• H2 database

    Hi,   what is the best way to view the entries in the H2 database?   The database file can be found here: C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\test.db if you are on windows. It is not in the jbpm-ins...
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    last modified by michael.wagner
  • User Task inside Multiple Instances node to do concurrent User Task assignments

    Dear Community,   With the support I've been receiving from the community members & developers, I have involved myself into this wonderful phenomenon of exploring and making the best use of jBPM5 & BPMN2...
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    last modified by aadav86
  • Disable authentication for JBPM Console

    Hi Experts, I want to develop my own client to show tasks assigned to logged in user, similar to Personal Tasks in jbpm console. I'm thinking of using rest api exposed by console and developing UI on top of that. Sin...
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    created by umesh.bude
  • Getting error in building package in guvnor

    Hello everyone,   I have a problem that when I use human task service in guvnor I got the following error in guvnor build console:   "unable to parse xml : Exception class org.drools.RuntimeDroolsException...
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    last modified by hadik
  • How can I decode  rulesByteArray of  SessionInfo

    Hi ,     I want to decode  blob rulesByteArray to string from entity[SessionInfo]。   Thanks.
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    last modified by jack_tao
  • jBPM 5.1 in a real world web application

    We are writing a prototype based on Java EE 6 (JSF 2.0, EJB 3.1, JPA 2.0). Application Server is JBoss AS 6.1. The customer described his business processes (about 30) in BPMN 2.0. There are many business rules as wel...
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    last modified by rahzel
  • Error while creating process by using Fluent API.

    Hi!     By using Fluent API I want to create a Business Process as Shown below :- Here I am first using the join node and after task1, its a split node. This process can be created using eclipse modeler an...
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    created by snowstormuser
  • jBPM5 Error handling

    Hi,   I've looked about error handling in jbpm5 and i still don't get how it works (solutions were like making a sub process etc..).   In jbpm4 when there were exceptions in nodes, process instances went b...
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    last modified by oli83
  • How to add Humantask(User Task) in a process at runtime(dynamically).

       Hi, I have a scenario where I would like add human task in process at runtime(dynamically).And creat its connection at runtime. Thanks.
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    last modified by snowstormuser
  • JBPMN 5 - Service Task

    Hello, I apologies for a noob question, but i saw in documentation and in the examples an activity called Service Task with a specific logo. Where is that task in my eclipse pallete of BPMN constructs? I can't find i...
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    last modified by nakuro
  • How to undo/rollback a stage in workflow

    Hi   Our application (using JBPM 5.1.0 final+ Hibernate+Spring), deployed on tomcat 6.0.26 gets an issue where sometimes when user completes a stage next stage does not become active.   We are unable to fi...
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    last modified by arorapo
  • jBPM Designer Custom views/validations!

    Hi All, Iam new to jbpm web based designer for BPMN modelling. And I have few questions: - Is it possible to customize the designer in a way that allows only custom tasks/service nodes (just examples...could be othe...
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    last modified by imramaraju
  • How to differentiate between human task types

    I have a scenario where I would like have different type of human task e.g. ‘Review Human Task’, ‘Approve Human Task’. Based on such human task type I want to display specific user interface fo...
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    last modified by snowstormuser
  • How to execute tasks of multiple instances in sequential manner?

    Hi, I have a scenario where I would like to create the multiple instance node but the task in multiple instance node must be execute in the sequential manner.  Here execution order of the dynamically created tas...
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    last modified by snowstormuser
  • JBoss AS7 did not start within 5 minutes

    Hi    After Installation ,I run ant start.demo command and found following error on screen. "JBoss AS7 did not start within 5 minutes" I checked following 1) I Checked no process is bound on port 8...
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    last modified by gunjan.bohra
  • Operation on a process variable from a human task

    Hi,   Let's say we have 2 process variables: count and increment, once a human task is finished, we would like to do an opearation: count = count + increment, I know with on exit action, I can do this kind of op...
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    last modified by new-comer
  • Jbpm with user transaction

    Hi!   I have a very basic workflow. In my workflow I have a diverging gateway. In this gateway I use a service to control the flow.   My problem is that my service is a transactional service (I use sprin...
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    created by jhouzard
  • Jbpm 5.3.0.Final with Spring 3.1.3.RELEASE

    Hi! I'm very new with Jbpm 5 and I have some issues with the spring @Autowired functionality.   I'have a .bpmn workflow with a Gateway. In my gateway I have a constraint calling a java service of my own. In this ...
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    created by jhouzard
  • How to handle an abortion of a work item?

    Hi, playing with jBPM 5.1Final i realized that i was not able to handle tha abortion of a work item inside the process definition. I have tried unsuccessfully to usa an BoundaryEvent thet refer an Error Event Defini...
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    last modified by francesco.pietrobelli
  • JBPM5 in servicemix

    Hi All,   We are integrating the jbpm5 in servicemix. Does JBPM5 having the OSGI bundles to integrate with servicemix.   Thanks in advance. Karthi
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    created by karthiv6