• Picketlink IDP + SAML v2 + Captcha, is possible?

    It can make this combination? If possible, how to do?   -- MhagnumDw
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  • picketlink documentation spelling mistake

    PicketLink Reference Documentation 8.1.2. Configuring an EntityManager  @Produces @PicketLink @PersistenceContext private EntityManager picketLinkEntityManager(unitName = "picketlink");     it sho...
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    created by wuhuaxu
  • @PicketLink does not work

    I'm using picketlink subsystem in wildfly 9. I can get  partitionmanager from the subsystem. I write a producer to produce the partitionmanager: @ApplicationScoped public class PicketLinkConfiguration {   @...
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    last modified by wuhuaxu
  • Roles not updated after logout and login WildFly 9 + picketlink 2.7.0.FINAL

    I have some apps configured according to the picketlink quickstarts   My idp looks like this example: https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-picketlink-quickstarts/tree/master/picketlink-federation-saml-idp-b...
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    last modified by georgemayko
  • Authorization for URLs with Login Form

    Hi, I am developing a regular JSF application. The authentication is working fine with a login form. At the same time, I also want to secure the URLs with authorization. For example, an user may bookmark an admin UR...
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    last modified by kmranganathan
  • JWT validation

    Hey. I'm new in picketlink and I want to use JWT in my sample application. I found a nice example picketlink-angularjs-rest in the picketlink examples but I have not found how to validate Token (date, etc). The docume...
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    last modified by frq
  • Support for OSGi-based, Java application server

    Our application is hosted on OSGi-based, Java application server - Virgo. Virgo (software) -   Would like to know if picketlink SAML SSO is supported? if any not, any work around please   Thakns and Regard...
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    last modified by jeff.power
  • Get user id during failed Login

    Hi, Whenever an user login attempt fails, I would like to log the same along with the user id.   I am using PL basic IDM schema in a web app and am using events to log, such as: void onLoginFailed(@Observes Lo...
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    created by kmranganathan
  • pl federation, idp utilizing idm model

    Hello! I have multiple JSF applications which could not be packaged inside single ear. In my Wildfly "setup", I want to use picketlink federation, with one JPA based idp and at least two sp's.   I want to uti...
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    last modified by jukka.sirvio
  • Can't query Roles from database

    public List<SelectItem> getRolesList() {    List<SelectItem> items = new ArrayList<SelectItem>();    List<Role> roleList = identityManager.getQueryBuilder()    .cr...
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    created by d33pcode
  • How to use PicketLink with RedHat DS (389-ds server) with no entryUUID support?

    Currently truing to make my configuration work with Redhat DS(389-server ds) and seems like there is no support for RFC 4530 entryUUID. Is it so? At least from 389 I can't find such attribute. Is there some plugin fo...
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    last modified by dw0lf
  • How one can map many-to-many relationship with PicketLink(LDAP)

    How one can configure PicketLink (LDAP) to create some baisc many-to-many relationship? Assume: User 0<-->* Role 0<-->* Permission So User can have multiple Role and Role can have multiple permissions. ...
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    last modified by dw0lf
  • Require X509 certificate from AuthNType

    Hi All,   I am working on a project where picketlink is being used as the SP, Microsoft ADFS is the IDP. Picketlink version 2.6, JBOSS EAP 6.4   We have a requirement that the SP should always request X509...
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    last modified by neossian
  • java.lang.RuntimeException: RESTEASY005000: Could find no Content-Disposition header within part

    Encountered below exception while uploading a file when picketlink jboss modules and "org.picketlink.identity.federation.bindings.tomcat.sp.ServiceProviderAuthenticator" valve is being configured in the application. A...
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    created by chethantm
  • Custom identity model inserts duplicate relationship identity type entity records

    I have implemented a custom identity model for my application based on the existing quickstart. I am using a JPA store with PostgreSQL 9.4 and Hibernate 4.2. I am able to create the necessary entities (Roles, Groups, ...
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    last modified by tbergelt
  • Identity.hasPermission ignores disabled Role and returns true

    Hello all, and sorry for my bad english.   I have an IDM model with the form "User -> Role -> Permission".   When I call identity.hasPermission it always returns true if an associated role has the pe...
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    created by soderguit
  • Web SSO and security constraints

    Hello,   We are trying to use Web SSO in our application. I followed the documentation at SAML Web Browser SSO on JBoss AS 7.0 | JBoss Developer and this works fine when there are no specific security constraint...
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    created by richard.groote
  • Where to put PicketLink XML configuration initialization code?

    Hi   As mentioned in PicketLink reference documentation, it's possible to configure its store by XML as:   String configFilePath = "config/embedded-file-config.xml"; ClassLoader tcl = Thread.currentThre...
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    last modified by moghaddam
  • PicketLink 2.7.0 in Jboss 7.2.0 Final

    I have set up PicketLink 2.7.0 as modules in Jboss 7.2.0 under org\picketlink\main. I am trying to set up an application as IDP. It is an ear package. I followed all the instructions given in the reference guides of P...
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    last modified by rajini1
  • PicketLink on jboss-4.2.3

    Hi -   Will PicketLink run on jboss-4.2.3? (apologies I am new to Picket Link and have an older version of JBOSS that I am working with)   I've searched the forums a bit and have found the following thread...
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    last modified by joel.cox