• JSFUnit's session key not 'put' to external context

    I am using arquillian 1.0.0.CR4 and JSFUnit 2.0.0.Beta2-SNAPSHOT in jboss AS 6 on a seam 2.2 application.   This simple unit test fails.   @Test @InitialPage("/home.seam") public void testLogin(JSFServer...
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    last modified by jjfraney
  • WELD-001308 on running JUnit4 tests using JSFUnit 2.0.0.Beta1 in Embedded Glassfish 3.1

    I've written a very trivial example to examine JSFUnit's capabilities in embedded Glassfish 3.1. It is quite similar to the one posted in the Getting Started page for version 2.0.0.Beta1. I've removed quite a few depe...
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    last modified by vineet.reynolds
  • BeanManager tear down fails with JBoss 6 Final

    My test cases are running fine with JSFUnit 2.0.0.Beta1, but I get an error on tear down. The test deployment seems unable to tear down the BeanManager properly.   Remote6 profile deps: JBoss 6 Final (remote pro...
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    last modified by oranheim
  • java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: javax.faces.application.ApplicationWrapper

    Hi There i've got following error java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: javax.faces.application.ApplicationWrapper   you know , there is a job Application sample on the following link http://www.portletfaces.or...
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    created by mshv
  • Misterious NPE

    Hey guys, I'm trying to run arquillian-hellojsf after updating jsfunit-arquillian to use arquillian.CR1 spi. Everything seems to be working well with the arquillian extension. and most of tests run without error. &...
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    last modified by spinner
  • Seam Phase Listener in bundled arquillian-jsfunit.jar/META-INF/faces-config.xml

    JSFUnit always passes null for the values of JSFServerSession into my unit test method:     {code}         @Test         @InitialPage(...
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    last modified by jjfraney
  • Trouble with running JSFUnit 2.0Beta1

    Hi All, i am getting this error for "Getting strated" example for JSFUnit mvn -Pjetty-embedded test. Error is: [INFO] Scanning for projects... [INFO] --------------------------------------------------------------...
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    last modified by bhadraj
  • JSFUNIT - assertTrue fails due to facelets composite component?

    In my form I have a field named statusCodeField which has its REQUIRED attribute set to TRUE.  statusCodeField was created by a facelets composite component.  When I manually test the field via a browser, ...
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    created by dele
  • Trouble with running JSFUnit 2.0Beta1  & Jetty

    Hi All, i was able to pass the JSFUnit on JbossAs6.   but facing the problem with : "mvn -Pjetty-embedded test"   find the error in the attachment.   if u have any solution or work around plese upda...
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    last modified by bhadraj
  • jsfunit help

    Hi,   I am creating a simple program to test JSF application.   private JSFClientSession client;     private JSFServerSession server;         private JSF...
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    last modified by tamizharasi.periyasamy
  • Trouble with running JSFUnit 2.0Beta1

    Hi everybody,   after days of struggling with JSFUnit 2.0Beta1, Arquillian, Eclipse and especially M2Eclipe (the changes in 2.0 forced me to take a look at Maven :-( ), I am at a point where my simple war file i...
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    last modified by wolfgangknauf
  • Getting example to work (JSFUnit2.0Beta1/Jetty7/Arquillian1.0.0.Alpha4)

    Hi, all! I have been struggling with JSFUnit this week and actually have no appropriate results. I would appreciate if you can help me.   Right now I`m getting error: Jul 1, 2011 12:14:22 PM org.jboss.arquillia...
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    last modified by yamaha
  • JSFUnit + Arquillian

    hey guys, good afternoon, I have arquillian+jsfunit running but there're some aspects that feels weird, and I bet that I'm doing something wrong.   Maybe you can help me figure it out.   1) I can run just ...
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    last modified by spinner
  • Problems getting example to work (for JSFUnit1.3 and JBoss EPP5.1)

    Hi, all. I'm trying to build a sample application that uses JSFUnit. However, I cannot get it to work  (I got a 404 error). Code snippets and configuration files are below.   Infrastructure : JBoss EPP5.1 ...
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    last modified by ndrw_cheung
  • JSFUnit logo and mascot!

    I've been working with one of our graphic artists from RedHat to come up with a logo for JSFUnit.  This is the one I like so far.  What do you guys think?   Is it obvious what those glasses are and...
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    last modified by ssilvert
  • Problem with JSFServerSession.getComponentValue() and Seam

    I am currently running Seam 2.2.1 on JBoss AS 4.2.3, and I'm trying to start using JSFUnit 1.3.0 for testing. While I'm very impressed with it so far, I've been unable to successfully test the UI components. Any time ...
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    last modified by orr94
  • Next release of JSFUnit2

    Hi Stan,   When is the next release of JSFUnit2 (Beta2?) expected to be released?   With JSFUnit2 Beta1, org.jboss.arquillian.framework:arquillian-framework-jsfunit:1.0.0.Alpha4 wasn't compliant anymore, a...
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    last modified by oranheim
  • StackOverflowError

    Got following error while running a JSFUnit test. The environment was using JSF/Spring integration. Putting the spring <listener-class>org.springframework.web.context.request.RequestContextListener in web.xml...
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    last modified by susmit_shukla
  • JSFUnit, Questions on hot deployment

    Hi guys, we started heavily using JsfUnit (1.3 final) on a Seam 2.2 webapp. It really rocks. We did some search but didn't find the  way to hot deploy the test classes, being in the war itself or in a custom f...
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    last modified by anthonyhib
  • Start JBoss if not running before tests

    How can I determine if JBoss is running before starting my tests? I'm using cactus and am doing...           <cargo  containerid="jboss6x" home="c:\jboss"  output=...
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    last modified by robertgary1