• Calling BPMN from code does not instantiate task flow at KIE Workbench

    Hi,   Currently I am using Jbpm6.2 and calling it from Jdev(ADF Application).   I used below code for calling the JBPM and it gets called and i can see the output in console. I used User Task in Jbpm so fo...
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    created by abhijitkumar1903
  • JBPM5.4, Spring 3, Hibernate 4, jtds, and JBoss JTA Transaction Manager Error on Multi thread call

    Hi,   I try to use JBPM5.4, Spring 3.1.4, Hibernate 4.1.9, Jboss AS 7.1.1 and JBoss Transaction Manager   I create a simple function to start a process   When I just have 1 thread calling that functi...
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    last modified by thomas.setiabudi
  • How to delete loadStatefulKnowledgeSession from db in jbpm5?(i.e Delete SESSIONINFO data from Database)

    My requirement is after loading the session from database and complete the all tasks then dispose session.Now in database PROCESSINSTANCEINFO and WORKITEMINFO data were delete but still i have SESSIONINFO data so my q...
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    last modified by yellappa313
  • Redirect to external Form url with params

    I need to add new “User Task” template that will call an external page (passing some parameters in the url ) out of JBPM 6 , the new template must accept the url of the task form and can work with other pr...
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    created by kishore-tag
  • How to get paths for a process - without workbench

    I have gone through the demo and I see that we have a neat functionality on the process designer that lets us see various paths that a process can take. I have an existing application where I use the imported processe...
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    last modified by mdegan
  • How to achieve SLA management for the tasks in processes?

    I understand, that there is design time element to create human task with expiration date / time. Though what I would like to know is: Whether this works?. What happens when a task is suspended / resumed, is this co...
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    created by a_nat
  • How do i model jbpm 5.4 to run flow running backward?

    Hi All,   How do i model jbpm 5.4 to run flow running backward?   Please provide your inputs.   -Thanks
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    last modified by rocky13
  • InternalKnowledgeRuntime object

    Hi All,   In many of the JBPM source code files i see InternalKnowledgeRuntime is being used. But i am not able to figure out from where its getting its value.Does it get from KnowledgeSession? Whats the comple...
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    last modified by rocky13
  • Running flow in backward

    Hi All,   Can anyone please tell me if there is any way to run flow in backward? Can anyone please guide me?   Thanks, Rocky T
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    last modified by rocky13
  • Operation failed in LocalTaskService

    We have implemented LocalTaskService in our Web App. I have been facing concurrency problem for the below scenario.   Scenario: When two users are trying to complete the different task (on same time), excepti...
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    created by mariaprabudass
  • I'm getting java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver found for jdbc:h2:mem:test

    Hi all!   When executing line 2 below, I'm getting: java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver found for jdbc:h2:mem:test   EntityManagerFactory emfTask = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory( "org.jbpm.t...
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    created by jeferson.dmolin
  • Deploying embedded jBPM5 app into jBoss AS 7.1.1

    Hello everyone!   I'm new to jBPM 5.4 and I'm facing some challenges on deploying my app into jBoss AS 7.1.1.   I'm building a simple application for academical purposes. Basically what I'm doing right now...
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    last modified by jeferson.dmolin
  • jbpm 5.4 persisted process not moving forward

    Hi All,   I need help with one of the issue  i am facing. I have developed one flow.But when i am persisting process using JPAKnowledgeService session.My process is not moving forward.However its working fi...
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    last modified by rocky13
  • jBPM 5.4, Persistence, and Safe-Points

    Community,   Excuse the long-winded post. I'm trying to debug an issue with an integration project with the following components:   jBPM 5.4 final, Drools 5.5 final Spring 3.2.x Bitronix 2.1.x   Th...
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    last modified by franco.gasperino
  • JBPM5.4 transactions to use the current MDB context user transaction

    Hi All!   I'm currently doing a project in Spring 3, Hibernate 4 and JBPM5.4 running in WebSphere 7. I'm starting my process inside a Message Driven Bean and inside this bean I'm sending another JMS to trigger a...
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    last modified by javaken
  • BPM - Models and Decisions - Why should it be necessary to think like a java developer?

    I'm fairly new to Business Process Modeling and Automation.  Though I have developed software for 3 decades, I have enjoyed performing various non-technical roles in the business.  Currently, I would like to...
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    last modified by bmetelits
  • How to add File Custom Field Type in jBPM6

    Hey guys,   Actually, I am trying to add a file field type to the task form in which the user will be able to upload a file in the task form. I do the corresponding procedure: 1) ant  clean.demo 2) add "...
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    last modified by feri
  • How to load all service tasks from database when open the Drools Guvnoor web console or jBPM web console?

    Hi All,   I have saved some service task names and required metadata (i.e work item handlers) in database. All the service tasks should be loaded When browse url of Drool Guvnor  web console(http://localh...
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    last modified by yellappa313
  • Custom WorkItemHandler - variables being converted to String

    Hello,   I am in the process of implementing a custom WorkItemHandler which allows calling Spring bean methods. It is all working so far, except when I use an expression for setting a parameter such as:   &...
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    last modified by vtatai
  • [JBoss BRMS 5.3][jBPM 5.2] How to provide ksession into work item handler?

    Hi,   I am working on async service task, but it does not work so far. In [1] there is code snippet for asynchronous handler execution that I used for my AsyncWorkItemHandler, which looks like this:   publ...
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    last modified by mateuszadamiak