• Is any API Available for reading/writing JPDL XML in jbpm 4.3?

    Hello,       I am trying to read a jpdl file or write a new content to jpdl in java. Is there any API in jbpm 4.3. The same thing is present in jbpm 3.2 as JpdlXMLReader and JpdlXMLWriter. P...
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    created by vikas.nikam26
  • jBPM 3.x vs 5.x Comparison

    Hi,   Does anybody have a comparision of jBPM 3 vs 5. Looking for API and Architecture differences/enhancements.   Thanks, Anil
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    last modified by anil.vellala
  • jbpm-jpdl-suite-3.2.3 and JBoss Tools

    Hello,   I am using jbpm-jpdl-suite-3.2.3 . http://localhost:8080/jbpm-console is OK. But when I select my *jpdl.xml file and do on the menu, jBPM->Ping Server , I get the message: The server could not be ...
  • Email Problem with JBPM

    Hi   I am trying to send mail using org.jbpm.mail.Mail in a normal node using jBPM's own Mail(org.jbpm.mail.Mail) class as the handler.I get this exception: 17:21:30,747 WARN  [Mail] cannot send mail (3 re...
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    last modified by ravisawlani86
  • Timer in jBPM, how to use to wait in a task

    hi All,     I am trying to create and incorporate a timer in my jBPM process definition I have found some examples but they dont really state what they exactly were doing:   Like what is the differenc...
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    created by armahdi
  • two versions of jbpm in an application

    Hello,   Is there possibility to use two different versions of jBPM in the same application? has anybody tried this? I have an application using jBPM 3.2.2 (app was developed few years ago). Recently there is ...
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    created by cage
  • How to "roll back" to previous version of process definitions?

    Hi,   I'm trying to describe a rollback process for one of our systems. After deploying new process definitions, new workflows are created using these new definitions, if now the need arrives to roll back to the...
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    created by magir
  • Warning logged during close of Message service - why?

    Hi,   I'm rather new to JBPM and currently trying to solve a strange issue in one of our systems. The initialisation of the JBPM context is logged on debug level as follow:   [L: org.jbpm.configuration.Jb...
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    created by magir
  • Issue in leavenode from a Task node on task-create event

    Hi All,   I am using jBPM 3.2.7.   I am using only tasknodes in my workflow.Of these activites some activities need human intervention and some need to be automatic. As I am using task node the execution ...
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    last modified by yogitabartake
  • jBPM3 Release Procedure

    Get clean Hudson matrices Create Hudson jobs for the release branch in the QA box. # su -l hudson $ cd svn/jbpm/jbpm3/branches/ $ svn co http://anonsvn.jboss.org/repos/jbpm/jbpm3/branches/jbpm-3.x $ cd jbpm-3.x/hudson...
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    last modified by aguizar
  • How to use ProcessInstance without accessing db

    Hi,   I would like to access DB only during the ProcessInstance creation (and in a task node). I have tried to set a "default-lazy" property in all hbm.xml files to "false" but still I end with LazyInitializatio...
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    created by honzag
  • JBPM 3 : How to assigning a group task to a specific user

    Hello everybody,   I'm working with seam 2.1.2 and jbpm 3.2.7   Here it's my processDefinition.xml   <task-node name="step2">         <task name="step2" >...
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    last modified by leod38
  • jBPM3 Platform Support

    The information presented in this document applies to release 3.2.10. SOA Platform Releases Below is a table showing the latest jBPM versions and their corresponding SOA Platform releases.   jBPM SOA-P 3.2.10 5.1...
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    last modified by aguizar
  • jBPM3 Target Databases

    This matrix below shows the databases under Continuous Integration as of each release. If you plan to extend the matrix, follow the procedure for Adding a Database Axis.   jbpm db2 hsqldb mssql mysql oracle postg...
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    last modified by aguizar
  • jBPM3 Target Containers

    This matrix below shows the application servers under Continuous Integration as of each release. If you plan to extend the matrix, follow the procedure for Adding a Container Job.   jBPM version JBoss AS vers...
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    last modified by aguizar
  • Usage multi swimlane in node BPMN 2.0 (jbpm 5)

    How translate some jPDL 3.2, 3.3 process definition to BPMN 2.0:   <task-node name="CloseDay">         <task name="CloseDayByJoe" swimlane="Joe" />   &#...
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    created by pavel.sknar
  • jbpm flows stop executing

    Hi   I will start to apologize for a vague error description - this is all I have....   Running JBoss ESB 4.4 with the included jBPM 3.2.2 I have experienced "frozen" flows: All flows stop executing and t...
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    created by hauch
  • bpmtoesbvars and esbtobpmvars...

    I'm using 5.0.2 of the SOA-P (and therefore jBPM3)   I have a workflow that calls an ESBActionHandler.. like this (yes the exception handler is missing): <node name="create pdf">     ...
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    last modified by garyp
  • Start a second process (Fire and forget)..

    Maybe I'm thinking of this the wrong way.. But I have the following requirement..   trigger a business process via web service..  handle a few steps then fire a second process and return immediately...&...
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    last modified by garyp
  • ERROR - exception calling user Synchronization java.lang.IllegalStateException: Transaction already active

    Dear Sirs. i have a seam project 2.2 GA with tomcat 6 . and it work well. Now i want to integrate jbpm and seam on tomcat6   and i have the jbpm 3.2.7. and i have configured the   hibernate.cfg.xml like: ...