• Mail configuration + Client side mail authentication

    Hello everyone,                 I am working on mail sending through jbpm process. i have succeded in sending mail through process. but probl...
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    created by rohya
  • jBPM 4.3 - Problems with deploy

    Hello, I am new in jBPM and have problems.   I have download jBPM 4.3 and run "demo.setup.tomcat" (Tomcat 6 and eclipse already were installed). Also I have prepared eclipse to work with jBPM.   ProcessEng...
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    last modified by dmitrip
  • how to get the taskId in "candidate-groups" sicenario?

    I made a simple test process, and one task with the [candidate-groups="market"] suppose there are two users in this "market" group.: test1, and test2   when this task is executed, the following codes alwasys gi...
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    last modified by streejang
  • FileSystemRootDirectory breaks dev & deployment use-case

    Hello,   I just started using JBPM 4.3 with JBoss 5.1, and ran into a problem with the FileSystemRootDirectory parameter in the jbpmeditor web.xml. In development my team has always been able to use jboss instal...
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    created by 8forty
  • adding a custom service to jbpm.cfg.xml

    Hi all, i'm a newbie into jbpm. I'm trying to add a service similar to IdentityService which provides me a list of all groups. I found other topics about the method to select all of them using hibernate but i want to ...
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    last modified by h4rlock
  • JbpmMeetingTomHeikoJanuary2009

    Logging / History [JBPM-1994] Transactional storage of the history of a process execution (not software logging) Do we have a good name for this ? Log pluggability is in place Basic pluggability infrastructure is i...
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    last modified by tom.baeyens
  • jBPM4 and XForms

    Using XForms for building HIM interfaces Opposed to the JSF/Facelet approach in jBPM3, XForms offers another alternative to realize task form interfaces. This page should acts as a resource collection to  get th...
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    last modified by heiko.braun
  • jBPM 4 Release Procedure

    Preparations on trunk Verify addition of version axis to hudson job jbpm4-upgrade Verify all jbpm4 hudson jobs run ok Update release notes: Add release notes to the modules/distro/src/main/resources/readme.html for ...
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    last modified by tom.baeyens
  • jBPM4 Building from Source

    This page explains how to get the jbpm 4 process engine sources, the various things you can build with it and how to set up your eclipse. Requirements JDK 5 or higher Maven 2.0.9 or higher Subversion Other build ins...
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    last modified by thomas.diesler
  • jBPM4.4 and jbpm-console: obtaining user

    I would like to display in the task form the information who has started the recent process instance. Moreover I'd like to run this porcess on jbpm-console...   My idea was to make an EventListner which was sup...
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    created by pawel.gutowski
  • Removing history information of completed process instances

    Hello All,   Is there any way to remove the history of completed process instances from jBPM 4 history tables? I can't see any API function to achieve that. The retention of all process instance history informati...
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    last modified by h.peter
  • jbpm4 create / retrieve task timer programmatically

    With jBPM4 I was able to create and retrieve timers against a given task programmatically. I can't see an obvious way to do this in jBPM4, or am I missing something?
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    last modified by aapthorp
  • How to integrate Seam with JBPM4.x?

    Hi All,   First of all Sorry to include this post only to JBPM as it is more towards seam, but i dont have access to post discussion in seam zone. So, posting here.   I am new to seam and JBPM4 environment...
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    last modified by nilesh.chauhan
  • How can we compare null in the jpdl file

    Hi there,   I have below information in my jpdl.xml file,   decision name="waitDecision">   <transition name="OK" to="wait">    <condition expr="#{responseData == null}"/> ...
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    last modified by billmeng70
  • JBPM 4.3: Is it possible to leave current state on timer listener?

    Hi All, Please help me, I am newbie at JBPM 4.x. I have a problem with leaving a state programmatically in timer listener. I always get exception like this:   {code} 12 Apr 2010 11:21:11 ERROR org.jbpm...
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    last modified by nsaputro
  • JBPM3.2's images replace with jbpm4

    Hello All,   I am new to Jbpm, i gone through the new images for Start node, task node, end node , transition looks cool than the older jbpm in Jbpm4. Now i want to know that is it possible to stick with older v...
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    last modified by sunay
  • Storing java.util.Collection on process

    I have a question about a best practise concerning processes with a dynamic list as a variable.   Let's say for example i have an process which has to store 0..* objects as variables. I.e. an process B   pu...
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    last modified by rubenbentein
  • jbpm Decision Handler

    Hi All,   I wanted to write a decision handler class which is an EJB. I can configure a ejb-jndi name for Java activity. Is there any way i can do for jbpm decision handler ?   Thanks.
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    last modified by pushpak1981
  • How to integrate custom web based forms with jBPM TaskActivity?

    I am pretty new to jBPM.   Currently we are trying to integrate jBPM 4.3 with our existing java web application (jsp based), using jBPM as the workflow engine.  I hope to use our existing forms engine for s...
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    last modified by gujade
  • Could not synchronize databse problem

    I get the following error at a specific activity. In the my workflow the first activity is a custom where I am initializing a few variables. The next activity is a subprocess.   The first activity executes prope...
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    last modified by yogitabartake