• InterPortlet Communication

    Does anybody know why Portal server doesn't start after deployment helloworldipcportlet.sar? The HelloWorldIPC example works after hot deployment, but when you shutdown server, a portal server doesn't start.
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    last modified by datex
  • Image gallery portlet

    This question is regarding the image gallery portlet. Is there a way to get this portlet to work with portal version 2.4 GA? When I try to load the portlet in this portal I get the follwing error: 15:33:53,031 INFO...
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    last modified by zerrt
  • portalise struts application

    Hi freinds, Can any one help me regarding how to portalise existing struts application.
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    last modified by phani
  • Struts for Portal 2.4 ?

    Are there any portal examples of using Struts for Portal 2.4? I through there was one on the Portlet Swap before it was recently updated. Any insight would be greatly appreciated
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    created by 733nb
  • JBoss wiki for Portal 2.4?

    When will this be available? Thanks, ==Leonard
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    created by sitongia
  • JBOSS Forum Portlet and 2.4 availability

    Are there any plans with dates to modify the forum source code to work with JBP2.4? It looks as though it is a fairly good-sized change, since the User classes are changed and moved to accomodate the new personalizat...
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    last modified by rutfield
  • How can I download the portlets listed in the Download Count

    I go to the page http://labs.jboss.com/portal/portletswap/downloads/portlets. Ther are files listed in the Download Counter. Where can I download them? I have logged in to the site. Thanks
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    last modified by gfzhang
  • Cannot delete or over write portlet

    Hi I have created a simple portlet for test purposes. When I have upgraded the portlet to be more useful, I am unable to load it properly. When ever I go to view it, I see the old portlet. I have tried deleting the Po...
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    created by bartley_tony
  • Permissions Problem - JBoss Portal Forums for JBoss Portal 2

    Hi, I have successfully installed Forums for JBoss Portal 2.2+ I have created a role in my portal - 'myrole'. I want all the users having the above role, 'Add' permissions to the forums. So I edited the file: jboss-p...
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    last modified by dayal_78
  • How to change the feed URL in jboss_newsportlet

    Hi I download the jboss_newsportlet and I wanted to know where exactly the URL for the news is set so I can change it ti my url. Can you please help me set it thnkas
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    last modified by adik
  • Maven 2 portlet building

    Hi! I tried to refactor a couple of portlets to have them built with a MAVEN 2 process. however, I found no jboss-portal artifact in the usual MAVEN 2 repositories. Does such a repository exists? If no, is there som...
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    created by tbarnier
  • Seeking jobs board portlet

    I am looking for a portlet (with code) which behaves similar to a jobs board: People need to be able to post opportunities, while others want to apply. Are there any out there? I apologize if this is the wrong place...
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    created by rutfield
  • Problem building the image gallery portlet

    When I try to build the image gallery portlet from portletswap I get an error running the build.bat file as follows: build.bat: *ERROR* The target executable does not exist: build.bat: build.bat: C:\jboss\imagegaller...
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    last modified by zerrt
  • Image Gallery Portlet

    Hi I was reading this document before I ran the Portal from binaries. I would like to clarify that this is not a question related to the use of the JBoss Portal as such. Rather I want to be able to understand where th...
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    created by ilangocal
  • More portlets

    where I can find more example of portles? (with source code and without source code)? Thanks
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    created by masternet
  • Has CarDemo portlet source code?

    I'm investigating(learning) cardemo portlet and it does not have source code ? Thansk
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    last modified by masternet
  • helloworld portlet missing

    Hi, I have a newbie question. From reading the user and reference guide there is/was a helloworld portlet that could be downloaded. I've looked around in the jboss site and then in portletswap but can't find it. Ple...
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    last modified by lixom
  • HelloWorld problem

    Hi, I have downloaded ant tried to deploy the HelloPortal from the following link: http://labs.jboss.com/portal/index.html?ctrl:id=page.default.downloads&project=portletswap&category=.portlets.samples I use ...
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    last modified by svaret
  • RSSPortlet Exception!

    I have installed JBoss Portal 2.2.0/JBoss 4.0.3SP1 and have attempted to deploy the community-sanctioned RSS Portlet. Here is the exception trace immediately after deployment: 16:27:24,750 INFO [STDOUT] javax.xml.tra...
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    last modified by rodenbaugh
  • Where is the complaint department??

    I recently submited a theme via the portlet swap upload page. First of all, the upload did not work for me in either internet explorer or firefox. My complaint is that if you want community involvement in developing ...
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    created by svan9420