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Thread JBPM Project Undeployment
JBPM Project UndeploymentHi All, I want to undeploy the Project from JBPM console . Could any one please help me in achieving the same ? Regards, Ghanashyam
Thread Deployment Of JBPM Project with same version
Deployment Of JBPM Project with same versionHi All, When I am deploying my project with the same version after doing some modification . the console is not allowing me to do the same. I have to change the version number every time and which is not accep...
DocumentsMarshallingStrategyHello. Please, is there any example of using the next marshalling strategy: org.jbpm.document.marshalling.DocumentsMarshallingStrategy. I see it as a new class in the 7.6.0.Final jar release. But, there is no ...
java generics in JBPM process variablesI've found that using a java generic type such as "java.util.List<java.lang.String>" as the custom type in a process variable is a bad thing to do... After giving an error (below) you end up with no workflow at ...
DocumentServicesClient exampleHello. I want to upload a document using the REST API and then I want to show it using a Form. I've been able to upload the document by using the following class: DocumentServicesClient. Here is my co...
Thread Start process instance with a List of custom objects parameters
Start process instance with a List of custom objects parametersGreetings. I'm trying to start a process instance passing a List of custom objects using a parameter Map. The process instance is started but when I open the Form that uses the List of objects, then the server...
Thread duplicate database records on set task variables
duplicate database records on set task variablesI have a project with data model that has a "Client" object (JPA) with "documents" field (Set of ClDocument (JPA) objects). they are described as follows: @javax.persistence.Entity
public class Client impleme...
Thread Starting jBPM process with parameters via REST API
Starting jBPM process with parameters via REST APIHello everybody, I was trying to start a jBPM process via REST API providing a map of key-value parameters. I tried these url: * jbpmConsoleUrl + "/rest/runtime/" + deploymentId + "/process/" +...
Error storing asset: nullI get this error when I try and store a process definition in workbench (kie-wb-6.1.0.Final-wildfly) It was working okay, and it did store the initial copy of the process with just the start node, but after that it f...
jbpm6 and springHi, I want to use jbpm process as embeded in my own spring based application. Any pointer to any sample project will be highly helpful. Also if i run jbpm process in embeded mode still we would be abl...
Thread To add groups and users to the MySQL table by JBPM
To add groups and users to the MySQL table by JBPMHello, I'm starting to use JBPM 7 with MySQL Database. I was able to create groups and users, but straight into the MySQL table. I would like to know how to create the same groups and users directly in JBPM and the...
Thread Parsing json response from REST service task in JBoss BPM 6.4
Parsing json response from REST service task in JBoss BPM 6.4Hi, I have created a simple business process in business central. The business process calls a REST web service from the REST service task. The REST service returns a json string. I am able to print the json ...
JBPM 7.5Unable to complete your request. The following exception occurred: Parameter named 'metadata' should be not null!. error comes while trying to create business process. No metadata found for file: aaaa.b...
Thread Creating process dynamically using java API
Creating process dynamically using java APIHi, I'd like to know if jBpm 6.5 (and BPMS) allows creating jBpm processes using any API I found this post Creating process dynamically using Fluent API and this jbpm/ProcessFactoryTest.java at master · k...
Thread Difference between standalone and library deployment of jBpm
Difference between standalone and library deployment of jBpmHi, I'd like to know the difference between library and standalone deployment methods of jBpm (I'm using 6.5). I have jbpm-console.war deployed under Wildfly 10.1. My workItems are pacaked as a jar into jbpm-...