• Service unavailable right after mod_cluster registered apps, fixed random ajp port.  Mod Cluster 1.3.1, Httpd 2.4.6, Tomcat 8

    Hello, Please help me with this issue, I am quite new with apache/mod cluster and really need this to work.  I already spent days on this, and deadline is approaching The issue I observed is explained ...
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  • Mod_Cluster 1.3.1 + Wildfly 10

    I was configured the mod_cluster in apache 2.4 on listen port 6666 and wildlfy 10 on port 8009 with multcast protocol.   But after lookup in log the wildfly is connected in 6666 but when apache will connect to s...
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  • Load balancing with Mod_cluster and JBoss server will occur 503 error (loss the response) finally

    Environment: Mod_cluster: Version 1.2 JBoss: eap 6.4   Situation: System is adopted Mod_cluster to realize load balancing, I have configured everything by default following the handbook; While it will occur a...
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  • Can registration by done by clients?  Avoid multicast discovery?

    Can clients be pointed to the load balancer through config and register themselves with the loadbalancer at boot time instead of doing this multicast discovery protocol?
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  • Can't register when machine has 2 IPs

    I'm running in domain mode using the example provided by Stuart Douglas:   GitHub - stuartwdouglas/modcluster-example: Example of how to use modcluster load balancer in domain mode   I have 2 ip addresses ...
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    last modified by bill.burke
  • Wildfly 9.0.0. Final + mod_cluster1.3.1 + httpd 2.4.

    Hey everyone!   I am trying to set up wildfly standalone cluster for few days but without success. I tried to set up from different examples for different Jbosses found around the web but nothing works.   ...
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  • Problem with configuration Jboss and mod_cluster 1.3.1 on Ubuntu 14.04

    Hi to all, I have a lot of headache with this problem. I'm installing JBoss with mod_cluster for an university project, and for a week I have the same problem:   INFO  [org.jboss.modcluster.mcmp.impl.Defau...
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    last modified by echo89
  • After server restart AJP connections start increasing and staying in ESTABLISHED mod_cluster/1.3.2.Final

    Hi,   in our current setup we have an Apache LoadBalancer 2.4 in front of 2 Wildfly 8.2.0 Final Servers (standalone cluster).   On another server we are using a JBPM Process to trigger certain methods on t...
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  • mod_cluster and use separate port/virtual hosts for MCMP and external/proxy

    Hi,   Is it possible to have different ports/virtual hosts for the MCMP and the external/proxy communication in apache+mod_cluster and when using SSL everywhere? The reasons are two: 1) To use separate network...
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  • Documentation error

    Hi, I've found a documentation mistake in section 10, it says:   The DynamicLoadBalanceFactorProvider applies a time decay function to the loads returned by each metric. The aggregate load, with respect to previ...
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    created by leaqui
  • Separating Apache /Modcluster and Tomcat 7

    Currently we have all components Apache/Httpd, Tomcat 7 and Mod Cluster all installed on same machine. We would like to separate it this way   Server 1: Httpd/ModCluster   server 2: Tomcat 7   I woul...
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    created by qkhan
  • Cordova Ajax response always 502

    Dear Sir/Madam,   I'm newly for JBoss, recently i'm trying to Ajax call for an access token from paypal, it is work when I export to android. However when i use in you emulator, it always response in error respo...
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    last modified by ronald_chan
  • http://mod-cluster.jboss.org is down?

    Hello,   Yesterday I can not access site http://mod-cluster.jboss.org. Status page is NOT Found. Does anyone know what happened?   Thanks.
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  • Can  mod_cluster_manager  work like(with) proxy_balancer ?

    This is my httpd.conf file: httpd.conf <IfModule manager_module> Listen <VirtualHost> <Location />           Order...
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  • 'All workers are in error state' with mod_cluster 1.2.6.Final + JBoss EAP 6.1.0 + httpd 2.2.25

    Hi, I'm using JBoss EAP 6.1.0.Final + httpd 2.2.25 + mod_cluster 1.2.6.Final for testing. I'm working on a MacOS machine with JDK 7 installed:   $ java -version java version "1.7.0_25" Java(TM) SE Runtime Envir...
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    last modified by weinanli
  • how i can integrate mod_cluster with wildfly such way that load-balancing will be on more than one port?

    hi friendz!   on our wf8.2 server the web-app have two http endpoints: on port 8080 to regular http requests; and on port 37304 to  "special" user requests in protected area.   we want use mod_cluster...
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    last modified by kostd
  • mod_cluster superseded by Wildfly 9.x?

    Now that Wildfly 9+ can be used as an intelligent load balancer, is mod_cluster (the native Apache module) supperseded by Wildfly? What is the current status of mod_cluster (the apache module)?
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  • mod_cluster, hot standby, fail-over and failback

    Hello,   There is a legacy application based on Spring Framework that works as HA singleton. Cluster singleton implementation is custom. There is active server (SERVER-1) and hot standby server (SERVER-2). SER...
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  • Mod_cluster configuration with Jboss 7 and Apache/2.2.3

    Hi,    I am trying to configure clustering using mod_cluster 1.2.0 and  Apache/2.2.3 with jboss 7. below is the output of mod_cluster_manager:   mod_cluster/1.2.0.Final Auto Refresh show DUMP outp...
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    last modified by bsinghkronos
  • symbol lookup error: /opt/jboss/httpd/lib/libapr-1.so.0: undefined symbol: dlopen

    I just downloaded http://downloads.jboss.org/mod_cluster//1.2.6.Final/linux-x86_64/mod_cluster-1.2.6.Final-linux2-x64.tar.gz, I extracted it to /, then I executed apachectl start, but I got the following error.  ...
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