• Where is the CustomWorkItemHandler.conf file

    Hi , I am using BPMS SUITE 6.1.0 GA. As per RedHat BPMS User guide 4.14. Domain-specific Tasks Custom WorkItem Handler should register in the following file DEPLOY_DIRECTORY/business-central.war/WEB-INF/classes/MET...
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    last modified by biswajit.sarkar
  • Jbpm Capability

    Hi ,   I am trying to create a very complex process using Jboss BPMS 6.1.0 . In my process there will multiple database operation . Also there will be very very complex webservice call ,which request and respo...
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    created by biswajit.sarkar
  • BPM Suite and LDAP connection

    I'm testing several BPM tools for my company and one requirement is the LDAP connection to retrieve users. This is a key point for making a decision, even business process modeling tools must be secured and provide a ...
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    last modified by johanf1
  • Using kie-wb, I am getting a build failure - cannot find kbase.

    I am using kie-wb and kie-server 6.2.0.Final on Wildfly 8.1.0.Final.   I create an org unit, repository, project.   I register a Kie Server.   Then, I try to Build & Deploy the project, and I get...
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    last modified by fnorman
  • Create User in JBPM 6.1

    Hi,   I am using JBPM 6.1. To login to jbpm-console I'm using user "krisv", "admin".   I am try to create a new "User" in JBPM. But I don't find any solution. Anyone please tell me how can create a new u...
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    last modified by biswajit.sarkar
  • JBPM Per Process configuration

    Hi I am trying to configure runtime manager in Per Process mode. I found no information persisted in the CONTEXTMAPPINGINFO table. Should I force persistence by myself trough JPAMapper or I did not configured my run...
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    last modified by isakovarseniy
  • Service Task in SubProcess

    I am using Jboss BPMS 6.0.3GA.   Today while I try to add a "Service Task" inside a "Embedded SubProcess" in Business Central, I am getting "No Interfaces found" is it possible to add a "Service Task" inside ...
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    last modified by biswajit.sarkar
  • Service Task Error

    Hi, I am using jbpm.6.1.0.Final in our Dev environment. I am trying to create a simple process where i have added a "Service Task" to call a java method(which I add as a dependency jar of my project). following is...
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    last modified by biswajit.sarkar
  • Rest Task Error

    I am using Jboss BPMS 6.0.3.GA.   I am trying to create a process where I added a Rest Task to call Jboss BPMS own REST Api. here is my rest uri ... http://localhost:8080/business-central/rest/history/process...
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    last modified by biswajit.sarkar
  • JBPM Process Deployment guide

    I have created a JBPM Project(maven) in Eclipse. I have a 2 custom workitems and a process in my project. Now I want to deploy this project(jar) in Business Central. I know i can deploy this process by committing i...
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    last modified by biswajit.sarkar
  • EJB call from JBPM

    I am new to JBPM. Currently I am using jbpm version 6.1. I have a EJB project deployed in jboss server. I am trying to access that EJB from my JBPM process.   I can access that from a custom workItem handler ...
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    last modified by biswajit.sarkar
  • Having rule Execution issue in singleton Runtime manager scenario.

    Hi,   i have a scenario like.. have created runtime Manager by using singleton strategies. and the runtime Environment contains 2 BPMN file in that one BPMN file contains BS rule task(called process-1)and anothe...
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    last modified by narsi.chowdary
  • add the new process file dynamically into runtime Manager

    hi,   by using spring configuration we have created the runtime Environment and runtime Manager factories. by using my application we can able to create the dynamic BPMN file stored into particular place. after ...
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    last modified by narsi.chowdary
  • JBPM Dashboard Issue

    I am using JBPM 6.1. Yesterday I deployed the "dashboard builder". After Deployed the Dashboard , the "Task and Process Dashboard" look like following.. which seems ok to me. But today when I start the server toda...
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    last modified by biswajit.sarkar
  • Oracle Driver jar for Process

    I am using JBPM 6.1. I have created  a process with a customworkitem for Oracle DB insertion.   As oracle not provide "odbc6.jar" in maven repository so I try to upload that jar from "Artifact Repository" ...
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    last modified by biswajit.sarkar
  • JBPM JMS Integartion

    I am using JBPM 6.1. I am sharing my requirement. As per my requirement using JBPM REST API i have to initiate a process and  after initiation my process will consume messages from a queue and process those mess...
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    last modified by biswajit.sarkar
  • Register CustomWorkItem in kmodule.xml

    I am using jbpm 6.1. I created a CustomWorkItemHandler for my process. But before deploy the process in jbpm I have to register that CustomWorkItemHandler.   I know in jbpm 6.1 I can register my CustomWorkItem...
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    last modified by biswajit.sarkar
  • jBPM unmarshallingexception (Web Service Task)

    I am new to jBPM. I am using jBPM6. I trying to invoke a web service from jBPM process using Web Service Task. My web service accept a object(Person) as input and return also a object(Person) as output. from my jBP...
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    last modified by biswajit.sarkar
  • JBPM web service task issue(CXF dynamic client)

    I try to create a process in my jbpm 6.1 and that process have a "Web Service Task".   In my web service wsdl the targetnamespace is like this "java:abc.test.apilink.logic.sessions.interfaces". after configure ...
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    last modified by biswajit.sarkar
  • creating the dynamic bpmn file

    Hi All,   as part of my requirement i need to create bpmn file based on user process steps by dynamically by using java classes. i found RuleFlowProcessFactory API classes in goog, by using that i an able to cre...
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    last modified by narsi.chowdary