• ModeShape with MongoDb performance

    Hello I tested ModeShape with configure storing Binary Values in MongoDB and found problem with performance. The class MongodbBinaryStore calls db.collectionExists(..) method. But db.collectionExists method realiza...
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    last modified by eugeney
  • Is it posible to use MongoDb as persistence storage?

    MongoDB can be configured for use for BinaryStorage. Is it possible to use MongoDB as persistence storage for storing repository information?
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    last modified by eugeney
  • 5.2.0final restore of backup is always rollbacked

    Hi,   I'm trying to restore a backup that come from a file storage to a new repository that point to a mysql database. (the backup file size is 35Mb)   The restoration process goes well but at the end all ...
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    last modified by kevin.senechal
  • Outdated session cache in domain mode Wildfly cluster

    Hello Modeshape Community,   we're currently trying to build a Wildfly (10.0.0.Final) cluster in domain mode with ModeShape 5.2.0.Final. In our minimal test setup the cluster runs on a single machine with two n...
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    last modified by kaape
  • NullPointerException in IndexChangeAdapter after copying nodes in the workspace

    I encounter the following exception when copying nodes in the Workspace :   javax.jcr.RepositoryException: java.lang.NullPointerException   at org.modeshape.jcr.JcrSession.save(JcrSession.java:1190) ~[mode...
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    last modified by amischler
  • Error configuring MongoDB as binary store on Wildfly 10.1.0 with Modeshape-5.1 & Modeshape-5.2

    Wildfly console log :   18:10:01,882 ERROR [org.jboss.as.controller.management-operation] (Controller Boot Thread) WFLYCTL0013: Operation ("add") failed - address: ([     ("subsystem" => "mod...
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    last modified by regulapati
  • How to configure Modeshape 5.2.0 with MongoDB Replica Set?

    Hey,               Does anyone know, how to configure Modeshape(5.2.0) when using MongoDB with replica set as binary store.      ...
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    last modified by regulapati
  • [ModeShape 5.x] Automated cleanup of shallow open-scoped locks

    In our application we utilize shallow open-scoped locks. The typical usage pattern is provided below:   // lock try {     // do something     // persist changes } finally {  ...
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    last modified by illia.khokholkov
  • Existing node in child references can't be found when needed

    Hi,   I have a repository where a node is still in cache, but can't be found from an explicit call: 1. When I try to explicitly get the node from its absoluth path, it cannot be found. CachedNode.getChildRefere...
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    last modified by vdepauw
  • [Modeshape 4.6.0.Final] System node corruption after application crash

    Hi,   We are using Modeshape as an embedded database for a desktop application. Our application is configured with a file based Infinispan cache.   Regularly some databases get corrupted after an applicati...
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    last modified by amischler
  • Mapdb exception after unregistering index

    Hi,   We have published a new version of your application which unregisters an unused index from Modeshape configuration. The index has been removed from the Modeshape json configuration file. It seems that is w...
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    last modified by amischler
  • How to configure CMIS 1.1

    Hi, does anybody has idea how to configure CMIS version 1.1 in modeshape 5.1?   Thank you in advance
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    last modified by nmar
  • [ModeShape 5.x] Verifying communication among cluster members

    Is there a way to verify whether the communication among the members of the cluster is healthy? For instance, there are 4 VMs each hosting a single JVM representing a member of the ModeShape cluster. I want to know wh...
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    last modified by illia.khokholkov
  • [ModeShape 5.x] Caching strategy

    I am struggling to find a description of the caching mechanism used by ModeShape 5.x. The documentation [1] is great, but unfortunately it did not help to get a gist of caching policies. I was able to find only the no...
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    last modified by illia.khokholkov
  • How to disable same name sibling

    Hi everybody,   I would like to disable the same name sibling on my Jcr Repository. How can I do that? I did'nt find any configuration tag or method to disactivate it.   Thank you in advance   K&eacu...
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    last modified by kevin.senechal
  • Inconsistent reads produced by concurrent write and read operations during heavy load in Modeshape 5.1.0.Final

    Hello Modeshape community,   we're currently experiencing some weird behaviour on read-operations in a load test scenario with Modeshape 5.1.0.Final and Wildfly 10. This error first surfaced in HP LoadRunner lo...
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    last modified by kaape
  • CMIS Workbench connection with "services11" doesn't work! Does anybody has information how to configure "modeshape-cmis.war" in order to get CMIS 1.1 connection? Thank you in advance.

    Hello guys, I'm looking for instruction how to configure "modeshape-cmis.war" in order to use "CMIS 1.1".   Thank you in advance.
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    last modified by nmar
  • Custom BinaryStore deployed as jboss-module

    Hello,   I have checked these forums and google/stackoverflow.   I can't find a <pre> or <code> tag in this editor so apologies for the formatting below.   I am trying to develop a custom...
  • Workspace support in CMIS Service

    Does the CMIS Service support more than the default workspace?  This is the first time I have tried to use this service and I cannot figure out how to access other workspaces in the repository.
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    last modified by mashama
  • CMIS Authentication/Authorization

    I am trying to federate a ModeShape repository with another one via CMIS.  However when the CmisConnector attempts to create a session a "org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.exceptions.CmisConnectionException: ...
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    last modified by mashama