• Problem with faults and classloaders in AS7

    I managed to run some of the XTS tests in AS7 and basic JaxWS calls work ok. However, I ran into problems with tests which threw a SOAPFault. The fault manifested with an error on the client side which was caused by a...
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    last modified by adinn
  • Problem with web.xml referencing WEB-INF classes and lib in AS7

    Hi guys,   I found another problem deploying the XTS interop tests to AS7. I can work round it but I think there issomething wrong in the dpeloyment model.   The deployment is a war which includes a junit ...
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    last modified by adinn
  • Latest JBossWS CXF build has broken XTS again

    Hi guys,   I have been working on integrating XTS into AS7 trunk and come across a problem in the CXF release (2.4.0, I believe). It's not a repeat of a previous regression at the code level but conceptually it ...
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    last modified by adinn
  • Where can I get the jboss ws implementaion and version

    Hi all I am from JBoss Tools, I want to display the jboss web service implementation and version in the tools. I know I can get some information from the manifest file of jboss-native-jaxws.jar: Implementation-Titl...
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    last modified by grid.qian
  • drools application (project) on the web

    Hi guys, i'm pretty new in drools, and maybe it's a dummy question for you, but, i would like to run a project of drools on the web, and i don't know how to export/import my it, and how configure my web server to be ...
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    last modified by voxy
  • Additional documentation on JBossWS-CXF integration

    Folks, I've just added some additonal doc at http://community.jboss.org/wiki/JBossWS-StackCXFUserGuide . In particular see some suggestions / warnings regarding effectively using Bus instances in-container.
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    last modified by asoldano
  • JBWS-2210 : CXF Username Token JAAS integration

    Hi   I've been looking recently at resolving JBWS-2210 [1].   The issue is to do with the fact that a WS-Security UsernameToken can not be currently used in JBoss CXF to integrate with the JBoss security s...
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    last modified by sergeyb
  • XTS transaction

    Hi there,   I am trying to install XTS service in JBoss 5+ version. where should I get jbossxts.sar file   Regards Chandra
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    last modified by chandrarsa
  • Re-calculating XML-Signature DigestValue

    Hello everyone, I'm a new user and hope it is the right section for my question. I've configured JBoss for working with WS-Security, in particular with the signature of xml messages. Everything works well: upon the r...
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    last modified by giogio
  • Compiling Native 3.3.1 from source

    Trying to build Native 3.3.1 GA from source.  It goes to fetch http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/jboss/ws/jbossws-parent/1.0.7.GA/jbossws-parent-1.0.7.GA.pom.  This does not exist in the repo (I manually che...
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    last modified by usib6tfj
  • AS7: Re-thinking WS container integration

    JBossWS 4 is going to be the jbossws integration layer for JBoss AS 7. This is both a chance of working on major spi changes / cleanup [1] as well as revisiting the whole way the installed ws stack (CXF or Native) is ...
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    created by asoldano
  • Error while using Wise Soap Client

    I am trying to consume an external webservice in my jboss-esb.xml using the Wise SOAPClient I receive the following error during execution 18:44:41,871 INFO [STDOUT] [ERROR] com.sun.tools.javac.Main is not available...
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    last modified by ashwindesikan
  • WebServiceContext

    I'm trying to have a web service store info to a session that is unique for each consumer.   @Resource private WebServiceContext wsContext;   @WebMethod @WebResult(name="MyMethodResponse") public Integer ...
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    last modified by sej
  • CXF Policy Engine

    Hi Folks,      I'll be little bit verbose about the setup because I don't know how much Sergey is familiar with our test framework.    I just commited first JBWS-3134 related test case to th...
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    last modified by ropalka
  • InjectionMetaDataDeploymentAspect misuse of EJBContainer.getEnc()

    EJBTHREE-2056 changes the state of the naming context within the lifecycle of EJBContainer. In essence this is an implementation detail. With this change WS no longer deploys: java.lang.IllegalStateException: EJBTHREE...
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    last modified by wolfc
  • org.jboss.ejb3.common.resolvers.spi.EjbReferenceResolver is now deprecated in AS trunk

    From what I know, JBoss WS uses org.jboss.ejb3.common.resolvers.spi.EjbReferenceResolver for resolving @EJB injections. This package has now been deprecated. Instead a new jboss-ejb3-ejbref-resolver has been created t...
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    last modified by jaikiran
  • JBossWS-CXF, the Endpoint API and Jetty dependency

    Hi Folks, as you all know, JAXWS specification includes API for publishing an endpoint in a JSE standalone environment. Here is an example http://anonsvn.jboss.org/repos/jbossws/framework/tags/jbossws-framework-3.4.0....
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    last modified by asoldano
  • How does turning the security on work?

    I am looking at the code in org.jboss.system.server.security.SecurityPolicy -- it looks like the setters setSecurityManager(), setPolicyURL(), have no callers!  My problem is that when I run JBoss, Globals.IS_SEC...
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    created by usib6tfj
  • JBossWS-Native bugs when implementing Provider endpoint

    After spending more time than I thought should have been necessary to port some services from JBossWS-Metro 3.3.1 to JBossWS-Native 3.3.1 (because we want to experiment with security features of Native stack) I found ...
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    last modified by raycardillo
  • error when deploying a ear which has webservice

    Getting the below error when deploying an ear which has webservice, Any help would be greatly appreciated...   06:37:32,630 INFO [Server] JBoss (MX MicroKernel) [4.3.0.GA_CP04 (build: SVNTag=JBPAPP_4_3_0_GA_CP04...
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    created by rajzzh