• JBPM4.1 installation in Weblogic 10.3 with Oracle 10g - Issues

    Dear All ,   In Jbpm v4.1 i had seen ant task is well designed to work with Tomcat 6.* and Jboss versions which lacks the weblogic .   Since the ant build file does a- z like building , copying jar to tomc...
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    last modified by grgowtham
  • JBPM4 in an Enterprise Environment

    I have been working with JBPM4 for a while now and have a perfectly usable installation of it running but would like to utilize some of the j2ee features (EJB Timers and the EJB Command Executor) and can't seem to fin...
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    last modified by xero314
  • [jbpm4.3] Strange behavior with join multiplicity="1"

    I'm seeing some strange behavior when using join with multiplicity="1". I've created a test case (attached). The test forks two paths, each containing one task followed by the join. There's an additional task followin...
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    last modified by markroy
  • Event listener propagation attribute removed

    For the reference of others: for some reason, the "propagation" attribute of event-listener elements that was present in the 4.0 JPDL XSD, was removed in version 4.1. It is also missing in 4.2. Jira says that it has b...
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    created by gubespam
  • Getting OpenExecution from findExecutionById

    We have a jBPM system where some of our states are actually represented by work done in external systems. When an execution enters a given state, we kick off that work in the external system and keep track of the exec...
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    last modified by gubespam
  • Creating Process Instance with Sub-Process (jbpm4)

    Hey,   I am trying to create a process instance with subprocess based on jbpm4 examples. I have attached JPDL for subprocess and process. I deployed subprocess first and then process.   SubProcess - picka...
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    created by nagarajan_ka
  • Cannot access process instance after calling CompleteTask(), Why?

    Hi all,   I am a new user of this JBPM forum and JBPM itself. I am trying to integrate JBPM 4 to my JEE project. But first tried out some simple examples to be familiar with JBPM 4. I am using: jbpm-4.2 jboss...
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    last modified by djigit
  • How to get event listener on individual task transitions ?

    Libraries: JBPM 4, Spring, Hibernate, JSF.                 Sample JPDL File: ---------------------- <process-definition xmlns="http://j...
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    last modified by rockerrocker
  • jBPM 4.2 and Eclipse Tools

    I had jBPM 4.2 installed on JBossAS 5.1.0 Eclipse 3.4.2 and Eclipse Tools 3.0   When I try to define jBPM runtime as C:\jbpm-4.2 or C:\jbpm-4.2\jboss-5.1.0.GA I got this error "This is not a valid jBPM installa...
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    last modified by a.hashim
  • Handling exceptions in automatic activities in jBPM 4.2

    Hi all,   I'm trying to find out whether there is a solution for the following scenario in jBPM 4.2:   Let's assume a process uses an automatic activity (with a due date) to call a java method. Now if the ...
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    last modified by nilspreusker