• Future directions for JBossWS

    Hello all, I am writing to inquire what the plans for the future of JBossWS-Native are. As far as I could find on the net, this stack was born by forking Axis code and modifying it to achieve J2EE compliance and neve...
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    last modified by karypid
  • Baby steps: Eclipse + JDK1.6

    Hi again, Another dumb question: I've imported the project into eclipse. The maven projects reference the jdk called "J2SE-1.5". I know it is possible to compile using JDK 1.6 (the command-line build with "mvn packag...
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    last modified by karypid
  • Baby steps: test suite problems

    Hi, JBossWS development 101: Step 1: Checkout / compile according to http://jbossws.jboss.org/mediawiki/index.php?title=Building_From_Source.... DONE. Step 2: Run the test suites according to http://jbossws.jboss.o...
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    last modified by karypid
  • package org.jboss.ws.metadata.umdm only available in 'native

    Hi! Trying to deploy JBossESB 4.6 on JBossAS 5.1 using JBossWS 3.1.1/Metro - I noticed that ESB is using : org/jboss/ws/metadata/umdm/UnifiedMetaData which only is part of JBossWS-native. Is this package only supp...
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    last modified by hansgk
  • Looking for org.jboss.webservices

    This might seem a bit silly but I can not find the jar that includes these packages. org.jboss.webservice ref: http://docs.jboss.org/jbossas/javadoc/4.0.4/webservice/ I have JBoss 4.2.3 and JBossws-cxf-3.1.1 I also...
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    last modified by sasanplus
  • Inheritance problem

    Hello. I have a problem with class inheritance in web services. I want to make a web service with one method to add objects of classes (B, C and other in the future) which inheritated from my basic class (A). My sour...
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    last modified by pio1k
  • Does JBoss handle SOAP request with additional working Threa

    Dear all, I have a SOAP application which call other server's SOAP and do some process. But the response time from another server is about 1-4 seconds. I plan to setup JBoss on Q8200(4core Intel CPU) with 4GB RAM se...
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    last modified by pccontact168
  • EJBContext as an attachment in WebServiceContext

    Currently in our EJB3 StatelessContainer http://anonsvn.jboss.org/repos/jbossas/projects/ejb3/trunk/core/src/main/java/org/jboss/ejb3/stateless/StatelessContainer.java we have WSCallbackImpl which is a callback for Be...
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    last modified by jaikiran
  • Remoting 3 and HTTP client

    This is related to https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBWS-2554 . In few words, JBossWS will soon need to use other means for http client invocations, as Remoting is not going to provide this anymore. Perhaps this mig...
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    last modified by asoldano
  • Upgrading jboss-bootstrap and WS

    While upgrading jboss-bootstrap in AS to the new implementation, I've hit: Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException at org.jboss.wsf.stack.jbws.WSDLFilePublisher.getPublishLocation(WSDLFilePublisher.java:338) at ...
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    last modified by alrubinger
  • Injection Abstraction in VDF

    Injection abstraction is going to be part of VDF, see: jboss-dev thread This will be the problem with Metro/CXF integrations.
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    created by ropalka
  • @WebParam sucks, Any workarround or just wait Java7?

    To generate a nice WSDL, many stupid @WebParam annotations should be hardcoding to code: public User create( @WebParam(name = "name") String name, @WebParam(name = "passowrd" String password); I foud [url=http://p...
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    last modified by steeven
  • Jax-RPC WS Implementation in JBoss

    Hi, We were using the Jax-RPC based Web Service Implementation in Sun Java Application Server.Now we are planning to port it to JBoss application server.So is there any limitation on using Jax-RPC webservice implement...
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    last modified by meet_ravip
  • ESB / WS integration issue on AS5

    Daniel Bevenius wrote: Hi Alession, hope you don't mind me emailing directly. Kevin Conner gave me your email address and I'd like to ask your advice an issue I'm having. Background In the ESB you can specify that ...
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    last modified by asoldano
  • JBossWS Test Approach

    This thread is related to JBWS-2530.
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    last modified by ropalka
  • JBossWS CZJUG Presentation

    Download available here. Enjoy ;)
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    created by ropalka
  • Dynamic Endpoint Deployment

    Kabir Khan wrote: If you've seen the dev-list discussions yesterday regarding JBAS-6489, I can work around this in AOP, but I have found the cause to be something to do with org.jboss.test.webservice.endpoint.Endpoin...
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    last modified by ropalka
  • Stack independent addressing implementation

    This thread is about: https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBWS-2106 and https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBWS-2102. Since the JAX-WSA spec is in withdrawn state, there's actually no spec saying how the ws-addressing ...
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    last modified by asoldano
  • Jboss SOAPElementSerializer error

    I am using Jboss 4.2.3 and trying to invoke BPEL process which has a decision service(a web service). I get the following error. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ERRO...
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    last modified by nbmenon
  • JAX-WS Conformance Requirements

    I just quickly wanted to double check the interpretation a conformance requirement from the JAX-WS specification. From section 4.2.4 of the JAX-WS specification describing exception handling: - Conformance (Except...
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    last modified by dlofthouse