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Thread Problem with JBoss Negotiation 2.1
Problem with JBoss Negotiation 2.1My goal is simple. Just to get the windows user id from the browser on to the server. Tried successfully the Jboss Negotiation 2.0.3 SP2. Followed this link for the configuration. http://www.6footplu...
Thread Issue while implementing SPNEGO using Jboss Negotiation?
Issue while implementing SPNEGO using Jboss Negotiation?Hi, I am implementing "Integrated Windows Authentication" using SPNEGO in JBoss EAP 5.1.2 by referring Jboss Negotiation User Guide. I had completed all the tasks as mentioned in guide with basic SPNEGOLoginM...
Thread SPNGEO error: decryption key is of type NULL
SPNGEO error: decryption key is of type NULLHello! I am currently trying to connect a JBoss 7.1.1 server to a Kerberos server using the jboss-negotiation-toolkit. The general authentication seems to work, since I have two valid tickets after opening the...
A-Z guide on JBOSSThis is my blog about JBOSS.. I think this is a good blog. Because, when I was learning about JBOSS, I have to face lot of difficulties. So i thought to write this blog. This is a easy guide to learn JBOSS. Ther...
Thread Programmatic authentication with JBoss 7.1.1
Programmatic authentication with JBoss 7.1.1Dears, I've already created a discussion about this at AS7 forum, i've used a code like this but it doesn't work : SecurityContext securityContext = SecurityFactory.establishSecurityContext("java:/jaas/MyReal...
Thread Steps to Encrypt the Jboss admin-console password
Steps to Encrypt the Jboss admin-console passwordHi, I am new to jboss AS. I want to secure my jboss admin-cosole password. so that I planned to encrypt the password. we are using Jboss AS 6 version. if any one tell me the steps how to encrypt the password exist i...
Thread Setup login Module for multiple jboss with different base DN
Setup login Module for multiple jboss with different base DNFirst of all I am sorry if this is the wrong forum, if it is please direct me to the correct one. I have a need to allow an application using Jboss to authenticate with MS LDAP. There are TWO LDAP serve...
Using the UsersRolesLoginModuleI am trying to use the UsersRolesLoginModule and it does work fine when I do not use and hashing, but as soon as I use hashing to encrypt passwords, the authentication breaks Following is a snippet from the st...
Thread Sharing requested URL between nodes during logging in
Sharing requested URL between nodes during logging inHi, I have an issue with authorization in domain configuration (jboss AS 7.2.0 A1 master-build10299). Scenario is the next: * insuccessful authorization using 1st node; * kill 1st node; * successfull login ...
Login module which uses OS users ?Hi all! I'd like to know if there's any (free-commerical) login module which let authenticate JBoss AS applications using operating system users- Thanks a lot Mylos
Thread How to take Guvnor user roles from a directory server?
How to take Guvnor user roles from a directory server?Hello! I am trying to make work Drools Guvnor with my LDAP directory server as documentation indicates and I have not get the results as I expected, I will really appreciate your help in letting me know the sc...
PicketBox - DataBaseAttributeLocatorHi all, I've got an error using DatabaseAttributeLocator and I can't find a solution: I'm deploying under jboss-as-7.1 a web application (this should be my PDP). I have a simple main class which builds a XACML re...
LdapExtLoginModule and jaasSecurityDomainHello, Has anyone got an example of how to setup encryption on the bindCredential of the LdapExtLoginModule? After reading the wiki entries I'm a little fuzzy on the JaasSecurityDomain piece and where that gets defi...
Mapping ldap groups to jboss roles? where?hi, i am trying to use active directory together with jboss. I am getting authenticated via ldap fine, but it gives me a 403 since it says i do not have the correct role. I cannot figure out where the mapping from t...
How to configure Authorization ModulesHi gurus, I have a customer who want to know how to configure Authorization modules included in EAP6/AS7. A list of the modules is shown in [0], but I could not find any other informations. Any help/suggenstion...
How do I reference to a security-domainHello JBoss-Users, I'm new in this community and hop that this is the correct place to post this question. I want to use a database to perform user-authentication. I configured in web.xml : ...
Thread PicketBoxXACML: getSupportedIds never called
PicketBoxXACML: getSupportedIds never calledHi there, first and foremost, stumbled upon picket box xacml (using it primariliy for policy evaluation) and it seems to perfectly fit for my needs. However, there seems to be a slight problem with it:...
Picketbox-solder, Picketbox-drools 5.0.0-SNAPSHOT Maven Repository ?Where Picketbox-solder, Picketbox-drools 5.0.0-SNAPSHOT are located in the JBoss maven Repository ? Or which maven repository should I use to find these components ? Thanks in advance for your help and your s...
Configurations sample requestHi all! I am new to XACML, so please be patient with me, forgive my errors (giving me an hint for correcting my behavior ). It will be very helpful to have some clear links to how to configure a web container (in m...
Thread [JBoss7] Remote EJB3 calls from spawned thread
[JBoss7] Remote EJB3 calls from spawned threadI have simple remote ejb client that calls remote stateless beans. There is security enabled on the server. All is well for single threrad, authentication and authorization and remote call works: fina...