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Thread @XmlElementWrapper/@XmlElements
@XmlElementWrapper/@XmlElementsI'm trying to use @XmlElementWrapper/@XmlElements to create the ear modules, but its not parsing as expected. I created a simple test in jbossxb that is also failing to parse. See the org.jboss.test.xb.builder.object....
Use of AbstractMappedMetaDataThe problem with jsps not displaying correctly was due to the servlet-mapping elements being mapped to an AbstractMappedMetaData type. This means that for a fragment like:
<!-- The mapping for the JSP servlet -...
Thread Issue with DescriptionGroup emement order and older descript
Issue with DescriptionGroup emement order and older descriptThe org.jboss.test.metadata.web.WebApp23UnitTestCase.testVersion is failing in the jboss-metadata project due to how the javaee description group is a seqence of description, display-names, icons:
Thread SchemaBindingResolver.resolve based on ns to class
SchemaBindingResolver.resolve based on ns to classThe current logic of being able to register a namespace to class mapping does not work for families of descriptors like javaee that reuse the same namespace across all of the descriptors. The only indication of a diff...
Thread Added dtd public/system id info to SchemaBinding
Added dtd public/system id info to SchemaBindingI added a hack to propagate dtd system and public id information to the root object in a SchemaBinding if a dtd was seen, and the root object supports a method signature of:
public void setDTD(String root, String p...
JBossXB-2.0.0.CR5We need a release of the combined jbossxb/jbossxb-builder that at least has JBXB-109 working in some form. As I mentioned on another thread, there are unit test issues as well that are due to both defaults overrides, ...
NonNullLinkedHashSetIn the metadata project there is use of NonNullLinkedHashSet that is causing parse problems. In the jbossxb tests these uses have been commented out. What is the issue with this type?
Thread container-configuration model group problem
container-configuration model group problemAfter I updated the ejb container config metadata I started seeing this new error: Caused by: org.jboss.xb.binding.JBossXBRuntimeException: Failed to start {http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee}description: the elemen...
jbossxb mvn test failuresThere are many test errors when doing a mvn install that do not show up in the eclipse project run of the testsuite. One example shows the wrong handler being used it appears. What is the surefile plugin status with j...
Unmarshaller: xsd:choice with minOccursSuppose, I have the following XSD bit:
<xsd:element name="application-policy">
<xsd:choice minOccurs="0">
<xsd:element ref="jbsx:authentication"/>...
Thread Release of JBossXB with no dependence on Oswego Concurrent J
Release of JBossXB with no dependence on Oswego Concurrent JIs it possible to get a release of XB that uses the JDK5 concurrent classes and relinquishes the dependence on oswego concurrent jar? The mavenized security project needs to pull in the oswego jars because of XB. On...
jbossxb-builder build issuesI had to do the following to be able to build and compile. Are the following test results expected: Tests run: 92, Failures: 6, Errors: 6, Skipped: 0 Index: src/test/java/org/jboss/test/xb/builder/object/mc/support/...
Ignoring non-ignorable white space?Why is JBossXB ignoring non-ignorable white space? Besides the obvious: because the code does so. public void characters(char ch[], int start, int length)
// todo look at this later
// do not notify content han...
Unresolved contentWorking on http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBXB-97 "org.w3c.dom.Element is being mapped incorrectly" led to this change http://wiki.jboss.org/wiki/Wiki.jsp?page=JBossXB_UnresolvedContent The change in the defaults ...
JBXB-101, disabling validationI cannot disable validation against a document dtd currently for use with the ObjectModelFactory/Unmarshaller apis. The Unmarshaller.setValidation(boolean) call has no affect. The problem would seem to be this static...
Cleaning up the jbossxb projectsSo the state of the jbossxb project source is confused at this point. Currently there are 3 separate svn trees: jaxb stuff Adrian is working on: https://svn.jboss.org/repos/common/jbossxb-builder The old 1.0.x monol...
Not seeing property replacement happenI'm not seeing property replacement occur in the GenericObjectModelFactory calls in jboss5. It looks like we only do property replacement when the jbossxb is driven by a schema. To add support for this in the ObjectM...
JBossXB-1.0.0.CR10There are a number of issues in the JBossXB-1.0.0.GA that are unlikely to be done in the near term. I have created a JBossXB-1.0.0.CR10 to include in the AS5 Beta2 release.
Support for JAXB annotationsI've committed some stuff that adds support for JAXB annotations using JBossXB (the unmarshalling part). https://svn.jboss.org/repos/common/jbossxb-builder/trunk/ http://anonsvn.jboss.org/repos/common/jbossxb-builder...