SecureIdentityLoginModule Password DecryptionGregory Charles writes: (as a comment at his seems to me to solve a problem we didn't have. In JBoss 7.0.2, I was able to encrypt the dat...
Thread Application Policy Not Found During Home Create
Application Policy Not Found During Home CreateI have a custom login module that works correctly when logging in to the app through the web interface and most of my EJB's. I have an EJB that has a One-to-Many relationship with another bean. When a new Bean A entit...
Thread Tomcat 6 webapp with JAAS: call JbossAS7 EJB with same principal
Tomcat 6 webapp with JAAS: call JbossAS7 EJB with same principalHi all, we have a legacy Spring (2.5) webapp using JAAS for authentication, hosted on Tomcat 6. Username and passwords are checked against another legacy service, that cant be modified. Once logged in (by ...
Thread JBoss AS 7: How to get Subject in an MBean call implementation?
JBoss AS 7: How to get Subject in an MBean call implementation?Dear everyone, our Enterprise application contains a number MBean interfaces which we would like to secure. The MBean interfaces are registered explicitly at the Platform MBean Server so that they are availabl...
Thread jboss-negotiation-toolkit test SecurityDomainTest does not work
jboss-negotiation-toolkit test SecurityDomainTest does not workHi, I need help finding out the solution to make the SecurityDomainTest and Secured test to work. Below is my configuration: Machines: AD ---------- Windows 2008 R2 : (domain : Users...
Updating user credentialsHello, I have an application runnin on Jboss 4.0.2 The users authenticate using a custom login module which reads user credentials stored in a database I added a functionality which lets user change their password. T...
Changing role of authentified usersI have an application where the users are identified via an Active Directory server. For that, I'm using three stacked LdapExtLoginModule (one for each company of the group I'm working for), and the user is correctly...
SecurityAssociation: dissapearsI'm working in large, international banking project in Switzerland. In an Eclipse RCP 3.4 client, some of the remote method calls fail with "Caller unauthorized". We're using ClientLoginModule and JAAS Logon. Everythi...
Problems with authentication on EJB2Hi, I'm trying to update an old EJB2-based application to be able to run on JBoss 5.1. Well, everything work except for that I keep getting java.lang.SecurityException: Authentication exception, principal=null on some...
Error when getting SubjectHi, I've a authenticated web application. When I log on it, I should get the authenticated subject usign this code: AccessControlContext acc = AccessController.getContext();
Subject subject = Subject.getSubject(acc)...
SSL and Non-SSL mixedприветствую, Все! имею один сервер JBoss 7 и два приложения, возможно ли включить SSL для 1го приложения и запускать 2ое приложение без использования SSL ? спасибо.
Thread Multiple passwords in the vault, how to reference them in standalone.xml?
Multiple passwords in the vault, how to reference them in standalone.xml?I need an example of putting two passwords into the vault and then referencing them in standalone.xml. I have referenced the keystore file and password via the vault in the ssl connector line in standalone.xml, and ha...
Thread Cache credentials not working for datasource security login modules
Cache credentials not working for datasource security login modulesWe secured datasources using custom login module. This login module is used to retrieve password. Problem is for each connection custom login module is called to retrieve the password . This is huge performace...
Thread SPNEGO Kerberos Authentication with mod_cluster proxy
SPNEGO Kerberos Authentication with mod_cluster proxyI am able to get SPNEGO to work with my setup. I've used jboss-negotiation-toolkit with success, I can access the secured section from my windows AD-authenticated PC without being prompted to login to the webapp. ...
Thread WebJASPIOptionalAuthenticator doesn't do actual authentication
WebJASPIOptionalAuthenticator doesn't do actual authenticationI "discovered" the valve WebJASPIOptionalAuthenticator in the JBoss AS (7.1.1, 7.1.3) source code. It doesn't seem to be documented anywhere, but judging from the code and from trying out it appears to do authenticati...