• signalEvent doesn't trigger intermediate event node

    Hello, I have encountered a problem while working with events. I have a process, in which there is an intermediate catching event for an event of type "turn-new". Then in jbpm test case I start the process and then ...
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    last modified by newohybat
  • Problem while validating process "Could not find process image"

    When I validate my process in guvnor i can see the following error in start node:   "Could not find process image"   How to fix this problem?
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    last modified by sc_boss
  • How to send a event/massage from process instance  to another process instance

    Hi, I want to sent a event inside a process instance to another process instance, All the instances  are in one session. How can i do this?
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    last modified by oceanskkkkky
  • Jbpm generics support on process variable definitions

    Hi,   I'm using JBPM 5.4 on a project and i have a question. I cannot find informations about jbpm support of generics collections in process variables definitions.   If i try to define a process variabl...
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    last modified by d.bramati
  • Agenda & Process Event Listeners To Fire All Rules

    Hi, I am writing to ask how this solution works. When I add event listeners like this:           ksession.addEventListener(        ...
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    created by newohybat
  • is h2 database persistence by default enabled in kie workbench?

    I have started jBPM by, start.demo. so its start jboss, h2, eclipse. I want to enable database persistence to save jBPMs runtime process data. is it by default enabled in jBPM6/kie-workbench? if no, how to enable it...
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    last modified by rsmagdum
  • useage of multiple instances component

    which situation do we use multiple instances component in?   what the differences between multiple instances and multiple instances component in general useage?   Can you show me a sample for this?
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    created by oceanskkkkky
  • I'm looking for senior developers who can help me with my JBPM implementation project but having hard time finding people with complete knowledge. Anybody there who can help with the development in the US?

    In need of Senior developers who can help me with my JBPM implementation project.
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    last modified by gurpad
  • About Organization Structure

    You Know,the JBPM5.4 don't have Organization Structure.So,I hope to do some expansion on User-Group Model of the original.I want to Know,do you have some good advice in this wok.(eg:which interface could be extended...)
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    created by sorrol
  • How to enable jbpm job executor?

    Hi, I want to enable jbpm job executor,   org.kie.executor.disabled   is property name, But from where i can change its value? Please help me on this.
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    last modified by rsmagdum
  • cvc-complex-type.2.4.b: The content of element 'bpmn2:ioSpecification' is not complete. One of '{"http://www.omg.org/spec/BPMN/20100524/MODEL":dataInput, "http://www.omg.org/spec/BPMN/20100524/MODEL":dataOutput, "http://www.omg.org/spec/BPMN/20100524/MODE

    I generate multi instance bpmn from eclipse IDE but while running it giving following error :   2014-02-28 21:01:51,161 [main] ERROR (null: 26, 31): cvc-complex-type.2.4.b: The content of element 'bpmn2:ioSpecif...
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    created by rsmagdum
  • Scalability and Performance with Human Tasks

    Hello, I need a piece of advice concerning following issue:   I thought about using human tasks for actions which can player do in a game. My idea was to start processes with allowed actions, while the first no...
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    last modified by newohybat
  • Workflow definition id

    Hi all   I am using jbpm 5.4. Now i have a requirement that in need the current workflow definition id in my class. How can i do this???   Regards Kannan G.krishnan
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    last modified by kannan123
  • How to generate PNG image of Process Definition programmatically from KnowledgeBase? Without using Web Designer or Eclipse Designer..

    Hi,   In the Web Designer that comes with JBPM 5.4 Final. there is a PNG button that let us create a PNG image from what we draw in the designer.   My Question is, how can we create a PNG image if we are n...
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    last modified by thomas.setiabudi
  • NullPointerException on ProcessInstanceImpl.getProcess after long time running workItems

    Hi, I have a jbpm Process with a workItem that launchs an external application using ProcessBuilder.   When the external application ends I compelte tthe workItem with the following command:   manager.com...
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    last modified by lauradp
  • How to create user and group in jBPM(eclipse & KIE workbench)

    Hi, I am using jBPM 6.0 and try to create a user task in eclipse. User task run successfully when I use default actor name as john, mary etc, but when I take another actor name then project give some exceptions. So p...
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    last modified by errahul.acs
  • Spring+ jbpm5.4+JTA(Bitronix) throwing error

    Hi Team,   Initially I had configured jbpm5.4 with spring when all my data required to be in same schema, but now requirement is to keep the bpm related data in different table. So i decided to go with JTA using...
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    last modified by yogesh02
  • Service Task Deployment (jBPM 5.4 using console)

    I have been following http://docs.jboss.org/jbpm/v5.4/userguide/ch.domain-specific-processes.html for creating a new custom service task.  However, one thing that I do not see stated in this section is how to act...
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    last modified by mbaldwin
  • Variables doesnt reach script after complete human task

    Hey guys, I'm facing a problem, when I complete a human task through API, it continues to script node and the variables I attached to complete method are null when I use them in the script, I think is something wro...
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    created by guitat
  • Any Usable Documentation ?

    I'm just getting started using jBPM, and was looking for some actual documentation on the API.  I looked here: KIE API 6.0.1.Final API   I found the class I needed to look up: org.kie.api.task.TaskService...
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    created by clay_ferguson