• JBPM 4.4 timer will not fire

    I found and verified that the jbpm.cfg.xml file imports the resource="jbpm.jobexecutor.cfg.xml" resource.  I am however still not seeing my timer kick off.  I am using this inside a group comprised mostly of...
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    last modified by jdh
  • Deploying new Process version -> automatically disable the old one !

    Hi,   I have a question concerning JBPM 4.4.   If I try to redeploy a process containing <migrate-instances/>, jbpm redeploy correctly the new version with a new deployement ID and the old version st...
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    created by newbeewan
  • setting a list as an argument of a java task.

    Hi ,   I want to set the parameter of a java task method as a list :   here is my jpdl snippet:     <java expr="#{configurationService}" g="320,102,130,52"    method="loadConfigur...
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    last modified by whizkid.samrat
  • JBPM exception : no process definition with key

    Hi I am new to jBpm  , though I have run a couple of examples and i am comfortable with the idea.   I am trying to build a spring web application with jBpm 4.4 and I have defined my process defintion jpdl f...
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    last modified by whizkid.samrat
  • How to force variables to be history enabled by default

    Hello. I wonder, if It's possible in JBPM 4.4 to create history enabled variables on process startup, i.e. while calling ExecutionService.startProcessInstanceById(java.lang.String processDefinitionId, java.util.Map&...
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    last modified by jump
  • How to add a ftl to a deployed ProcessDefinition?

    Hi !      I want to know can jbpm4.4 add a ftl with a deployed ProcessDefinition?From a deployed ProcessDefinition,i can get the deployid,with this deployid,i can get the DeploymentImpl.I want to ...
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    created by frh10
  • java.lang.NullPointerException

    Hi !      I use jbpm4.4 in my project,now i have deployed a ProcessDefinition ,when i complete design my task's form,i want to add this form to jbpm's lob ,here is my codes:     &...
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    last modified by frh10
  • How to using XForms in jbpm4.4

    Hi,everyone! I'm new to jbpm,now I am trying to using XForms in jbpm4.4.I wonder how to use Chiba with jbpm4.4.Can anyone give some suggestions on doing this thing! Thanks a lot!
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    last modified by haipeng31
  • Console timeout

    Is there a way to configure the two timeouts for the console? 1. Time until user authentication times out (ie. inactivity, after which they must log in again) 2. Timeout for remote data requests (like refreshing tab...
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    last modified by gubespam
  • Get all processes keys

    Hi!   I want to create a method that will get all the processes deployed keys, and search that list for a key. In case the key is not found, the process is not created. But I don't know how to get all the proces...
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    created by tirwit
  • Where is the source of the jbpm-console for jpbm4.4?

    Who knows where is the source of the jbpm-console for jpbm4.4 ? Please give me a URL, thanks!
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    created by echelon
  • Error Deploying jpdl process

    I am trying to add timers to a "group" of nodes in my process, but the timeout1 transition is always firing.  Basically what I am trying to do is verify that a TH message was received within the timeout period.&#...
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    created by jdh
  • Dynamic linking of application forms to jBPM process

    I have following requirements in my application.   1. I have complex form builder requirement, which will generate the forms dynamically. These dynamic forms should be integrated with workflow. Will JBPM support...
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    last modified by prachit
  • Deadlocks on blob/lob variables

    Deadlocks occur in heavy load environment. I found some issues regarding deadlocks of this version Jbpm engine (http://www.mail-archive.com/jboss-user@lists.jboss.org/msg177884.html//www.mail-archive.com/jboss-user@li...
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    created by leevoth
  • how to resume process

    hi,   i am newbee for jBPM. i have a qustion about how to resume a process.   i difine a test process p1 as: start->A->B->end. in activity A i throw an exception, and because of WaitForSignal the ...
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    last modified by kmwen
  • Task activity failure to save history data of the task

    Hi,   We have problems with task execution in our SEAM-SPRING-JBPM+JBOSS hybrid enviroment. It fails to save history task due transaction failures. The exception looks like:   2011-02-15 15:13:05,792 WARN&...
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    last modified by leevoth
  • A question about authenticatedUserId

    I am a newbie to jbpm. I can see the authenticatedUserId is used for record the current user. And actually, it will saved into a threadlocal thread. So, I was confused about if there are two users log in, first A logi...
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    created by lykm02
  • two versions of jbpm in an application

    Hello,   Is there possibility to use two different versions of jBPM in the same application? has anybody tried this? I have an application using jBPM 3.2.2 (app was developed few years ago). Recently there is ...
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    created by cage
  • JBPM 4.4 and Spring Integration Problem: Session is closed

    I have encountered problem when I am using JBPM 4.4 with Spring 3.5 and Hibernate 3 and Struts2. When we put multiple users to use the system, JBPM operation will randomly cause Hibernate Exception states: "Session i...
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    last modified by silverhoof
  • continue={sync|async|exclusive}

    hi all, since I am strating with jbpm4.4, I saw an example with <on> tag like this:      <fork g="99,68,80,40" name="fork">       <on event="end" continue="asy...
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    created by ayusman_dikshit