDL. Now we want to migrate our WebSphere service to an CXF S...
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    last modified by appien
  • WebServiceRef and jaxws:client

    I am having an issue:       java.net.BindException: Address already in use   when I call my servlet which uses:       @WebServiceRef( value = HelloWorldService.class, ty...
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    created by dlaprade