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Thread response.sendRedirect issue with Wildfly 10.0.1
response.sendRedirect issue with Wildfly 10.0.1Currently I am facing the issue with Wildfly 10.1.0 Same web application working perfectly on Wildfly8.1.0 where as it is not working on Wildfly 10.1.0 when the servlet redirects to jsp by response.sendRedirect("xxxxx...
Permgen space issueHi, I am unable to open one of the component in my application because of permgen space issue. I changed values in standalone.conf but still it is not helpful. Any suggestions please.
portlet-bridge for SeamHi, We are evaluating portlets and we have a web-app with seam and its running under Tomcat7. Now question is Can we integrate seam with GateIn portlet container using tomcat? Thanks for the clarification. I read ...
Reset View IdHi, My problem is the following: we are using GateIn 3.5, Portlet Bridge 3.2 and JSF 2 Portlets. One of these portlets has 5 five steps, when you initially call the portlet via the GateIn navigation (i...
Thread Uncaught ReferenceError: RichFaces is not defined
Uncaught ReferenceError: RichFaces is not definedWorking with richfaces 4.x and i try to migrate a project from seam to JEE6 , i have that error when i inspect: Uncaught ReferenceError: RichFaces is not defined accueil.jsf:150 onclick that is...
PortletBridge 3.3.1 and IE8Hello, I'm trying to make an upgrade of our RichFaces version and therefore PortletBridge version. I'm moving from RichFaces 4.2.3.Final, JSF 2.1.8 and PortletBridge 3.1.3.Final to RichFaces 4.2.6.Fina...
standalone portletbridge applicationI've a simple jsf webapp working in a servlet context. I would apply portletbridge so that I can run it in the servlet context and in the portlet context in the same time. Adding a simple portlet.xml and the portletbr...
Arquillian Warp for JSF Portlet testingWith the latest release of the Arquillian Portal Extension, 1.1.0.Alpha1, we can now use Arquillian Warp to test the server side behavior of our JSF portlets! I'm very excited by this as it has been something I've wan...
Thread PortletBridge 2.3.1: memory leak on file upload using richfaces 3.x
PortletBridge 2.3.1: memory leak on file upload using richfaces 3.xMy application is working on JBoss portal 2.7, and I have to restart it every 3 weeks because out of memory error. I got memory dump, opened it in Eclipse Memory Analyzer and found many instances of org.ajax4jsf.requ...
Portlet Bridge 3.3.1.Final releasedWe're pleased to announce that 3.3.1.Final of Portlet Bridge was released just before the holidays. In all the holiday madness I forgot to make the release announcement! Some highlights from the release: Reso...
Thread How can I deliver javascript and html via embedded URL's?
How can I deliver javascript and html via embedded URL's?I am trying to send some javascript and html to the browser. In order to do so, I have code that embeds the following headers in the page: <script charset="utf-8" src="/lucidityodf-portlet/js/webodf.js" type...
Portlet Bridge 3.3.0.Final releasedWe're pleased to announce that 3.3.0.Final of Portlet Bridge is now available! As there were no issues to be resolved for 3.3.0.Final, this is essentially a respin of 3.3.0.CR1 with an updated version number. ...
Portlet Bridge 3.3.0.CR1 releasedWe're pleased to announce that 3.3.0.CR1 of Portlet Bridge is now available! Release Highlights Upgrade to RichFaces 4.3.4.Final for example portlets. Modify how we remove double encoded ampersand in script ur...
Portlet Bridge 3.3.0.Beta2 releasedWe're pleased to announce that 3.3.0.Beta2 of Portlet Bridge is now available! Release Highlights Fix Client Window Id handling to enabled JSF 2.2 Flows to work Fix generation of partial response that updates ...
Thread InfoBar MODE links does not work in EDIT mode after action.
InfoBar MODE links does not work in EDIT mode after action.Hello, in my portlet I have EDIT mode page and when I save preferences by my save button, value is stored but it is not possible to redirect to another mode. No exception is thrown! But this works! ...