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Thread jbpm : disable ejb-timer while using quartz
jbpm : disable ejb-timer while using quartzWe have enabled quartz timer service in our jBPM server. We have created a quartz datasource and updated the timer-service like below <timer-service thread-pool-name="default" default-data-store="db-...
Aborting subprocessesHi, everyone. I've got some issues while aborting subprocesses in jBPM (bpm suite 6.4). To cut a long story short I have my main process which can instantiate numerous subprocesses "guarantee claim" and "early claim"...
Thread How can I add users that can log in to the KIE Workbench?
How can I add users that can log in to the KIE Workbench?Hello JBoss Community, How can I add users that can log in to the KIE Workbench en perform Tasks? Now I'm using the standard john, mary and krisv, but I would like my own names. Kind regards, ...
RHPAM User/Human task notificationsHello, I am using RHPAM 7.1 version. I see in the User/Human task diagram properties, Notifications option is not present. How to configure notifications for user/human task in RHPAM 7.1? I used JBPM Suite 6.4 previ...
Error en JBMPHola, Buenos días. Tengo un error en un dos procesos que estoy creando como ejemplos; en el primero me da este mensaje: [KBase: Prueba]: unable to parse xml : Exception class java.lang.IllegalArgumentException :...
JBPMExiste la posibilidad de enlazar a las instancias de un proceso desde una web sin entrar en el gestor? es necesario acceder a la API de alguna forma. Estoy comenzando a trabajar con JBPM y no me parece muy resolutivo....
jbpm 7.12 rest api problemi can via my process correct,but i cant excute business process by restful api,some imges below i read the document, but i cant find the answer, is someone know this?
Problems persisting SessionInfo with MySQLI am using jBPM 5.4. I am new to jBPM and setting up very simple scenarios to learn the foundation. While learning how persistence works I am relying on JBPMHelper class. Persisting with H2Server w...
Thread How to get Resource property from Process in JBPM 7.3
How to get Resource property from Process in JBPM 7.3Hi . I am trying to visualize the process instance using bpmn.io javascript library. bpmn.io library requires only the xml content of the process in a String format. What i am doing is : - Get the ProcessInst...
Simulation chapter of documentation...Hi I was going through the jBPM designer documentation at https://docs.jboss.org/jbpm/v6.0/userguide/ https://docs.jboss.org/jbpm/release/latestFinal/jbpm-docs/html_single In both versions of the doc, there ar...
Kie Workbench Designer at client sideHi How to use Kie Workbench designer alone in client side JSP based application , JBPM version 7.x? Using kie-wb-common-stunner project jars as a dependency can we use kie workbench designe...
Migration from jbpm 4.4 to jbpm 6Hi, In our project we have used jbpm 4.4 version and process definition files are written in jpdl. Now We are going to migrate the jbpm version from 4.4 to 6.0 version.So we need to convert our jpdl files to BP...
Thread workItemByteArray null when persisting WorkItemInfo
workItemByteArray null when persisting WorkItemInfoHi, We've updated to 5.4.0.CR1 to resolve an this issue: https://community.jboss.org/message/766586#766586. We now have a problem where the WorkItemManager cannot complete our Human task and continue the proces...