lifecycle: portalphase-listener execution: nullpointerHi Well, it's me again. The server starts without problems, i try to go to the gatein-portal site, that includes a portlet, that shows my web seam project inside, and become this error, don't know why ...
JSP PortleHi I´ve got JBoss 6.0.0.Final packaged with GateIn 3.2 from trunk. I have created a very simple Portlet web application with 3 jsp pages (FirstJspPortletProject_edit.jsp, FirstJspPortletProject_v...
Thread Action on one portlet refreshes other portlets
Action on one portlet refreshes other portletsI have created a page with multiple portlets on it. All of them work fine but any action(h:commandButton) on one portlet refreshes the complete page and hence other porlets are re-rendered. Although I can use AJAX bu...
Thread Syntax for linking to got to a different page
Syntax for linking to got to a different pageI am trying to figure out the syntax in a jsf/richfaces portlet using jboss portletbridge to have a link to take the user to the next page after setting some values as part of an action or a listener. The exam...
Thread Two components with the same name and precedence
Two components with the same name and precedenceHello i have a problem with two components with the same name and precedence. Because i am new to this, i don't know how to solve this. ----- 14:39:10,265 INFO [TomcatDeployment] deploy, ...
Thread Setting to prevent URL encoding of JSF resources
Setting to prevent URL encoding of JSF resourcesI am trying to find a setting that can go in web.xml or faces-config.xml or portlet.xml to prevent the portal from url encoding resources like images, stylesheets and javascript files. On a pure webapp, I see a javas...
Thread Not sure if info/warning or error: Bridge Strategy
Not sure if info/warning or error: Bridge StrategyHello i created a portlet by this guide. The console says me the following INFO ----- 08:1...
Thread Portletbridge not usable on a per portlet base
Portletbridge not usable on a per portlet baseHi, today I updated our portlets from PortletBridge 1.0 to 2.2.0-FINAL. In the past we were used to bundle the PortletBridge into each WAR-Archive (so we release the portlets with their corresponding p...
Thread Has anyone experience with Liferay 6 + Jboss 5 + JSF + Richfaces?
Has anyone experience with Liferay 6 + Jboss 5 + JSF + Richfaces?Hello, I´m trying to migrate my working Portlet from Liferay 5.2.3 + Jboss 4.2.3 + JSF 1.2 + Richfaces 3 to Liferay 6.0.6 and Jboss 5.1.0. Does anyone know what Portletbridge i have to use and w...
Thread Portlet Bridge for Liferay 6 with Jboss 5.1
Portlet Bridge for Liferay 6 with Jboss 5.1Hi, I am using following for my application: Liferay 6.0 JBoss 5.1 Richfaces 3.2 But when I try to deploy any portlet in liferay with above combination, the deployment fails. I suspect the use of incorrect...
Thread Which Lifecycle implementation should the portlet be using?
Which Lifecycle implementation should the portlet be using?Hi, I'm trying out Richfaces 3.3.3.FINAL in WebSphere Portal 6.1.5 running in WebSphere Application Server, using the 2.0.0.FINAL JBoss portlet bridge. The "echo" portlet demo appears to work correctly, howe...
PB3 docs and configurationHello, 1) Under doesn't exist the docs for the portlet bridge 3. Where can i find docs for PB3? 2) I've tried the PB3 with JBoss 5.1.1 (JSF2 jars added to the p...
Thread archetype does not work
archetype does not workthe command mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeCatalog= as suggested in the docs does not work. Thrown Exception: C:\temp\rf>mvn archetype:gene...
PB3 Beta 1 + Richfaces 4 + Liferay 6I was able to create a simple portlet with this: Liferay 6.0.4 RichFaces 4.0.0 JBoss PortletBridge 3.0.0 Beta 1 All deployed in Glassfish v2.2 and also tested in GlassFish v3 I can install an...
Thread Problems with Liferay, JBoss, JSF 1.2 and Portlet Bridge 2
Problems with Liferay, JBoss, JSF 1.2 and Portlet Bridge 2Hello, we are using Liferay 5.2.3/JBoss 5, JSF 1.2/Richfaces 3.3.3 and the Portletbridge 1.0 in our projects and everythinks works fine so far. To get better Portlet 2.0 support we updated the portletbridge to...
Thread jsf - reinit a session bean - managed bean lifecycle problem
jsf - reinit a session bean - managed bean lifecycle problemHi, I've a (serious) problem developing jsf portlet with: -jsf 1.2 portlet -gatein 3.1 -richfaces 3.3.3 -portlet bridge 2.1 final This is my scenario: -an xhtml page with a session backing bean ...