• Deployment Of JBPM Project with same version

    Hi All,   When I am deploying my project with the same version after doing some modification . the console is not allowing me to do the same. I have to change the version number every time and which is not accep...
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    last modified by ghana5300
  • DocumentsMarshallingStrategy

    Hello.   Please, is there any example of using the next marshalling strategy: org.jbpm.document.marshalling.DocumentsMarshallingStrategy. I see it as a new class in the 7.6.0.Final jar release. But, there is no ...
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    created by rafael.pino
  • java generics in JBPM process variables

    I've found that using a java generic type such as "java.util.List<java.lang.String>" as the custom type in a process variable is a bad thing to do... After giving an error (below) you end up with no workflow at ...
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    last modified by bwallis42
  • DocumentServicesClient example

    Hello.   I want to upload a document using the REST API and then I want to show it using a Form.   I've been able to upload the document by using the following class: DocumentServicesClient. Here is my co...
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    created by rafael.pino
  • JBPM 5.4 - boundary signal event to abort reusable subprocess stopped in a Human Task

    Hi,   I'm new in Jbpm and beacuse of that, struggling to get something work   Let me explain: I've a main process with a reusable subprocess that have a boundary signal event: The reusable subprocess ...
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    last modified by zeca9
  • Start process instance with a List of custom objects parameters

    Greetings.   I'm trying to start a process instance passing a List of custom objects using a parameter Map. The process instance is started but when I open the Form that uses the List of objects, then the server...
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    last modified by rafael.pino
  • duplicate database records on set task variables

    I have a project with data model that has a "Client" object (JPA) with "documents" field (Set of ClDocument (JPA) objects). they are described as follows:   @javax.persistence.Entity public class Client impleme...
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    last modified by makvell
  • Starting jBPM process with parameters via REST API

    Hello everybody,   I was trying to start a jBPM process via REST API providing a map of key-value parameters.   I tried these url:   * jbpmConsoleUrl + "/rest/runtime/" + deploymentId + "/process/" +...
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    last modified by lauradp
  • Error storing asset: null

    I get this error when I try and store a process definition in workbench (kie-wb-6.1.0.Final-wildfly) It was working okay, and it did store the initial copy of the process with just the start node, but after that it f...
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    last modified by rogerparkinson
  • ProcessDefinition now showing any deployed process - JBPM-7.6.0 - WildFly-10.1.0 - H2 Db (or MySQL db)

    Am testing the latest jbpm - 7.6.0 against H2 db. Problem we are facing is that the business process gets compiled > built and deployed successfully. But it does not show up in the processDefinition tab   ...
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    created by tvraghavan
  • jbpm6 and spring

    Hi,   I want to use jbpm process as embeded in my own spring based application. Any pointer to any sample project will be highly helpful.   Also if i run jbpm process in embeded mode still we would be abl...
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    last modified by chiri
  • To add groups and users to the MySQL table by JBPM

    Hello, I'm starting to use JBPM 7 with MySQL Database. I was able to create groups and users, but straight into the MySQL table. I would like to know how to create the same groups and users directly in JBPM and the...
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    last modified by emerson_o81
  • JBPM , Storing and retriving static data from database without creating a new process

    Folks, I am learning JBPM and I want to know about storing static data and retrieving it. Scenario: I have a list of Cities. I want to store this list into JBPM as static data which normally did not change. This is fi...
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    last modified by mubasherusman
  • Parsing json response from REST service task in JBoss BPM 6.4

    Hi,   I have created a simple business process in business central. The business process calls a REST web service from the REST service task. The REST service returns a json string. I am able to print the json ...
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    last modified by igitdeveloper
  • How can I create a proces from another one.

    I have a use case to create a work flow from another one.. How do I do it?
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    last modified by peeyar
  • How to change process variable value through rest api call in jbpm 6.4

    Hi All,   I am trying to change process variable while calling complete task method.but not able to do so.
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    created by anuj.singh
  • JBPM 7.5

    Unable to complete your request. The following exception occurred: Parameter named 'metadata' should be not null!. error comes while trying to create business process.     No metadata found for file: aaaa.b...
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    last modified by anuj.singh
  • Creating process dynamically using java API

    Hi, I'd like to know if jBpm 6.5 (and BPMS) allows creating jBpm processes using any API I found this post Creating process dynamically using Fluent API  and this jbpm/ProcessFactoryTest.java at master · k...
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    last modified by lauradp
  • Difference between standalone and library deployment of jBpm

    Hi, I'd like to know the difference between library and standalone deployment methods of jBpm (I'm using 6.5).   I have jbpm-console.war deployed under Wildfly 10.1. My workItems are pacaked as a jar into jbpm-...
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    last modified by lauradp
  • How to set quarter(00,15,30,45) timer event interval in Jbpm

    I need to set a timer event, which should schedule for exactly every 15 mins in a clock hour(00,15,30,45) interval.
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    last modified by gbobba