• Initial thoughts on the SOA Modeler

    I'm John, who Marked mentioned in earlier threads about the SOA Modeler. I'd like to briefly introduce myself to the community and share some initial thoughts on the SOA Modeler. From the JBoss side, I will be involve...
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    last modified by john.graham
  • Model for service modeller tool

    Not sure how advanced the work on the service modeller is, but wanted to enquire what type of model will be used with the tool? I assume it will not be the JBossESB configuration file (jboss-esb.xml) as this would re...
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    last modified by objectiser
  • Isolation and bound variables

    In WS-CDL, choreography units can be defined as being isolated - so when 'performed' sub-choreographies bind variables from a parent choreography, changes to those variables are not made visible to sibling sub-choreog...
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    last modified by objectiser
  • Custom actions in the service modeller

    In the service modeller, I assume that it will be possible for custom actions to be specified. However, based on current ESB configuration, this only requires the action class name to be specified, with an optional li...
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    last modified by objectiser
  • Implicit concurrent actions

    In the conversation ESB action mechanism, it will be possible to specify an action that links to other service descriptors, followed by other conversation based actions. With the exception of one situation, this will...
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    created by objectiser