• The signal from one process to another

    Hello. I have the following problem. I need to implement a mechanism that one process can send a signal to other processes. I use this code. But get an error. Please tell me how I can implement this mechanism.  ...
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    created by neki
  • email configuration with drools

    Hi   I am trying to configure email in my workflow design. Somebody help me how to configure the email in the jbpm workflow using drools guvnor???   Regards kannan
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    created by kannan123
  • Work with database in WorkItemHandler?

    Hello i have user database.   I Initalize:   <persistence-unit name="userData" transaction-type="JTA">... (persistence.xml)   I use Class for work with database:   @Stateless @Transactio...
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    last modified by neki
  • jBPM5 - Standalone Application

    Hi Experts,   Is there anyway to configrue jBPM5 for a standalone application? any thoughts?   Thanks for your reply.
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    last modified by justin.l
  • [Jbpm5]how to get the image showing the current status of  a workflow in the web application

    In my web application ,I want to get the image showing the current status of  a workflow ,I can not find a class which with these methods just like .getX() and .getY() ,I use jbpm5.2.0
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    last modified by mimi_2012
  • jbpm5 process instance persistence

    Hi forum,   I have configured jbpm and human task to point to mysql db and started a few sample process, had them pending in a human task. Restarted the server to check whether pending process are persisted. Iam...
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    last modified by a_nat
  • How to get the Task instance id ?

    Hi forum,   I have a requirement to get the human task instance id from inside a process. Can you please suggest how to get it?   On the onEntryActions of the human task, I have the following:   ...
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    last modified by a_nat
  • problem with Remote jBPM workflow implementation

    Hi all   I am trying to implement the remote jbpm workflow in my project. Implementing the workflow in the custom portlet. I have successfully passed the form parameters to the workflow instance from where the w...
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    created by kannan123
  • Jbpm 5 user form variables

    Hi forum,   I've investigation JBPM5, but I'm stuck with a variable problem.   The problem is basically with accessing the variable in the user task form.   I have a user task with an ftl, I'm using ...
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    last modified by npereira
  • JBPM. Skip task (not work timer)

    Hello. used jbpm 6. I need to implement: user has the task if it does not start for some time, it is necessary to cancel the job. I am using the following approach. But it does not work when the process is run multipl...
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    last modified by neki
  • jbpm hibernate persistence

    Hi,   We are using Hibernate as our persistence implementatio and Bitronix. I would like to configure JBPM peristence to use a hibernate entity manager so it can participate in our application transactions and g...
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    last modified by joshjdevl
  • how to get completed tasks with nodeids for current running processinstance

    how to get completed tasks with nodeids for current running processinstance
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    last modified by shivaraz.d
  • Integrating Console with custom application

    Hi All,   I want to integrate the JBPM Console with my own application, where I have my own HumanTaskHandler, TaskService and Persistance Unit. I am using Sybase DB and Tomcat server.   Can any one help m...
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    last modified by grathi
  • jBPM5 - jbpm-gwt-console -  java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Could not connect task client

    I am getting the error below the first time I click on Processes/Execution History. Process/ProcessOverview, Task/Personal Tasks and Tasks/Group Tasks.  It goes away after selecting each at least 1 time previousl...
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    last modified by jimdwyer
  • How work with my bd from task

    Hello everyone. I model the process in which the tasks of the need to interact with the database. Example: in the control room receives a call. Number is checked against the database. If it is not available then the n...
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    created by neki
  • JBPM5 - Process Versioning

    Hey,   Is process versioning, supported by JBPM5 engine? Is it possible to switch process instances to the other version of process definition?
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    last modified by urdo2
  • How we get all the running process instances with in a KnowledgeSession

      Hi   The result of the getProcessInstances() in the KnowledgeSession is getting as empty (size is 0). How we get all the process instances running with n a KnowledgeSession ? (JBPM 5.4)
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    last modified by shijuj
  • VariablePersistence upgrade/migration strategy

    we have an enterprise application running a.o. drools flow 5.1.1. we have many flows defined, and are processing high daily volumes, and have developed quite a dependence on JPA VariableInstance as per Variable Persis...
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    last modified by batman567
  • Dynamic reassignment in BRMS 5.3

    Hi there,   I have been looking for a way escalate a task with certain deadline, is ok using the Reassignment option in the web process modeler I use it in that way because our "business analysis" did the initia...
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    last modified by roar109
  • How we implement the JBPM in a cluster environment ?

    Anybody please help, How we implement the JBPM (5.3) in a cluster environment? How the Knowledge sessions are shared in between different nodes. If I share the same knowledge session in- between the nodes, is it per...
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    last modified by shijuj