• FailedLoginException stack trace appears in log despite catching throwable when user enters incorrect password?  How to prevent this?

    I'm wondering why when I put request.login() inside a try-catch block a stack trace appears in the log.   try {   //  Throws ServletException if incorrect password. request.login(user.getEmai...
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  • JASPIC module not invoked after request#login

    I've installed a JASPIC (JASPI/JSR 196) SAM (login module) in JBoss EAP 6.01. It works and is invoked whenever a protected resource is accessed.   However, when I call HttpServletRequest#login it's NOT invoked, ...
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    created by atijms
  • injection in login modules

    I'm not sure whether this is the right place to discuss this, feel free direct me to the correct place. It occurred to me that login modules would be a lot simpler if they could use dependency injection for things lik...
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    last modified by pmm
  • Encrypted class loading with jboss 5.1

    Hello All,   We are using jboss 5.1 to deploy our application. Now we want to secure our .class files, so we are trying to encrypt the .class files. but once we use encrypted .class files, jboss throws error ...
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    created by irbash
  • Encrypted classes - problem with class loading

    Hello,   We use JBoss 4.2.3. It served us well in comparsion to other web containers (we lived in the dark times before ).   We have server application (EAR) which contains some ejb beans (JARs). We also ...
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    last modified by wendro
  • How can I configure the ManagementRealm to work with one of my already defined login modules?

    I have tried this: It works fine for my application but doesn't work for the management console   What am I missing here?             <management>    &...
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    created by michaelyaakoby
  • PicketBox CDI user roles update population

    Hi,   I have  a use case where a user logs in after sign up form completion. At that moment user doesn't have any role. After email confirmation user logs in and, as it has no role, he/she has to choose a p...
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    created by esteve
  • EJB3 and SPNego/Kerberos

    http://community.jboss.org/wiki/EJB3AuthenticationWithSPNEGO   Feedback appreciated.
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    last modified by anil.saldhana
  • Jboss Negotiation 2.1.1 and EJB3 Authentication

    Hi all,   I have the following setup: JBoss Negotiation 2.1.1 AD on Windows Server 2003 JBoss 4.2.3 on Windows Server 2008 R2 Client IE8 on Windows 7   My main goal is to have SSO on my app (after a us...
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    last modified by bmateus
  • Login failure: javax.security.auth.login.LoginException: java.lang.NullPointerException

    Hi All,   Could anyone help me fix with the below error trace? Am using JBoss AS 7.1.1 migrating from Jboss 3.2 and also using liferay portal. Is there any documentation for JAAS used in JBoss AS 7.1? Any spec...
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    created by chandrup
  • Tomcat 7 DatabaseServerLoginModule "Transaction Manager is null"

    Hi all,   I'm trying to use Picketbox 3.0.0 in Tomcat 7 (using TomEE-plus 1.5.1). I want to use a DatabaseServerLoginModule, so I have defined the following configuration:   login.cofig   ajn2LoginMo...
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    created by sergiocg
  • Session id is being passed as Principal name

    I am using Jboss negitiation 2.0.3 SP2 with Jboss 4.3.2 for spengo authentication and  AdvancedLdapLoginModule for authorization.   It works fine, however my application calls another EJB application remot...
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    created by memeslayer
  • Setting prepared-statement-cache-size in jboss 7.02

    I am using Jboss AS 7.0.2 with i-Batis 2.3.4x as the ORM framework with the default settings. I have defined my POJO classes such that there is a uni-directional mapping within the related objects. Strangely i get an ...
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    created by akhilachuthan
  • Picket Box + CDI authentication exception handler

    Hi, I would like to know how can we handle or catch a @UserLoggedIn exception thrown when a user is not logged in to produce a response in JAX-RS like this: log.error("Error loading club for userAccountId "+  use...
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    created by esteve
  • Unable to access data-source in jBoss 7.1.1

    Hi,   I am deploying one war file in jboss7.1.1 in standalone deployements. For this datasources are needed. I created datasources in standalone.xml file as shown below.   <datasource jndi-name="java:jb...
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    last modified by nthete
  • Any way to send back a HTTP 500 with LdapLoginModule?

    Hi,   I am using the LdapLoginModule to authenticate users for our app against Microsoft AD. I noticed that if my server cannot connect to the AD, My client still get back a HTTP 401. I would expect a HTTP 500 w...
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    last modified by yichen
  • PicketBox 5.0.0-2012Nov26 has been released

    Hi All,       We are glad to announce that a timed version was released for PicketBox 5.0.0. https://docs.jboss.org/author/display/SECURITY/Timed+Release+2012-Nov-26     ...
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    last modified by pcraveiro
  • PicketBox 5.0.0-2012Aug24 has been released

    Hi All,       We are glad to announce that a timed version was released for PicketBox 5.0.0.   https://docs.jboss.org/author/display/SECURITY/Timed+Release+2012-Aug-24     &#...
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    last modified by pcraveiro
  • how to populate login info when using jboss-jaas architecture in JSF project?

    Dear all,       I try to use login module, "org.jboss.security.auth.spi.UsersRolesLoginModule", to perform authetication. But it seems not support <redirect /> tag in faces-config.xml. I p...
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    created by streetpoet
  • Using LdapExtLoginModule without Roles as separate objects in the directory

    Hi. I'm trying to configure the security domain for my web application. Our users are stored in eDirectory, so I'll be using the org.jboss.security.auth.spi.LdapExtLoginModule. All the examples I found from the docume...
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    last modified by ndrw_cheung