• JDBC configuration in AS7.1.1

    I have the following configuration in standalone.xml for the cache and repository, I couldn't find any good examples or documentation so I made this up from various bits of info from the web and by reading the xsd sch...
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    last modified by bwallis42
  • Configuring DB connection via Infinispan in ModeShape 3.0.0.b2 in JBoss7.1.1.Final

    I am looking into configuring JDBC connection to MySQL database  to work with ModeShape. It seems that stantalone-modeshape.xml file has Infinispan configuration. Is this the right place to configure database con...
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    last modified by asilchenko
  • ModeShape 3.0.0.Beta3 is available

    Cross-posted from the ModeShape blog.   The ModeShape community is proud and happy to announce the availability of 3.0.0.Beta3. All the artifacts are available in the JBoss Maven repository, and you can follow o...
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    last modified by rhauch
  • Loading (and migrating) a schema.cnd file

    How do I get a schema.cnd file to load up when a repository is configured in 3.0 with jboss as7?   In 2.8 I could specify the schema.cnd file in the modeshape configuration xml file like so:   {code} <c...
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    last modified by bwallis42
  • QueryResult.getNodes() cannot be called when query contains multiple selectors

    I'm running a performance test application that we have been using with Modeshape 2.8.1. I've just finished porting it to run with jboss as7/modeshape 3.0.0.Beta2. After running a little while and populating some data...
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    last modified by bwallis42
  • Transactions and JDBC Cache Loaders

    I read the following in the Infinispan documentation yesterday   {quote} Cache Loaders and transactional caches   When a cache is transactional and a cache loader is present, the cache loader won't be enl...
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    last modified by bwallis42
  • Datasource= java:/datasources/ModeShapeDS is Enabled=false.

    Just installed and configured ModeShape (3.0.0.Beta2) in JBoss (jboss-as-7.1.1.Final) but when open AS7 console, I see  Datasource= java:/datasources/ModeShapeDS is Enabled=false. Could you please let me know how...
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    last modified by asilchenko
  • add-user.sh - ApplicationRealm - what user roles need to be added?

    Hello, Could you please help with adding user roles for ApplicationRealm? What user roles Need to be added when creating a new user via add-user.sh in AS7? I was using "PowerUser,BillingAdmin" based on example in a...
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    last modified by asilchenko
  • Configuring Modeshape 3 to use Infinispan + Amazon S3

    Hello,   We have Modeshape 3 Beta1 installed onto JBoss AS7. We are trying to figure out how to enable persistence from Infinispan into an Amazon S3 bucket. It's our understanding that all configuration (Modesha...
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    last modified by mabruno
  • Backup and restore API

    We're going to provide an efficient backup and restore capability in ModeShape 3.x (see MODE-1581). This will work at the repository level, meaning the backups will contain all of the content in all of the workspaces ...
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    last modified by rhauch
  • Infinispan Binary Store - Preview

    Hi,   I've agreed rhauch to provide an BinaryStore impl for Infinispan. Today I've commited at my branch a first shot:   https://github.com/kosch/modeshape/commit/2cfe15c78b3a60ab82c15dfa46afd01c3e9437...
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    last modified by tfromm
  • Seeking thoughts on improving the RESTful API

    We've created an task in JIRA to enhance the RESTful API: MODE-1583. If you have any thoughts on how we can improve the RESTful API (including things that might not be backward compatible), please comment on the JIRA ...
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    last modified by rhauch
  • Adding a PDF to ModeShape 3.0.0.Beta1

    Using the ZIP Explode over the JBoss 7.1.1.Final install. Ensureing MyEclipse boots up the standalone-modeshape.xml config file for configuring JBoss. Updating the module definition a little bit:   <local-c...
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    last modified by tony.herstell1
  • Help me decide on a repository for my configurations

    Hi, We are in the process of evaluating GateIn as our enterprise portal. In our UI code we have a number of configuration files that are related to things such aa database configurations, database queries. Those co...
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    last modified by drwho
  • Clearing out a test repository in ModeShape 3.0.0.Beta1

    I still get the .lucene.search.DefaultSimilarity is not a subtype of org.apache.lucene.search.Similarity error...   In this case I blew away the data/modeshape directory in JBoss (seemed to clear out the reposit...
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    last modified by tony.herstell1
  • Issue on updating node properties of type "multiple reference"

    Hi all,   we are facing a problem on updating a node ptoperty of type multiple reference. Instead of new array of references the property value remains the same. On debuging we saw in the methode org.modeshape....
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    last modified by dimonv
  • ModeShape 3.0.0.Beta1 is available

    Cross-posted from the ModeShape blog.   We’re very proud to announce that ModeShape 3 has reached beta status, and that the ModeShape 3.0.0.Beta1 artifacts are available in the JBoss Maven repository or vi...
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    created by rhauch
  • Firkling with the JBoss7 setup.

    I have been trying to firkle with the Jboss 7 setup [standalone-modeshape.xml] (the one we unzip over 7.1.x) to create my own repository and workspace.   The closest I got was creating a repository with the name...
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    last modified by tony.herstell1
  • Documentation question on nodeTypes example code?

    I was looking at this page: https://docs.jboss.org/author/display/MODE/Defining+custom+node+types   and towards the bottom we have: NodeType[] nodeTypes = new NodeType[]{type};   which gives: >> T...
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    last modified by tony.herstell1
  • Regression in modeshape AS Kit 3.0.0.Alpha6

    Hi ,   I installed the Kit in Jboss-as-7.1.1.Final .   When I requested the service ( http://localhost:8080/modeshape-rest ) I got only the repo : artifacts : {     "artifacts":  &#...
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    last modified by emiste