• getTasksAssignedAsPotentialOwner is very slow, How to optimize it?

    My database is oracle 11g, I use JBPM 5.4, There are 9654 records in TASK table, But getTasksAssignedAsPotentialOwner is very slow, every execute will cost more than 3 seconds. Anybody has idea to optimize it? thank...
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    created by lijiangt
  • Difficulties Invoking Rule Task

    Hi,   I was trying to invoke a rule task within my process.   First, I took the example that was part of the unit test examples:   The execution works fine.   I then added a human task node a...
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    last modified by tob1as
  • JBPM5 Error Handling

    Hello, How to handle an exception if it occurs in any of the step . For eg. If I have 3 steps, if exception occurs in first step, the execution flow should end and error should be logged. But I dont know how to achi...
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    last modified by ragramaiah
  • How can I add JBPM5 to S2SH(struts2 Spring3 hibernate 3)?

    Hi everyone         Today I was download the JBPM 5.4,My boss asked me to use this tool,In one week,perhaps,I should write a demo use JBPM5       ...
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    last modified by zhangjingtao
  • How to do computations in parameter Mapping

    Can I concat 2 process variables and  create a task parameter.   Assume that I  have 2 process varaibles named CustomerID and IdProofName and now if I have to create a new task varaible named "RecordId...
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    last modified by a_nat
  • Issue with StatefulKnowledgeSession

    Hi i have created a workflow using humantask with database. But when i am deploying the process i am getting this error "java.lang.IllegalStateException: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException". I debugged the j...
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    last modified by irs
  • Receive Task: Retrieving the Message referred by Message ref.

    For the messageRef Attribute of receive task BPMN2.0 Specification says   "A Message for the messageRef attribute MAY be entered. This indicates that the Message will be received by the Task. The Message in this...
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    last modified by rahulamt
  • while building the package in guvnor getting error:unable to parse xml : Exception class java.lang.IllegalArgumentException : Invalid bounds for node _353049A9-B059-46AF-BF6B-B79E8B646FE7

    HI! guys     Iam getting the error in jbpm guvnor while building the package in guvnor the error was "unable to parse xml : Exception class java.lang.IllegalArgumentException : Invalid bounds for node _3...
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    last modified by sairohit
  • How can i use the Human Task from another computer ?

    Hi,   i want to use the Human Task from another computer (server)   but i got a error, it is Could not connect task client: on ip: - port: 5153   seems like i should set up something? i ...
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    last modified by a130078949
  • can a human task autostart?

    Hi, I have 2 human tasks with 2 forms seperated by a service task such that the 2nd form depending on the 1st one. Is it possible for the 2nd form to auto appear when the process reaches to the 2nd human task? examp...
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    last modified by xealous
  • Should i wait for the deployment files become past tense?

    Hi everyone, I realized that I need to wait for that deployment files, named "ed" suffix.   in other words, I should wait for them while the Demo service become build succesful.   if not when I open t...
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    created by a130078949
  • How to countersigned a task in JBPM 5 ?

    In my project thers's a vote task , all the people in the task must voted .   But I can't config the process resource , because i don't know how many people join in the vote task .   If all the people vote...
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    last modified by miniservice
  • jbpm5 to schedule hadoop/map reduce jobs?

    Does anyone have any experience using the jbpm5 scheduler to manage hadoop/map reduce jobs?
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    created by dmwpepper
  • UserGroupCallbackManager: Not returning callback

    Hello,   I'm unable to retrieve an instance of the UserGroupCallback using the UserGroupCallbackManager.   From my understanding this should work by setting the jbpm.usergroup.callback property:   Sys...
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    last modified by houston4j
  • Prevent duplication in XOR gateway

    Hi all,   I'm just getting started with jBPM, and I have a small question about XOR gateways. At the moment, our nodes have two endpoints, and the code for one endpoint looks like this:   switch(result) { &...
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    last modified by bodiam
  • How to update a process when it is running ?

    in my project ,i use the JBPM5.3 and spring ,the task server is HornetQTaskServer, i need to update a task node when the task process was running .   For this thing , i start a task process , when it go to a tas...
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    last modified by miniservice
  • Ordering in converging AND Gateway in JBPM5

    I have two signal events signal1 and signal2 in my diagram for an and converging gateway and I want that signal1 should come first after that only signal2 should be activated. If signal2 comes first then it should be ...
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    created by nehatripathi
  • Connection TimeOut while getting assigned tasks

    Hi All,      We are using the BlockingSummaryTaskHandler to get assigned tasks and we are getting the following timeout errors while fetching results.This is very critical , can anyone please help on t...
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    last modified by pras_karnam
  • How to reload knowledgeSession from database?

    If there is a process instance with several human tasks inside, and a sudden exception, for example, electricity failure, occurs when one of the human tasks is processing. When coming back from the exception and repro...
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    last modified by wwweeii
  • Error on task complete.

    I am working with JBPM 5.1 , integrated with the ESB 4.11 and the AS 5. Actualy, its the enterprise confirguration for this products (SOA-P 5.3 + its JBPM5 integration) Untill now i have been using some services wich...
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    last modified by diaguirr