• Sticky sessions and Set-Cookie HTTPOnly header

    I ran into a situation where sticky session get apparently disabled when using set-cookie HTTPOnly:   Without set-cookie, sticky sessions are working As soon as I insert "Header edit Set-Cookie ^(.*)$ $1;HttpOn...
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    last modified by marcodanti
  • stickysession and ProxyPass problem?

    Hi   Stickysession doesn't work if there is a ProxyPass directive with a balancer that doesn't exist. Also on an apache with a lot of JBoss Servers connected to it via mod_cluster stickysession doesn't work at a...
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    last modified by yves.p
  • Route requests based on server group

    Hi   We have the same application in different servers and different server-groups. We need this because the application deployed in each server-group has different configurations.   Server Groups: app1-c...
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    last modified by okelet
  • Jboss clustering: mod_cluster mod_cluster_proxy.so causing apache to crash

    I am trying create a cluster of JBoss AS 7.1.1 (two instances in one machine with port offset as 100) in standalone mode. I am using apache (ver 2.2.22) with mod_cluster(ver 1.2.0) for load balancing. When I bring up ...
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    last modified by nikhil.pk81
  • Upgrading Mod Cluster

    Hello,   I am trying to upgrade my modcluster version from 1.1.x to 1.2.6. These are the steps we followed from a previous forum thread on this issue : Correct way to upgrade mod_cluster in JBoss AS/WildFly? ...
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    last modified by lewisifer
  • JBoss AS 5.1 Clustering Issue

    Hi,   We are trying  Jboss AS 5.1 clustering for the below use case on linux machine CentOS release 6.4 (Final)). Steps are followed as mentioned in the clustering document.   Scenario 3: Two Nodes on...
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    last modified by manok
  • Virtual hosts separated by port (not by host name)

    I'm trying to get to work the following scenario:   - httpd with mod_cluster - JBoss in domain mode at the same host - 2 app servers (still at that single host) - "almost" the same applications deployed at bo...
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    last modified by hostalp
  • mod_cluster load balancing problem

    Hi, I am running with 4 servers(1101, 1102, 1103 and 1104) in a cluster (JBoss EAP 5.1.1).These servers are LB with Apache and mod_cluster. The problem I am facing is whenever I start 1102, all the request starts goi...
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    last modified by tirtha2u
  • Sticky sessions ignored

    Hi all,   I need to use mod_cluster to load balancing, my requeriment is "The load balancer needs route to the same physical machine who has served the first request".   the parameters on mod_cluster modul...
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    last modified by lynx6
  • Improving request distribution for stateless applications.

    Greetings!   I'd like some guidance on setting a configuration to increase request distribution across all available workers a per domain/lbgroup basis, especially for stateless applications, to arrive at someth...
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    last modified by edwinb1
  • mod_cluster slow-down

    Hi everyone,   We have just switched over from mod_jk to mod_cluster around 2 months ago, using currently a single JBoss worker node, but planning to add 2-3 more to the cluster later. It performed without any p...
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    last modified by tomcsanyid
  • jboss wont register available contexts in mod_cluster after restart

    Hi!   I have a problem with mod_cluster. The versions are modcluster 1.2.0 on apache 2.2.23 and jboss AS7 jboss-as-7.1.3.Final, java 1.7_04   I run jboss in domain mode and my setup is like this:   I...
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    last modified by gurrish
  • Siteminder blocks mod_cluster traffic for Jboss EAP 6.1.0

    I am facing an issue after siteminder installation in my apache.   Without siteminder Apache can talk to Jboss EAP 6.1.0 but when  siteminder enable the Jboss is throwing this below error. [org.jboss.modcl...
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    last modified by rossi_pure
  • Mod Cluster encoding Issue - Urgent

    We are using mod_cluster for load balancing out application. We have multiple servers connected within the application. Suppose , Server 1 and Server 2 are running Jboss , when the requests from Server 1 goes to ...
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    last modified by sandy2487
  • SSL termination at web server with mod_cluster

    Hello, I'm trying to get the following scenario to fully work (for performance reasons etc): Client -> HTTPS -> HTTPD+mod_cluster -> HTTP -> JBoss   I've got it almost working (just had to set Prox...
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    last modified by hostalp
  • Cannot load mod_ssl.so (Syntax error)

    Hi,   I downloaded mod_cluster-1.2.0.Final-windows-x64-ssl.zip from http://www.jboss.org/mod_cluster/downloads/1-2-0-Final. I extracted all contents to C:\httpd-2.2 on my 64-bit Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard m...
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    last modified by montia
  • Cannot start httpd on Windows

    Hello,   Windows 7 Home Premium Service Pack 1 mod_cluster-1.2.6.Final-windows-amd64.zip unzipped it. Ran httpd-2.2\bin\installconf.bat Ran httpd.exe -> cannot conect to localhost:80 error_log: httpd.e...
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    last modified by marcusdidiusfalco
  • Immediate eviction of a dead worker

    Hi   Our setup is as follows : Apache 2.2.22 Mod_Cluster 1.2.6 Final This connects to two Tomcat 7.0.40 instances.   If I do an orderly shutdown of the tomcat instance, the next request is sent to the l...
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    last modified by thys.dewet
  • Jboss AS 7.1.1Final  + managed domain + modcluster - cluster nodes are not discovered by advertising.

    Hello I want to setup a basic cluster. I have one domain controller on my local host ( windows) and two virtualboxed slaves (, puppy linux). As for the domain itself, everyth...
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    last modified by sebastian.choina
  • Can I use aliases with wildcards in mod_cluster and JBoss?

    Hi all! I hope to write in the right place, I'm missing the classic forum style... I'm working with Apache 2.2, mod_cluster 1.2 and JBoss EAP 6.1, someone told me to deploy an application that should serve a lot of ...
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    last modified by jbossolo