• Portlet Bridge Upgrade: All subsequent hits are a postback

    We are upgrading from portlet bridge 1.0.0.CR2 to 2.1.0.Final and are having a flummoxing problem.  Has anyone run into this and has a solution?  The view seems to stay alive much longer than it should. ...
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    last modified by njanken
  • Any one has working example of IPC without seam

    am looking for a working example of IPC without seam. I am using gatein portlet bridge jsf 1.2 RI richface.   any help would be highly appreciated. Thanks a bunch in advance.
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    last modified by adnanqureshi
  • UIPortletViewRoot cannot be cast to StateManagerImpl

    Hello and hope you fine Im using Portletbridge in my development portlet uses JSF 1.2 , faceletes , primefaces , portletbridge 2.1.0.CR1 and deploying it to Liferay portal 6.05 CE   it works fine but sometim...
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    last modified by paranormal
  • [Exception] TypeError: Object function Sarissa(){} has no method 'getParseErrorText'

    I'm experiencing something strange, this javascript error happens with any browser other than Firefox. The version of Richfaces is 3.3.2.SR1   This error happens inside the following javascript:   ...
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    last modified by xalperte
  • Becoming a Contributor Could Lead to "Good Things"

    So we are in need of people in the community helping out with the bridge project. If you already use the bridge, you know that there are *many* integration points and manual testing that must be done. Each user (you) ...
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    last modified by wesleyhales
  • Richfaces  tree and PortletBridge

    Hi dears   I'm using Rich tree component wich has a dynamic nodes, as soon as i collapss the tree's node, all event listeners are disabled and no one answers the events. i don't know where is the problem. even i...
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    last modified by mahdi24rajabi
  • Bridget Protlet and GWT????????

    Good day,                 I need to know, Are technologies Bridget Protlet and GWT compatible ? How would technologies couple? Do I need an ...
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    last modified by marcelodmartini
  • Richfaces and Portal

    Hi dears   I was studing about portlet bridge and faced with following phrase :   "Richfaces does not account for multiple components on the same portal page by default."   what does it mean by porta...
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    last modified by mahdi24rajabi
  • FacesMessage won't disappear

    Hello Everyone!   I'm trying to assemble a simple seam portletbridge application, and I ran a very annoying error. If I add a new FacesMessage to the UI, it won't disappear from the web page after refreshing it...
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    created by csdonat
  • FacesMessage(s) have been enqueued... but i have a <h:messages/>

    Hi all,   i have a stupid problem. I have a simple xhtml site within one <h:inputText required="true"/> On the same page i have a <h:messages>-Tag for displaying any errors. If i do a submit, the ...
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    last modified by jschaefer
  • Problem converting Seam + RichFaces App 2 PortletBridge.

    Hi, I have an application developed with Seam and RichFaces and I'm trying convert it to a portlet using JBoss PortletBridge. After the deployment of an application, I created a instance in JBoss Portal, but...
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    last modified by malnati
  • Can't view/open a PDF

    All,   Does the JBoss Portlet Bridge 2.0.0.Final support Seam's PDF generating capabilities?   Outside the JBoss EPP 4.3 environment, I am able to generate the pdf file. However, in the context of the port...
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    last modified by dardan
  • Issue with JSF in GateIn

    I'm new to GateIn... I've  successfully deployed a portlet in GateIn.... On editing the portlet,  I'm unbale to retrieve the form values as a random string preceeds the  form name. (something like _G7id...
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    last modified by nandhana03
  • Unable to get FacesContext

    I've written a class which extends GenericFacesPortlet.  I'm unable to get  FacesContext .  On giving FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(), itz returning null.   I'm using  portletbridge-api...
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    last modified by nandhana03
  • IPC sample portlet

    Apart from the seam booking portlet, Is there any other tutorial or demo portlet on IPC using JBoss PortletBridge 2.0.0 FINAL?
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    created by eve_fang
  • Problem using Portlet Bridge with JSF RichFaces

    Hi, I am trying to integrate JSF (RichFaces & Facelets) with GateIn (JBoss AS), the deployment of my application is well done, the problem occurs when trying to view pages (view, edit & help) and I got "java....
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    last modified by benothman
  • portlet bridge version for jboss

    What version of  jboss portlet bridge does jboss5.1 support? can it support portlet bridge 1.0?
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    created by eve_fang
  • Using debug.seam?

    Is it possible to use debug.seam as usual in GateIn application? I get it to run but without being refreshed.   Thanks Michael
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    created by michaelschuetz
  • Richfaces and Websphere Portal 6.1 Error

    Hi, I am trying use richfaces tree component in Websphere portal application which is running on WAS, I could run the same JSF example on WAS without any Errors, but when I add this into a portlet appl...
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    last modified by yashu.here
  • 3.0.0 Time estimate?

    I have a question when will the 3.0.0 Bridge will be production ready ?. Can you please give a time estimate?.   Thanks   M. Ali
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    created by mudi30