• JBPM 3 : EL resolution issue

    Hi all, I'm quite new to JBPM / Seam, I'm facing a problem of missing resolution of a Seam component in a jpdl transition : in a process definition we use a reference to a seam component called "etatEvenenemt", norm...
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    last modified by rododendro.ivan
  • Process Definition and its running instances.

    Hello. Here's my situation :   I want to figure out that some Process Definition has any running instances. JBPM API gives to us such posobility :   graphSession.findProcessInstances(bpelProcessDefinitio...
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    last modified by yrachek
  • [JBPM]Orchestration  undeployment.

    While deployment of orchestration I want to undeploy all previous versions of it.   To find them I use bpelGraphSession.findAllProcessDefinition(name + "$%", orchestrationId);   Then I deleting them all ...
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    last modified by yrachek
  • JBPM Upgrade in JBoss Portal

    JBoss Portal in the last 2.7.2 community version uses JBPM 3.2. It could be useful update it to a newest version, mainly to get more bug fixing. This is tested using JBPM 3.3.1.GA. Here the steps:   1) modify th...
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    last modified by mgreau
  • Help wanted debugging jbpm 3.3

    I find myself supporting an application which I didn't write and which makes heavy use of JBPM 3.3. Occasionally it starts spewing exceptions non-stop   java.lang.NullPointerException     &#...
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    last modified by oxbow_lakes
  • MalformedObjectNameException and jndi-local-name

    I'm running JBoss 4.2.3 with Java 1.5.0_18, and have JBPM 3.3.1 deployed. When I log in to my JBoss console (http://localhost:8080/web-console), I see the exception at the bottom of this post, perhaps from the navigat...
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    created by re92
  • Error while sending E mail Notification in jBPM 3.2.........

    I have tried to send e mail Notification using following procedure   <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <process-definition  xmlns="urn:jbpm.org:jpdl-3.2"  name="simple">   ...
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    last modified by dennislivera
  • Changing objects and serialization problem

    I am responsible for an application where the hibernate objects are stored in the jbpm tables. I changed a hibernate object and now jbpm is throwing up exceptions since it cannot deseriliaze object anymore. Prior deve...
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    last modified by enderwiggin30
  • jbpm 4.x - Extending Tasks & task-node

    Hi All,   We had option to extend/customize task instance in 3.x to add our own attributes - Something like:   <?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC      "-...
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    created by connectwithnk
  • jbpm3 update variables in contextinstance

    Hi, in a jbpm 3 process inside a Node implemented with a custom action handler, I update the value of a variable inside the ContextInstance. When the process leaves this node and enters in the following node (a decis...
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    last modified by hifly81
  • Question: Running JBPM on JBOSS AS 6

    Hello,   I want to run an JEE(6) application on my JBOSS AS 6 server using JBPM 3 (incl. persistence to MySQL DB). I want this app to be scalable, support clustering, workflow resume after restart etc. From what...
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    created by baecks
  • Determine the current state of a process instance?

    Hi,   I am using jbpm3. Suppose a process instance was created, can you tell me how to determine the state of the created process instance?    Please advise     Thanks
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    last modified by bensonfungjava
  • jBPM 3.x vs 5.x Comparison

    Hi,   Does anybody have a comparision of jBPM 3 vs 5. Looking for API and Architecture differences/enhancements.   Thanks, Anil
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    last modified by anil.vellala
  • How to find latest process definition?

    Hi,   I am new to jBPM3.   I got a simple question and hope anyone can give me a hand. I created a simple business process and deploy into the SOA-P platform via JBDS.   I then create a web appl...
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    created by bensonfungjava
  • error deploying process archive

    I'm having problems deploying a process archive, already selected the deployment package as well as the classes but still the same error occurs.  i'm trying to create a par file for openKM.  please help....
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    created by erikcute
  • Usage multi swimlane in node BPMN 2.0 (jbpm 5)

    How translate some jPDL 3.2, 3.3 process definition to BPMN 2.0:   <task-node name="CloseDay">         <task name="CloseDayByJoe" swimlane="Joe" />   &#...
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    created by pavel.sknar
  • bpmtoesbvars and esbtobpmvars...

    I'm using 5.0.2 of the SOA-P (and therefore jBPM3)   I have a workflow that calls an ESBActionHandler.. like this (yes the exception handler is missing): <node name="create pdf">     ...
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    last modified by garyp
  • Start a second process (Fire and forget)..

    Maybe I'm thinking of this the wrong way.. But I have the following requirement..   trigger a business process via web service..  handle a few steps then fire a second process and return immediately...&...
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    last modified by garyp
  • How to assign task to group of user

    Hello All,   I'm new to Jboss and JBPM, currently trying workflow in Jboss 4.2.3 with JBPM 3.3.1GA. Here is the process definition that I'm trying to run, a very simple process just to test the task assignment :...
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    last modified by surajaya
  • Need help implementing email attachment capability in JBPM 3

    Hello Correct me if im wrong, but JBPM 3 doesnt support attachments for the mail-node, right? Im not able to update to a newer version of JBPM right now so I figured I could look at how its done in JBPM 4 and use ...
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    last modified by reec