• Transactions and jBPM

    Hi all! I have in charge to set up a small prototype for verifying if it's possible to port a vendor solution (Oracle Workflow) to jBPM.   In my OracleWorkflows there are many use cases where the execution is f...
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    last modified by francis1972
  • Variables from ended process ...

    Hi,   I looking for a solution to access to process instance variable after process end in jbpm 4.3...   AFAIK, at the end of the instance, all variables are deleted !   Is it possible to retain them...
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    last modified by newbeewan
  • Issue with transitioning a task from an attached timer

    In jbpm 4.2, I am not able to transition a task out from a repeating timer which becomes active when the task is created. I want to monitor some external condition in that timer and when it is met, I want to complete ...
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    last modified by mukult
  • Getting the last actor of the completed task

    How can I get the last task assignee of the completed task from the history tables having execution id and activity Name?
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    last modified by matrixpooh
  • jBPM 4.3 deployment on oracle

    I'm having an issue with one specific process deploying it on an oracle db. In total I've around 20 business process definitions. When the one specific process is included, I can not start any process execution. Not e...
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    last modified by joris.dewinne
  • JBPM4.3 jobExecutor threads cause database deadlock exception

    Hi   We're trying to run jbpm4.3 + db2, but jobExecutor threads cause database deadlock exception   Any one has similar experience?   Thanks in advice     8:37:17,310 SEV   ...
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    last modified by zptian
  • How to handle failed processes/states due to server crashes?

    Hi,   I have a Spring 3.0 + jBPM 4.3 setup, basically a webapplication with embedded jBPM.   Basic flow of my application: On receiving a message on queue, my application creates a process instance based ...
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    last modified by pkk4jbpm
  • TaskService.deleteTask(taskId) is not working?

    Is there a way to delete a task in jbpm 4.4? tried using TaskService.deleteTask(taskId), but always got an exception org.jbpm.api.JbpmException: tasks related to an execution must be completed. they cannot just be de...
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    last modified by zhangjing2000
  • Capturing the initiator user

    I am trying to capture the name of the user who started a task. Until now I only found some documentation about how do to this in jBPM v3.   Here's my question: What's the best way to do that in jBPM v4?  ...
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    last modified by klausdworschak
  • Errors instaling JBPM 4.3 in JBoss 4.2.3

    Hi everyone,   I need some help with jbpm 4.3 installation over a JBoss 4.2.3 I downloaded jbpm-4.3.zip and unzipped it. Then installed the database without trouble. Problems arouse with the app server install...
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    last modified by iapazmino
  • How to check in jBPM 4.3 that java activity returned null?

    Hello,   is there any way to store null value in a variable and then check it for being empty? I'm trying to do it like this:       <java         method...
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    last modified by ity75303
  • Jbpm4 taskform design

    Hi,   Is there no provision in jbpm4 to create human task forms like there was in jbpm3.   I read through earlier posts and realised there is support for free marker but i couldnt find anything like jbpm3 ...
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    last modified by chandankhanna
  • Documentation of jBPM database schema

        Where can I find documentation on the jBPM database schema?  I have been googling for it, but I haven't found any yet.
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    last modified by joegottman
  • bpmn2 process does not end

    I have a small bpmn2 process (attached) an try to test it. the activities are executed well but at the end the processInstance is in "active-root" state. I thought it should be in "ended" state? (I am working with jBP...
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    last modified by mdohnke
  • getting all not completed task for a processInstance

    Hi,   I'm looking for a solution to get all the next tasks for a particular process instance in jbpm 4.4...   I try this : taskService.createTaskQuery().processInstanceId(processInstanceId).list();  ...
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    last modified by newbeewan
  • Command service txn management

    In the default jbpm JTA configuration (jbpm.tx.jta.cfg.xml), the command service is set up three different ways (see below). Can someone say how jbpm which one to pick in each case? Looking at the code, it seems like ...
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    last modified by gubespam
  • Get all nodenames

    Hello, is it possible to get all Nodes from a deployed processdefinition ? Actually I only need the names of all states/tasks for rightsmanagement, but I need them before the process starts. (I'm using jBPM v.4.3) &...
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    last modified by herbst
  • Assigning half-a-day holiday in business calendar

    Business calendar of jbpm works fine when holidays are configured in the configuration file   <process-engine-context> <business-calendar><monday hours="8:00-12:00 and 12:20-16:20"/> <tues...
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    last modified by anushajv
  • JBPM Exception when running workflow

    Hi Guys,   I'm pretty new to jBPM and am seeing a couple of issues that hopefully someone can help with. I have a workflow that basically parses a set of XML files and moves these to different director...
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    last modified by stevesitton
  • Memory leak in webapp ?

    Hi,   My configuration is JSF 1.2/Facelet/RichFaces/JBPM4.4 (it was the same with 4.3)/Spring 3   I'm trying to use the new tool deliver by tomcat to find leak particularly in classloader and it find some....
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    last modified by newbeewan