• No SessionId when using JSFUnit (request alway null)

    client = new JSFClientSession("/"); // in web.xml loginpage : login.jsp //but il also try ew JSFClientSession("/login.jsf") ajaxClient = new RichFacesClient(client); // A JSFServerSession gives you access to JSF stat...
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    last modified by jadtn
  • JSFUnit 2.0.0 example @ManagedBean JSF 2 annotation not working

    Hello, I extended the JsfUnit 2.0.0 Beta1 example to use JSF 2.0 annotations, i.e. added a new JSF Bean using @ManagedBean but ran into this exception. Running on Jetty 7   javax.el.PropertyNotFoundException: /...
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    last modified by susmit_shukla
  • NullPointerException - getCurrentViewID

    Hi,   I'm currently trying to include JSFUnit into my JEE6, Seam3, Richfaces, Arquillian project. I was able to run the getting stated example described at http://community.jboss.org/wiki/JSFUnit200GettingStart...
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    last modified by mausbull
  • How to replace a Managed Bean on-fly?

    This is what I'm trying to do:     public void testAuthenticatesUser() throws Exception {   JSFSession jsfSession = new JSFSession("/");   JSFClientSession client = jsfSession.getJSFClientSession()...
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    last modified by yegor256
  • Testing dynamically rendered component

    Hi   A button in my form (form A) that is bound (component binding) to a property in the backing bean, is conditionally set to "not rendered" ( createStatusButton.setRendered(false) ) by the backing bean afte...
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    last modified by dele
  • How to suppress HTMLUnit warnings about JavaScript?

    I already posted this question at http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5196319 and will duplicate it here, if I may. The problem is that I have jQuery javascript file as part of my web application. This file is full of ...
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    last modified by yegor256
  • Does JSFUnit 2.x support EARs?

    Hello everyone, I've been playing with JSFUnit2 for past couple of days, and I found it great. However, one questions captures my mind right now: does it support EAR files? For what I'm seeing now, it doesn't - I hav...
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    last modified by denis_k
  • ant task <jsfunitwar> doesn't specify where it gets jars

    I've not seen in documentation where <jsfunitwar> finds the jar files it adds to your release. I'm getting errors such as ...   Could not find /org/jboss/jsfunit/context/NoNewEntryMap.class class in the JS...
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    last modified by robertgary1
  • Nullpointer at org.jboss.jsfunit.framework.FaceletsErrorPageException.isFaceletsErrorPage(FaceletsErrorPageException.java:55)

    Hi everybody,   I am trying to use JSFUnit with my application, but an error has ocurred in JSFUnit and i don't know the reason:   {{{ testLoginSucesso Error null   java.lang.NullPointerException at ...
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    last modified by irineu.ruiz
  • NullPointerException sometimes when FacesBean.getApplication()

    Hi,     I'm developping a JsfUnit test that runs sometimes. When it fails is setting a session bean attribute in the setup() method. First of all I do:   JSFSession jsfSession = new JSFSession("/face...
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    last modified by mavihemi
  • Tracing broken links

    Hello there,   I am using JsfUnit to test my application; I am interested to know, if there is a way to trace broken command links, command buttons in my application. A sample should be good.   Thanks in ...
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    last modified by hmashruf
  • JSFUnit 2.0.0.Beta1 is Out !

    See the JSFUnit Blog for details.   Stan
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    created by ssilvert
  • JSFUnit how to test rich:panelBar in combination with a:support

    Hi,   how i can I test an onenter event:   e.g.: <rich:panelBar id="navigationPanel">      <rich:panelBarItem id="test2">         &...
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    last modified by testvogel
  • Scripts re-rendered by ajax not executed - critical

    There is a bug in HtmlUnit which prevents re-rendered scripts from being executed. I've reported it at htmlunit mailing list: http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_name=AANLkTin_tNYEVEKsxGLZ4_AMmpUoaRBH...
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    last modified by blabno
  • Problems with "ñ" character

    Hi,     I'm developing a JSFUnit tests int Jboss 5.1.0 GA but isn't working fine due to the classnames contains the "ñ" character. I had changed "encoding=UTF-8" in everywhere but I couldn't solve the...
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    created by mavihemi
  • Netbeans, JSFUnit & Glassfish 3.0.1 doesn't work

    Hello everybody,   So the problem is pretty simple I have already read all documentation & discussions here and 50% of the stuff realy works. But I need another 50 % too   I have the following proble...
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    last modified by dimarzio
  • JsfUnit testing with Richfaces

    Hi All, I am using Sun Jsf 2.0, Richfaces 4.0, Spring 2.5.x; have setup JsfUnit as a seperate maven project with war overlays. When I deploy this war to the Tomcat server, it runs good. But when run with JsfUnit, I am...
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    last modified by hmashruf
  • Limited to single ajax request?

    Hi! Can we send more then one ajax request? My problem is i have 2 buttons that triggers ajax request and re-render one element of the page (they do not re-render themselves). And in my test code I click 1st button o...
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    created by blabno
  • RichFaces and ajaxQueues

    Hi, After developping quite a few tests on many Richfaces ajax pages, it seems that whenever there is an ajaxQueue in the richfaces tag, the ajax event never gets fired by htmlunit. I have seen this behavior accross...
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    last modified by teknologist
  • Everybody dance now!

    Have you ever experienced problems running JSFUnit on JBoss 4.2.x with Cargo configured to deploy to remote container? It was a bug (CARGO-859) in Cargo, but the bug is no more! Well, it's gone since 1.0.4 (03/Nov/10...
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    last modified by blabno