• JWT example for Picketlink 2.6.0

    Hi,   We  are interested in using picketlink-json package to implenent JWT. We have seen that the documentation is not ready. Is there any example out there showing how to use this package?   Does thi...
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    last modified by esteveavi
  • AllowedOperations on MappedSuperclasses and RequiresPermission on AbstractFacade

    Hi to all.   I'am followind the quickstart "authorization-acl" at https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-picketlink-quickstarts/tree/master/picketlink-authorization-acl .   It's simple and it's work. ...
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    last modified by assistenza.bss
  • Q: Office 365 via SAML/P

    Has anyone has had any success with wiring up Office 365 via SAML/P? Somewhat amusingly the Azure SP is telling me that the WS-Federation message is invalid, even though the SAML/P Response seems reasonable, though it...
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    last modified by adam_j_bradley
  • How to make an existing webapp SAML-enabled for Salesforce.com?

    Hi,   I would like to have pointers to where to look and where/how to start on what we are trying to achieve (below).  Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.   We have a web app (running on Jboss)...
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    last modified by iamtheboss9
  • Adding Users to Group and Querying a User's Group

    HI I'm using PL 2.5.4 (Jboss EAP 6) and have the following questions:   1. I add a user to a group, however when I immediately query the user, I'm unable to retrieve the Group the user is assigned to. The bean ...
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    last modified by kirenpillay1
  • Session Concurrency (One Session per user) in Picketlink

    Is there a simple way to set "One session per user" in picketlink? Eg.: I want user X to be logged out of any active sessions when logging in.
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    last modified by dvp333
  • make picketlink in wildfly9 run

    I can make picketlink in wildfly9 run proberbly if i use EAR contained libaray(In fact picketlink library is in the WEB-INF/lib directory of the WAR, which is shipped in a EAR), everything can be injected rightly. But...
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    last modified by wuhuaxu
  • @PicketLink annotated class is not used in identity.login()

    I'm trying to use an @PicketLinked class that extends the BaseAuthenticator. My set-up is an ear project on wildfly 9.0.2.Final. I'm using this in my jboss-deployment-structure.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="U...
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    created by gadeyne.bram
  • EJB3 local sso authentication

    Dear friends,   I need help! Please, I can't get an example about it. I have a rest service with an ejb injected. The SSO works to web, but when I call an ejb method, I can't propagate the authentication. I've...
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    created by inacio-silva
  • Duplicated database values with custom identy model

    I'm using a custom identity model based on this post: http://picketlink.org/gettingstarted/custom_idm_model/, but when i start the project and initialize the security system, the relationships are duplicated in the da...
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    last modified by arthurgregorio
  • Integration with JAAS

    Hi everyone,   I have applications running in Wildfly 8.2.0, and they're already counting on some "custom login modules" (extended from picketbox's core classes) for authentication and authorization. Since I'm n...
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    last modified by rodrigo.uchoa
  • username and credential in one entity (jpa mapped idm)

    Hi,   I built custom identity model based on picketlink-idm-custom-identity-model, which works fine. I have a User, PasswordCredential and TokenCredential entitity.   Now I have a requirement (not my idea...
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    created by f10
  • Picketlink IDM missing loginName attribute for a new user in AttributeTypeEntity

    Hello,   When I want to authenticate an User, Picketlink is using the user's LoginName to retrieve him first then check is password.   For retrieving an User Picketlink use this SQL request:   select...
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    last modified by dcdh1983
  • Quickstarts: Request denied after redirection to idp

    Hello, I deployed the idp and sp on two separate jboss instances. - Accessing http://abc:8080/idp works fine and lets me login as tomcat - When I go to http://abc:8180/sales-post, it redirects me to http://abc:8080...
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    last modified by nvashi
  • PicketLink Integration with MS Active Directory

    Hi all,   I am looking to integrate Picketlink(2.1.5.Final) running on JBoss EAP 6 with MS Active Directory to hook up Enterprise authentication ? Any pointers/links? Following URL seems to explain few bits of ...
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    last modified by shambhushikari
  • Sending signed requests to third party IDP

    Hello All,     I am having one SP and two Idp's (one local and other is third party Idp). I have enabled all the handlers as shown in the quickstart. I would like to enable "SupportsSignatures" to "true" an...
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    last modified by kshiva
  • Wildfly Single Sign On with CAS

    I've searched from one end of the web to the other looking for information on how to get Single Sign On to work with a Central Authentication Service in WildFly and I haven't had any luck. If anyone has any examples, ...
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    last modified by cookwareinc
  • Picketlink IDP + SAML v2 + Captcha, is possible?

    It can make this combination? If possible, how to do?   -- MhagnumDw
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  • picketlink documentation spelling mistake

    PicketLink Reference Documentation 8.1.2. Configuring an EntityManager  @Produces @PicketLink @PersistenceContext private EntityManager picketLinkEntityManager(unitName = "picketlink");     it sho...
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    created by wuhuaxu
  • @PicketLink does not work

    I'm using picketlink subsystem in wildfly 9. I can get  partitionmanager from the subsystem. I write a producer to produce the partitionmanager: @ApplicationScoped public class PicketLinkConfiguration {   @...
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    last modified by wuhuaxu