• Do you know a way to automate application (that uses jBPM workflow) deployment?

    Hi,   The problem is as follows. Let's assume one has an application that will be using BPMS (jBPM+Drools etc) and will be deployed in JBoss server in domain mode. In order to register handlers for the jBPM work...
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    last modified by mateuszadamiak
  • jbpm org.drools.persistence.info.SessionInfo what is saved in rulesByteArray

    Hi, I'm investigating some jbpm issues at the moment and for that I need to know what is persisted org.drools.persistence.info.SessionInfo rulesByteArray blob. For example what is saved when timer intermediate event ...
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    last modified by jinalu
  • ksession.getProcessInstances()

    i try to use ksesson.getProcessInstaces(); but it return a collecion of size 0 which confused ne a lot javadoc of org.drools.runtime.process.ProcessRuntime.getProcessInstances():        ...
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    last modified by mm524262909
  • jbpm5 timer and process recovery

    Hi, I have the question about jbpm timer specifics. In my case I have jbpm process running drools guvnor and for some steps custom handlers are used (running on servicemix). The handler I have problem with is called ...
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    last modified by jinalu
  • (JBPM5)jbpm-console Report problem--how to install birt +Jboss 7

    Please tell me how to do can install birt and make report work? In $jbpm-installer-dir/build.properties I can set jBPM.birt.download=true Thanks!!
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    created by quirozariel21
  • jBPM Deployable WAR/EAR ???  Please help!

    Does anyone happen to know where I can find a sample (example code, or even a maven archetype) that contains a maven build that creates something that can be deployed onto JBoss that will actually be able to startup a...
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    last modified by clay_ferguson
  • Generate reports with jbpm-console + Jboss 7

    in the  file “build.properties"  configure "jBPM.birt.download=true" but does not the report generator jbpm-console. And displays the following message: "Reporting Engine does not seem to be running....
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    created by quirozariel21
  • Duplicate signal

    Hello. I have the following problem. When sending a signal to the process: ksession.signalEvent(type, event, procId); Trigger signal once two consecutive for one command. I think this is a bug. Maybe you have any w...
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    created by neki
  • Where is the best place to colloborate on 3rd party applications that work with jBPM?

    Hello Everyone,   Sometime last month, I posted a question about 'Enhancing jBPM's Usability' here ( https://community.jboss.org/message/856310?et=watches.email.thread#856310)   We would like to share with...
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    last modified by ngigiwaithaka
  • How to stop second branch of a converging XOR gateway?

    Hi,   Given the following flow: The split gateway is of type AND. The join gateway is of type XOR.   I thought that if one of the branches passed the xor join gateway, the second would not pass anymore...
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    last modified by mvermand
  • Event node exit would remove Event defintion from Knowledge Base

    Hi,   We are a little surprise about the following behavior: We have a KnowledgeBase Instance implemented as Singleton. Every new Process would use the same reference to the Knowledgebase and run in its own Sta...
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    last modified by jboss-at-rameder.com
  • JPAWorkingMemoryDbLogger logger stoped working

    In my project I'm working with jbpm 5.3, drools and servicemix. Recently I started getting errors when servicemix jbpm bundle is trying to create JPAWorkingMemoryDbLogger logger = new JPAWorkingMemoryDbLogger(ksession...
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    last modified by jinalu
  • Is there any api that could be used to create a image from the process definition xml file?

    Hi everyone:      I am very new for the jbpm 5 . Now I tried create a image from the process definition xml file . Is there any api could help me ? I am using jbpm 5.3 . Any help will be thankful....
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    last modified by dapengking
  • How to defining a process with diverge gateway node using api of jbpm5.4

    Hi everyone :      I want to build a process definition using api of jbpm5.4 . And I already read about the "6.1.3. Defining Processes Using the Process API" in the jBPM User Guide . Now I have f...
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    last modified by dapengking
  • Migration from jBPM 5.3 to jBPM 6.0

    Hello friends,   Is there any Migration strategy developed (or going to release) to migrate things from jBPM 5.3 to jBPM 6.0 ? Currently I have started using jBPM 6.0 CR2 version but my project code is all devel...
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    last modified by foram
  • NoSuchMethodError while invoking external web service in jbpm

    Hi, i developed a custom workitem, and I integrated in the executeWorkItem the code of a jax-ws client; everything works fine when I start the flow from a standalone application, but I have problem when I integrate it...
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    last modified by medello
  • How to send a event/massage from process instance  to another process instance

    Hi, I want to sent a event inside a process instance to another process instance, All the instances  are in one session. How can i do this?
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    last modified by oceanskkkkky
  • useage of multiple instances component

    which situation do we use multiple instances component in?   what the differences between multiple instances and multiple instances component in general useage?   Can you show me a sample for this?
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    created by oceanskkkkky
  • Any Usable Documentation ?

    I'm just getting started using jBPM, and was looking for some actual documentation on the API.  I looked here: KIE API 6.0.1.Final API   I found the class I needed to look up: org.kie.api.task.TaskService...
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    created by clay_ferguson
  • How to attach source in Eclipse for Debugging

    Does anyone know how to attach the jBPM  Source in Eclipse ?   The  jBP Library shows up as "non-modifiable" when you open the Eclipse build path dialog and so it doesn't allow source attachment. ...
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    last modified by clay_ferguson