• Not able to start the repository

    We have an embedded modeshape instance (Modeshape ver.4.5  with Infinispan cache and binary file system store) , running as a microservice. When i restarted the service recently i am getting the following excepti...
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    created by sabarinathku
  • Release Date for next version of ModeShape

    Is there an expected release date for the next version of ModeShape, currently 'master' branch in GitHub?   There is a SQL Server fix and others that look beneficial, but I'll need to make a decision soon about ...
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    last modified by dharrison
  • Using ModeShape 5.3.0 Final REST API in Tomcat with JAAS auth?

    Hello,   I have a custom modeshape application (war) which starts up the repository, uses JDBC to SQL Server for persistence, and exposes only the ModeShape REST API.  This currently runs in Tomcat,  a...
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    last modified by dharrison
  • Distributed transaction issue

    Having WildFly 10.1.0, ModeShape 5.3.0 and a pair of Oracle datasources I'm trying to migrate some data from one datasource (raw Oracle 9i-based JDBC on one server) to JDBC-backed ModeShape repository (Oracle11g on an...
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    last modified by zcc39r
  • Database binary storage space leak?

    If I put a file into JDBC-backed repository (e.g. via WebDAV interface) I can see that two rows were added to MODESHAPE_REPOSITORY table as well as to CONTENT_STORE table. When I delete this file, the number of rows i...
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    last modified by zcc39r
  • Database connection leak

    As a result of the problem mentioned at Distributed transaction issue some nodes become inconsistent as data were successfully persisted at MODESHAPE_REPOSITORY but not at CONTENT_STORE. So attempt to get binary data ...
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    last modified by zcc39r
  • errorProcessingEvent? "Unexpected error while processing the event"

    Hello,   We're seeing errors in our application log that appear to be modeshape related [1].   INFO 22:19:53.817 (FedoraLdp) PUT resource 'prod/da/39/e4/3d/da39e43d-fd1a-5971-8f7b-3f36fabcc650' ... ERROR 22...
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    last modified by kefo
  • [ModeShape 5.x] Dealing with aborted user transactions

    I am seeking for a guidance on how to deal with aborted user transactions. I am utilizing Arjuna as a transaction manager and make use of user transactions when multiple workspace-write JCR methods are necessary to co...
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    last modified by illia.khokholkov
  • Modeshape 5.3.x or 5.4.x with SQL Server?

    Hello,   I'm wondering if anyone else has tried using ModeShape 5.3 or 5.4 with SQL Server 2014 as jdbc persistence for both regular and binary content. I'm able to use PostgresSQL 9.5 without any problem....
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    last modified by dharrison
  • ARJUNA022006: The ORB has not been initialized yet while using ModeShapeSingleUseTest.

    Hello,   I am trying to run unit test against a repository, like suggested here .  i am extending ModeShapeSingleUseTest.  i get below error:   ERROR com.arjuna.ats.jts - ARJUNA022006: The ORB ...
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    last modified by rohithreddy41
  • Unable to retrieve versioned data of a node

    I have created a node that holds MS office word document.( i have posted the exact question on stack overflow: jcr - Unable to retrieve versioned data of a node - Stack Overflow        ...
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    last modified by rohithreddy41
  • Is it possible to create users programmatically in modeshape 5 ?

    I need to create users programmatically in modeshape 5, is it possible?
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    last modified by cmsilva
  • Optimize index for Node.getNodes()

    Is there a more efficient indexing approach for getting the children nodes of a given node (i.e. Node.getNodes()) than what is offered by simply invoking Node.getNodes()?
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    last modified by awoods
  • PrimaryKey violation on restoreRepository() while migrating form 4.6.x to 5.3.x

    Hello, i made a backup from an existing 4.6.x repository using the backupRepository() functionality of modeshape. When i want to restore the backup to the new 5.3 repository i get the following exception:   Th...
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    last modified by timoschaz
  • ModeShape 5.x and most common GUI

    Hello,   As of ModeShape 5.3 / 5.4 and  2017,  what are the most common, general purpose GUIs used with ModeShape? I found this post of the equivalent question, back from 2011. Part of the goal of us...
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    last modified by dharrison
  • Modeshape 5.3 MongoDb replicaset corrupt data

    I have a Modeshape 5.3 installation into Wildfly 10 with as binary storage a MongoDb 3.4 replica set. The complete setup works fine I can write a file to the system and read it back without any problems. The problem...
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    created by pverboom
  • Poor Lucene index query performance on a single string property

    For my company's product, I'm looking at switching over to using the Lucene index provider due to some random (unfortunately not reproducible as of yet) index corruption issues that have been seen with the local index...
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    last modified by mbachmann
  • MongoDB 5.3 replica set config not working

    I have upgraded modeshape from 5.2 to 5.3 on my Wildfly 10 to get the replica set support for MongoDB but for some unknown reason it is not working. I use the following line in my config: <mongo-binary-storage h...
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    last modified by pverboom
  • modeshape 5.x: nodeType index ignored(!?)

    I have configured a  'nodeType' index for my modeshape repository, hoping to speed up my "SELECT * FROM [<type>]" queries. However, the index seems not to be used: It doesn't show up in the Query Plan and p...
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    last modified by mmatoxp
  • Compile of modeshape 5.3 fails at org.modeshape.jcr.value.binary.MongodbBinaryStoreTest

    I try to compile  modeshape 5.3 and get the following error when I do not disable the tests:     ==> default: Temporary directory for tests: /home/modeshape/modeshape/modeshape-jcr/target ==> de...
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    last modified by patrick01