• Roles not updated after logout and login WildFly 9 + picketlink 2.7.0.FINAL

    I have some apps configured according to the picketlink quickstarts   My idp looks like this example: https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-picketlink-quickstarts/tree/master/picketlink-federation-saml-idp-b...
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    last modified by georgemayko
  • Authorization for URLs with Login Form

    Hi, I am developing a regular JSF application. The authentication is working fine with a login form. At the same time, I also want to secure the URLs with authorization. For example, an user may bookmark an admin UR...
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    last modified by kmranganathan
  • JWT validation

    Hey. I'm new in picketlink and I want to use JWT in my sample application. I found a nice example picketlink-angularjs-rest in the picketlink examples but I have not found how to validate Token (date, etc). The docume...
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    last modified by frq
  • Support for OSGi-based, Java application server

    Our application is hosted on OSGi-based, Java application server - Virgo. Virgo (software) -   Would like to know if picketlink SAML SSO is supported? if any not, any work around please   Thakns and Regard...
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    last modified by jeff.power
  • Get user id during failed Login

    Hi, Whenever an user login attempt fails, I would like to log the same along with the user id.   I am using PL basic IDM schema in a web app and am using events to log, such as: void onLoginFailed(@Observes Lo...
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    created by kmranganathan
  • pl federation, idp utilizing idm model

    Hello! I have multiple JSF applications which could not be packaged inside single ear. In my Wildfly "setup", I want to use picketlink federation, with one JPA based idp and at least two sp's.   I want to uti...
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    last modified by jukka.sirvio
  • Can't query Roles from database

    public List<SelectItem> getRolesList() {    List<SelectItem> items = new ArrayList<SelectItem>();    List<Role> roleList = identityManager.getQueryBuilder()    .cr...
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    created by d33pcode
  • How to use PicketLink with RedHat DS (389-ds server) with no entryUUID support?

    Currently truing to make my configuration work with Redhat DS(389-server ds) and seems like there is no support for RFC 4530 entryUUID. Is it so? At least from 389 I can't find such attribute. Is there some plugin fo...
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    last modified by dw0lf
  • How one can map many-to-many relationship with PicketLink(LDAP)

    How one can configure PicketLink (LDAP) to create some baisc many-to-many relationship? Assume: User 0<-->* Role 0<-->* Permission So User can have multiple Role and Role can have multiple permissions. ...
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    last modified by dw0lf
  • java.lang.RuntimeException: RESTEASY005000: Could find no Content-Disposition header within part

    Encountered below exception while uploading a file when picketlink jboss modules and "org.picketlink.identity.federation.bindings.tomcat.sp.ServiceProviderAuthenticator" valve is being configured in the application. A...
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    created by chethantm
  • Custom identity model inserts duplicate relationship identity type entity records

    I have implemented a custom identity model for my application based on the existing quickstart. I am using a JPA store with PostgreSQL 9.4 and Hibernate 4.2. I am able to create the necessary entities (Roles, Groups, ...
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    last modified by tbergelt
  • Identity.hasPermission ignores disabled Role and returns true

    Hello all, and sorry for my bad english.   I have an IDM model with the form "User -> Role -> Permission".   When I call identity.hasPermission it always returns true if an associated role has the pe...
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    created by soderguit
  • Web SSO and security constraints

    Hello,   We are trying to use Web SSO in our application. I followed the documentation at SAML Web Browser SSO on JBoss AS 7.0 | JBoss Developer and this works fine when there are no specific security constraint...
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    created by richard.groote
  • Where to put PicketLink XML configuration initialization code?

    Hi   As mentioned in PicketLink reference documentation, it's possible to configure its store by XML as:   String configFilePath = "config/embedded-file-config.xml"; ClassLoader tcl = Thread.currentThre...
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    last modified by moghaddam
  • PicketLink 2.7.0 in Jboss 7.2.0 Final

    I have set up PicketLink 2.7.0 as modules in Jboss 7.2.0 under org\picketlink\main. I am trying to set up an application as IDP. It is an ear package. I followed all the instructions given in the reference guides of P...
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    last modified by rajini1
  • PicketLink on jboss-4.2.3

    Hi -   Will PicketLink run on jboss-4.2.3? (apologies I am new to Picket Link and have an older version of JBOSS that I am working with)   I've searched the forums a bit and have found the following thread...
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    last modified by joel.cox
  • Relationship User - Role LDAP not working

    Hey guys,   I'm currently implementing a ldap integration for one of my systems. I've checked the quickstart guide which works quite fine. I can query users (logging in works, logout works as well) and I can que...
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    last modified by xardas008
  • What license is PicketLink released under?

    Hi   I'm looking at using PicketLink in one of my projects but have noticed there seems to be some inconsistency as to what license PicketLink is released under and this will affect whether I can use it in my pr...
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    created by paul.holding
  • InclusiveNamespaces PrefixList – proper way to set it up?

    [PicketLink 2.1.10.Final]   When creating SAML token, I need to set up some namespaces to be in "InclusiveNamespaces PrefixList". They should be preserved by canonisation. I do not know how to tell picketlink t...
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    last modified by majkelxx
  • Problem when programmatically do SSO

    Hello all,     What I am trying to do is logging into my web application by java code     I build my system base on idp.war and sale.war version 2.0.3 on JBoss eap 6.4. Then I made below changes ...
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    last modified by fskfskfsk